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KHCoM Re:CoM - is it hard to learn?

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I'm usually the type of person who likes to proudly claim that I've read every single book of such-and-such series, or have every album of so-and-so, and am therefore highly knowledgeable on whatever subject that is. HOWEVER, I can't exactly say that about Kingdom Hearts, as I've played every title (and the original coded doesn't even count as it was a cellphone game in Japan) except CoM (or Re:CoM, really--I have both, so either way).


I guess I've been putting it off FOR-E-VER even though I've had Re:CoM for way over a year. Still haven't even bothered to put it in the PS2 (not even last summer! I was busy replaying KH and KHII...heh). The card system just seems...difficult/frustrating/kinda-not-fun looking to me. (How did I get by playing KHII without playing either version of CoM? Watched Re:CoM cutscenes like a cheater.) I feel like at some point I should though, 'cause I feel like the details of the story get burned in your memory better if you actually play the game, versus just reading about it or watching some cutscenes.


Anyone here think that the battle card system is actually fun after a while? Not so bad once you practice? What are your guys' thoughts? Oh, and let me know if you actually pursued it enough to finish the game all the way through. ;)


Mainly Re:CoM btw, as I'd suppose there are minor discrepancies between the two versions.

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well, when i was doing re:com it was difficult at first, but when you are smart about the cards and actually move them and stuff, it seems easy, most of the time i mainly just spammed the buttons, Riku's story was the easiest, so i guess it does get easier

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I found RE/CoM's gameplay very enjoyable, but by the amount of complaints, this battle style isn't for everyone. Just make sure you have your simple adding, subtracting, and organization skills down. My personal favorites are when the timer starts and you have to ko all your enemies cards before time's up. xD


Hnnng, now I wanna go and re-play it. *w*

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Re:CoM has my favorite battle system in the KH series. It's annoying at first, but gets super fun later on.

Plus, I feel like it's the only game that has a unique RPG-y battle system, instead of essentially mashing x.

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It wasn't too bad. At first it's awkward. I remember I wasn't quite sure how the system worked, and in one battle I ran out of cards as I was like, "What the heck? Why can't I fight?" So I had to force myself to die. But once you get a hold of the system, it's not bad. Like the person above me stated, it takes basic addition and subtraction. Oh! And take advantage of premium cards. (The cards with golden #... or are they blue?) they are less CP (card points) but can only be used once. BUT if you use those cards as the beginning of your slight, you can get more cards/attacks in. Re:Coded is meant for trial and error. Just go for it!

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It's a little confusing at first, but it gets easier to get use quick. As long as you hit boxes to get moogle points for the shops so you can get powerful cards, although you can get them from chest rooms and sometimes crates or whatever else you can hit, you'll be fine. Though I would try and lvl up as much as you can.

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Guest Lady Dreana

like everyone else has said before it gets easier as the game progresses

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Am I the only one who hated the card battle system? I'm not great at video games, but I like video games where the challenge doesn't come from the battle system, but from the game itself. My brother (who is 2 years younger than me and way better at video games than me) had to beat Marluxia for me. I was able to beat Riku's story, but playing through his story was just boring. Re:CoM took every single thing I liked about the first KH game and ruined it except for the story. The story itself is the only redeeming quality.

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At the very beginning of the game when your pool of cards to choose from is incredibly limited the game isn't very fun at all and you don't generally do terribly well. Once you get going in the game and get enough cards, however, the game becomes quite enjoyable. I have hints for Sora and hints for Riku, so I will list them separately.



Get as many cards from chests and moogles as you can and level up, mostly cp and, if you're like me, slights. With Sora you can fully customize your deck, so take advantage of that by setting up a system that works.

I have two decks. One for bosses, one for heartless. Heartless are physically incapable of using slights, so they will never play anything higher than a nine (they only play nines in special "more powerful" rooms, otherwise they use eight max). Take advantage of that by setting up a string of powerful slights in your deck before hand. With said slights you will be able to rather easily defeat the heartless and they will be incapable of breaking them and attacking you. With bosses, who can use slights and zeroes and the like, I usually just put in a number of powerful, high number attack cards and beat the crud out of them, keeping a few cure cards and zeroes in the back of the deck for when I got hit or when they wanted to use a slight.

Sora's mode isn't difficult game play wise, you just have to go into battle with a well thought out deck.



You can't control the cards he has, so learn where his cards are in each new deck and pay attention to the duel situations you find yourself in. Often there are no more than one or two ways to win the duels. Leveling up is good, and waiting for an enemy to play a card for you to break to get darkness points is helpful, but the most important thing is utilizing the enemy cards that Riku gets for free. Don't be stingy with them. If you don't use them, they'll simply go to waste. Also, King Mickey cards are the only way other than the Oogie Boogie card for Riku to heal himself, so learn to use them wisely.


That's all I've got, have fun with the game! :)

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At the very beginning of the game when your pool of cards to choose from is incredibly limited the game isn't very fun at all and you don't generally do terribly well. Once you get going in the game and get enough cards, however, the game becomes quite enjoyable. I have hints for Sora and hints for Riku, so I will list them separately.



Get as many cards from chests and moogles as you can and level up, mostly cp and, if you're like me, slights. With Sora you can fully customize your deck, so take advantage of that by setting up a system that works.

I have two decks. One for bosses, one for heartless. Heartless are physically incapable of using slights, so they will never play anything higher than a nine (they only play nines in special "more powerful" rooms, otherwise they use eight max). Take advantage of that by setting up a string of powerful slights in your deck before hand. With said slights you will be able to rather easily defeat the heartless and they will be incapable of breaking them and attacking you. With bosses, who can use slights and zeroes and the like, I usually just put in a number of powerful, high number attack cards and beat the crud out of them, keeping a few cure cards and zeroes in the back of the deck for when I got hit or when they wanted to use a slight.

Sora's mode isn't difficult game play wise, you just have to go into battle with a well thought out deck.



You can't control the cards he has, so learn where his cards are in each new deck and pay attention to the duel situations you find yourself in. Often there are no more than one or two ways to win the duels. Leveling up is good, and waiting for an enemy to play a card for you to break to get darkness points is helpful, but the most important thing is utilizing the enemy cards that Riku gets for free. Don't be stingy with them. If you don't use them, they'll simply go to waste. Also, King Mickey cards are the only way other than the Oogie Boogie card for Riku to heal himself, so learn to use them wisely.


That's all I've got, have fun with the game! :)



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tutti frutti. If you want to play the game solely for the story I would suggest having a deck focused on attack cards, Cure-based cards, and cards that reload your deck quickly: potions, mega-potions, elixers, etc. in Sora's story. I find that this helps for when you just want to know what happens, also, I find this a safe deck to store for when you want to start off experimenting with other cards for sleights, just in case you get frustrated with them. Sleight, outside of healing and boss fights, aren't really needed too much, but they are fun in finding out which ones you prefer to use. Boss fights are the only times you will see any enemies using sleights of their own. Enemy cards help a great deal as well, so it's good to get an idea on what enemy card does what, especially for Riku's story since they help a great deal. For Riku's story, Oogie Boogie and King Mickey are the only real ways of healing, so you have to be careful with Riku's health at times. Dark Mode is a plus to have for boss fights since it raises his attack, and you're able to use some sleights that are helpful for boss fights. Other than that, you basically add and subtract the numbers on the cards based on what sleights you want to use and how you want to play. There is ultimately no #1 deck to create. Hope this helps.

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Not really that hard once you get the basics down, get some good decks for Sora, and level up right. Riku learning how to manage the decks given it's hard but can be easy. Took me about total of 24 hours to bet the game.

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Depends on your tastes really. RPG fans, like myself, appreciated the card system and the encounter system. And also the ARPG fans are pleased too since you're moving around in battle choosing where and when to implement your cards and how you are going to do so. Not to mention the story, if you do not play this and jump right into KH II, you will be very confused. (Sora had to take a nap for a year? WTF?!) :P But yeah, I liked this game. Not my fave (BBS) but it was good.

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I always thought the card system was annoying and unnecessary but I got used to it after a while anyway.

I thought the card duels in Riku's mode was fun though. It also make the battle easier.

Naturally, Re:COM can be easy if you're a strategic person. You have to keep your deck organized

and use the proper sleights. I'm not a strategic person, so I button mashed my way through the story.

(Not a good idea!)

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