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300!! THIS. IS. KH!!!!

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So yea I hit the big 300!! I'm awesome w00t w00t. Now for some 300 quotes =D:


"Spartan, come home with your shield, or on it"


"Tonight, we dine in hell!!"


"May you live forever"


""It was an honor to fight by your side."

"Aye, and an honor to die by yours""


"Madness? No. THIS. IS. SPARTA!!!"


"290 left, one looked back"

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Ummmm.... -looks sheepishly around- I'm still in the little numbers..... and I've joined for longer! I need to post more...


Anyway, congrats on the big three-double-oh. :)


My brother quotes that, "Madness? No. This. Is. SPARTA!!!" then he proceeds with a 'kick' to the air... I still have to watch the darned movie to see what he's talking about...

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Eh..sorry for anyone that saw what I said.. -Didn't mean it-


I'm going through some stuff right now.. so excuse the attitude if I have any. Actually, I'll log og.

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iend' pid='62920' dateline='1260270581']

YAY you have 300




It is U WHO SHOULD GET 6.666

LEAVE HIM ALONE D: he's awesome right now.

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What do you mean????? -cocks head to side-


Nothing, I said something kinda mean and sarcastic so I edited it and fixed it.. I only said it because something happened and I was in a reallllllyyyy bad mood. Can a mod delete the two posts of mine in here? o.o

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