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Down the Rabbit Hole 1x1 (with echo)

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The jabberwocky swooped in fast going right for the hatter.


She closed her eyes and relaxed prepared to die, and for some reason she was glad, there was no more fun here anymore the fun left it Alex.


Ace looked confused but held Ayano firm.


Masato yelled but was unable to move now being surrounded by guards.


Usagi knew the twins wouldn't be able to help and jumped into her hole heading toward the human world.

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Alex swalked out of the cort yard an down the road and looked at the park.

"thats...where it all happend....but now...therws nothing...."

He looks where the hole use to be.




Akane watched with a big smile on her face.


Dees eyes widend.

"Dum we have to hurry!"

He runs faster.

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The jabberwocky clucthed the hatter in it's claws and flew off.


Ayano screamed and struggled against the giant creature shooting eratically.


Dum, " That was Ayano just now!"


Usagi climbed out fo the hole and saw Alex looking at her. " Alex! You gotta help us! Ayano..." Usagi panted trying to get the words out.

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Alex looked at her.


He rubed his eyes thinking he was really dreaming this time but he wasent. He rins over to her.

"what about her?"




Dees eyes widend.

"no.....were.....to late......"

Dee looks sad.

"we cant be though.....we just cant be...."

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" She was taken by the Jabberwocky!!!" Usagi yelled resting her hands on her knees breathing heavily. She wasn't used to rushing from world to world like that. " Masato tried to help but...." She was thankful for the bird that had told her the news of what had happened before she left or she might never be able to convince Alex to help.




Dum's grip on his brother went slack and he stood silently as the jabberwocky flew away from the ever ferious hatter.


Ayano shot desperatly at the Jabberwocky's feet but to no success. " Dammit let me go!!" She screamed even now trying to hide her growing fear. She wanted the rest of them to brave.


Masato growled and started fighting the cards with his sword. He overpowered them easily enough but there were so many ofthem in was hard to dodged all the attacks.

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Alex's eyes widend.


He said a little nervously. He looked over at the hole.

"im...thie only one that can kill it.......arnt i....?"

He looked at her.




Dee stood next to his brother.


Akane watches Masato try and fight all of them off. She sent more cards at him.

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Usagi nodded tears streaming from her eyes now. " I can't wait here any longer either come with me or I have to try to save Ayano." She said stepping back towards her Hole.




Dum's eyes filled with rage. " You hurt Ayano and I'll kill you!" He screamed shooting at Akane, but he was shaking so hard he only grazed her shoulder.


Ace reacted instantly by knocking Dum's gun away from him. " You want to be next kid?"


The hatter yelped as the Jabberwocky's grip tightened on her. She started wondering where it was going. It didn't usually behave like this. Ayano growled in frustration pushing against the giant claws around her waist.


Masato fought the new unslaught of cards. He had small cuts where he hadn't been able to block the countless amount of attacks. He let out a sigh and his eyes turned red like a rabbit's

. " I don't have time for this." He said in a low dark voice clearing a path and running in the direction the Jabberwocky had flown off to.

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He looked at her and then felt himself start to run. Alex ran past her and jumped into the hole and stated to fall once more.

"what...am i doing....?"

He thought to himself.

"why didi i just jump...withough thinking....."




Akane held her sholder and had no expretion in her face as she looked at Dum.


Dee glared at ace.

"dont touch my brother!!!!"

He points his gun at him.

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Usagi followed Alex down the hole, she drank the potion and tossed it to Alex running toward the cabinet searching for clothes as she shrank.




The jabberwocky flew past the forest and a clearing appeared next to a cliff, there was a cave at the base of the cliff but before Ayano could wonder what it was the jabberwocky dropped her and she landed hard on the ground rolling into the cave. " Ow...." She whimpered after rolling to a stop deep inside the cave. She remained still not that she wanted to, but she wasn't sure if she could move. Ayano listened to the flapping of wings as the jabberwocky landed infront of the cave relaxing infront of it as if it were waiting for something.


Ace looks over at his queen. " Shall i take care of the garbage for you?" He asked his sword already pressing against Dum's back.


Dum winced and spat at the queen. " You will never rule this place you hag!"


Masato ran into the forest slowly falling behind the jabberwocky. He ran harder to keep it in his sights.

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Alex cought the bottle and drank some and started to shrink like befor.




Boris sat on a tree and watched it fly by with Ayano.

"this cant be good...."


Akane noded.

"yes....OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!"


"no you leave my brother alone!!!"

He shoots his gun at ace.

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Usagi throws clothes at Alkex and changes into her own. " Come on move!"


Ayano scrammbled behind a rock trying to catch her breath. Her ears were ringing from the sudden drop in height, her whole body ached from the impact." This.... is definatly not good...."


Ace looked at his hand a bullet hole through his palm. "I see how it is...." Turns dum around to face his brother holding his sword firmly against Dum's neck causing a small amount of blood to stream down his neck.


Dum whimpered and dropped his gun.


Masato reached the clearing to find the jabberwocky laying across the opening to a cave.

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Alex out on the clothes as fast as he could as she ran over to the door and opend it. He ran out and then looked around.

'where is everyone?"

He takes off running trying to find someone.


Dee froze up and looked at Ace and his brother.



Akane had a smile on her face and then it vanished as she looked around a little.

"no.....this cant be....."

She could tell something was off again.

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Usagi sighed and pulled Alex in the opposite direction he was running. " This way we need to get you a weapon before yougo running off, jeez has Masato taught you anything?"


Ace smirked, " Then we have an understanding." He stabbed his sword into the ground and bound Dum's hands behind his back. " Sorry kiddo can't have you pulling anything on me."


Dum stood frozen and his face was pale, he just stared at Dee in complete shock. Why wasn't Dee attacking this guy! What an idiot....


Masato remained hidden behind a large tree trying to form a plan. " That women just had to lose her temper...." He mummbled looking around the forest for something to help him get the hatter out.

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Alex feelt her pull him in the other direction. He could feels himself geting nervous. He didnt want to fight this thing but knew he had to.


Dee held his gun to his side but couldent move. He did t want to ge his brother killed.


Akane looked very angrey

"this cant be why is he back!!!!!!"

She yelled amd walked back into the castle amd told some cards to go fine he boy. The solders took off running out of the castle to look for alex.

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Usagi looked around the stash of weapons. " So which one did he teach you how to use?' She asked looking at him, her sensative ears twitched. " Hurry i hear soldiers."


Ace looked at Akane. " What are you talking about?"




Ace growled, " shutup." Shooting at Dum's feet.


The hatter groaned a little lifting her shirt to see claw shaped bruises around her waist. She suddenly had an idea and straightened her hat. She stepped out from the rock and shot at the beast blocking the door. " Move you big oaf!!"

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Alex looked at the wepons.

"he tought me how to use a sward"

He said looking for one.


Akane's face has a slight red to it as she was angrey.

"the Humans back!"

She yelled at Ace.


Dee suddenly felt that there was hope again.

"humans back~"

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Ayano shoots at it again, " come on move already!" The jabberwocky doesn't budge and the hatter winces from the pain in her sides. " STOP PLAYING AROUND"


Usagi picks up a sword, " how about this one?"


Ace," i told you to shutup!" he shoots dum in the leg causing him to fall to his knees in pain.


dum, " human please he starts crying.

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Alex looked over at Usagi and nods.

"yea that will work"

He said softly taking it from her.

"lets go find everyone now"


Akane's hands turn into fists and she yelled at card soulders to go find Alex.



Dee yelled running over to him and kneeld down by him. He glared up at ace.

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Ace aims his gun at dee but something inside of him still tells him that all of this is wrong.


usagi hears a roar not too far away come on this way! she starts sprinting towards the sound.


Masato watches from the cover of the forest, " what is it doing?"


Ayano runs out of bullets and throws her gun down, " shut up and move you stupid giant lizard!!!"

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