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What is your favourite Final Fantasy game?


187 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy game?

    • Final Fantasy
    • Final Fantasy II
    • Final Fantasy III
    • Final Fantasy IV
    • Final Fantasy V
    • Final Fantasy VI
    • Final Fantasy VII
    • Final Fantasy VIII
    • Final Fantasy IX
    • Final Fantasy X
    • Final Fantasy XI: Online
    • Final Fantasy XII
    • Final Fantasy XIII
    • Final Fantasy XIV: Online
    • Final Fantasy X-2
    • Final Fantasy XIII-2
    • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
    • A Final Fantasy game not listed here.
    • They're such great games so I can't decide on one.
    • I've never played a Final Fantasy game.

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Due to the fact that I don't own a playstation or psp, I have never played a Final Fantasy game.However,me and my sister have seen the movie Advent Children and we both loved it.In fact I made her a Final Fantasy charm bracelet for her birthday.

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Never played a Final Fantasy game before, 'cept for a few seconds of XIII with me bro's copy. I am looking into getting Final Fantasy IV for DS, though the claims of its difficulty don't sound too appealing, and Dissidia 012, Final Fantasy VII, and Crisis Core sound interesting.


FF4 was so good on the DS, it was the first FF game I beat and is very very good you should definitely give it a go, don't let the difficulty level intimidate you! D: It's similar to 358/2 Days where you are like, "really this is a DS game? It looks so good http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png" ..... I did later get the Complete Collection on the PSP.

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why not have a multipel option were you can have more then one option but then again you do have the i can't decside on one option, anyway i have to say it would have to be Crisis Core mainly becuse its the only Final Fantasy game i finished and i loved the story but i also played 12 the two dissidia games and part of 7 i would like to play 13 and 13-2 maybe idk but im sure once it comes out Versus 13 will be my favorite game lol

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It's a tie between VII and IV. IV was the first FF i played and I loved that storyline! But VII is overall an amazing game. It has a reputation for a reason. Gameplay wise however I really enjoy Crisis Core and Dissidia (however the story was trash in the latter, amazing in former) FFXII also is a favourite of mine :)

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Oh, yeah, forgot to mention that in my post, XIII and XIII-2 also seem appealing. Graphics are gorgeous. Just don't have a PS3.


Yup... I KNEW I was lucky to get one from one of my mom's customers(she grooms dogs,and he got it from his mom's house I believe) on my birthday/christmas,their close togethermy birthday and christmas. Well I hope you get a PS3 on your birthday or christmas.Ya know at the end of this post I WAS going to say I could NEVER afford a PS3 with my own money... but now I just remembered I could xD.My advice,just save up your money! If you want something else... well ITS YOUR MONEY,spend it how you wanna.

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I love them all, but my favorite would have to be a small spin off title in the Ivalice Alliance entitled "Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift". I don't really know what it was about that game, but I love the heck out of it. Probably my favorite game outside of the Kingdom Hearts series. After that I'm going to have to go with Final Fantasy X, but I love the entire world of Final Fantasy VII a ton.

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I've only played X, X-2, VII, VIII, Crisis Core, XII, XIII and XIII-2. Crisis Core is by far my favorite. The storyline and gameplay was awesome. The characters were fantastic. I've replayed that game about 20 times. I just love it.

XIII-2 is pretty good so far. I enjoy the gameplay, not as much as Crisis Core, but it's pretty good. I also extremely enjoyed XII. The plot was a bit different than most of the other Final Fantasy games but it was interesting.

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Favorite?! Ugh, technically I only have like, what, 6 or more to choose from, but they are all so good! I guess if I had to choose any that I liked the most, it would have to be FFVII and FFX, those two are really good. Dissida 012 Duodecim is really good too, and it makes me want to play all the Final Fantasy's that I haven't yet.






Old topic? This was made 5 days after you posted, unless you mean it being a previously made topic, but whatever.

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