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The New Hetalia

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China grabs a crab cake. China sits down and looks innocent. "So, what are we talking about germany, japan, and israel. I need to be on this conversation between

you countrys. If there is anything i can do, just say so. ill take the first side that says my name if we are fighting over something". China looks around. "Soo, uhmmm'?

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Germany slapped Japan in the back of the head. "Ok, I know you guys don't like me, but ve need to fix our problems here. Vhat if ve have a Vorld Var 3? The vole point of a Vorld Meeting is to prevent that. Do you understand?"

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Japan keeps looking at China. all she can say smell the sweet sent of red velvet cake. "whats soo important about world war 3"? wait there was only 2 world wars right? Japan was as confused as ever she couldn't stop smelling the sweet sent of cake that China has

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How does the jury fell about the world ending in 2012. "Uhmm...MA'AM, why are we trying to fix are problems now when we should come togetther now, stop arguing, and prepare for 2012 and other futre events. I know im out of my line and all, but ifel very strongly about this problem. Any ideads"?

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"I'm saying that ve need to fork out any problems here so ve don't cause ANOTHER VORLD VAR!" Was Germany the only one getting the point of this? "CHINA GET THAT DAMN CAKE OUT OF HERE!"

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" I feel like that right there will cause 'Var Vorld 3'. NO FREEDOM. I am going to stand up for japan. Keep that damn cake in here. I know wee had problems, but no opinion will cause 'VAR VORLD 3'. So japan, eat that cake"!!

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*snickered* She say Vorld Var 3.


she looked at China "she has an accent" DEAL WITH IT CHINESE BOY!!!!" she looked away "sooo umm there is a world war 3 coming"? she said to Germany and smiled

while looking through the window. "...And dont you think its time for Greece to come on already? He's been sleeping for 2 hours!"

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"No, but I'm saying that this meeting is supposed to prevent that." Germany looked around the room. "Do you understand fellow countries? Oh, and ve von't know if there vill be a Vorld Var 3 until someone says they have a problem."

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"NOO NOO KEEP THE CAKE HERE PLEASE!! IM JUST AS HUNGRY AS GREECE WAS" shes looks at China "C-CAN I HAVE A PIECE?..KUIDASAI?(PLEASE)"she begged for China to giver her some of his red velvet cake

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"German... Proceed"

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Japan hides under the table and read a Spanish Dictonary "hmmmmm hola como te llama....hello what is your name"? Japan heard foot steps and was worried that if Germany spot her

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Germany sighed. "Japan... the meeting is over. Vould you like some lunch?" Effie saw the Spanish dictionary. "Vhy are you learning Spanish? You live far away from places that speak Spanish."

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Hits my self with the table "ohh umm ouch sorry. i..i just found Spanish as a more curious language, they have tacos and tamales. All unique foods are waiting for us!!!!" Japan drools and looks at Germany with her innocent look..." hehe yes i'm hungry come one let's go get something to eat" she smiles and walked with Germany

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David came in late and sat down away from the others. They generally didn't have anything good to say to him, so he mostly just kept his mouth shut, but kept his ears open. One had to remain vigilante.

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"Hey Israel, you believe I'm not a Nazi right? I mean, last time I checked, our countries were good, ja? (yes) Oh, and please remember to come earlier for next veek's meeting. You missed it. Vould you like to eat lunch with Japan and I?"

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Greece finally woke up out of a dead sleep. "Is the meeting over?" He asked though he didn't hear any response. He heard some people talking, mostly Germany (who never shuts up). "Oh good Lord is the meeting still going on? I really just want to sleep." He fell right in front of the doors and curled up into a ball and returned to his deep sleep. Greece started to snore loudly as he drifted farther and farther into his sleep.

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David smiled thinly.

"Trust me." he said in a low tone. "If I thought you were still Nazi, we wouldn't be having this peaceful conversation."

He stood up.

"I'm good with have some lunch with you and Japan. Just so long as it's kosher."

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Germany laughed. "I hope Mexican comes in kosher. We can get something else if you want." Germany smiled and opened the door for her friends, but accidentally hit Greece. She sighed. "Greece, please move. The meeting ended. And I'm sorry I was being mean earlier. I just wanted the meeting to be over with."

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Greece rolled over and had a huge bump on his head and his eyes were closed. "Ow..." He said silently. Greece got up and rubbed his bruised forehead and saw 5 Germanys, 5 Japans, and 5 Israels dancing around each other in a blurry sort of way. "Stop dancing I didn't open the wine yet..." He fell to the floor as the room around him spun in a furious passion. He started to groan miserably as his eyes became swirls.

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"Umm.....guys let's just go." The trio walked around Greece and went to go look for a Mexican restaurant in New York City. (That's where the UN is so....yeah.) After a few minutes of walking around, the group found a place next to Times Square. "I've never had Mexican before. Vhat should I get guys?"

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Israel followed Germany.

"I understand the tacos are good." he commented.

A waiter swept by and left some salsa and chips. Israel took a chip and dipped it in the salsa. He ate it and nodded.

"The dip is pretty good."

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