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Unto The abyss

Pokemon Gijinka: Jewels of Destruction (Now Open)

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Blaze nodded as Abia held the Jewel to her chest. "I could use Telaport but I need to sleep after wards if we need to get back to HQ quickly............" Abia said as Blaze looked toward Furno as he flinched. "It looks like he's waking up.............." He mumbled as Lightning got behind him crossing his arms.

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Suddenly two swords were on Furno's neck as the mettalic figure had appeared in an instant. "get goin NOW!! Kyle will Explain later!" he commanded them. "Go!"



Meanwhile. In the leaders room.



Kyle turned to face Aria and Zack in his swivle chair. "I'm disappointed in you two. When the others return and give me a status report on the battle. Depending on the results we will see how problematic the ending was. But first the misdion was to protect lord Haira of the entruna nation!" he growled as he pointed To a picture of a female Gabite Gijinka behind him " the lord of the ground nation! What do you two have to say for yourselves!!"

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"Yes sir!" yelled Shira as she took flight and soared off to the HQ as fast as she Could. when she arrived she immediatly picked up Haira after Summer let go of the lord when they landed and Ran up the stairs to the Leaders room.

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"Why does no one understand that I am not evil................." He mumbled before letting the ground around him shake as he used Earthquake. "Now Abia and Lightning you mind helping me get through without anyone else doing anything rash............." Abia nodded she obviously trusted and Lightning scoffed showing that he would as well. "Excellent now let's protect that Jewel and get out of here............." He finally smiled as he ran off with Lightning and Abia toward HQ. He would have a lot of explaining to do after this.

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"Umm, we didnt know. We just sorta had plan a date already and well, umm." Zack looked over at Aria. "What Zack means to say is that we are very sorry. We had a date planned, and so we went along with it. If it makes you feel better, we are getting married in less than a year." Aria said as she showed her ring.

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Cherri began to walk towards the HQ while sighing "God why did I miss the mission."

She began to march into the HQ while taking a look at every aspect of the HQ. She then started to run in and sat down waiting.


Kusano was already inside sitting down confused and imapatient. Then she got pissed and yelled "WHERE THE HELL IS HE?"


Cherri was scared to death then tried to answer while stuttering "I-I-do-dont-"


Kusano sighed then looked around in boredom.


Cherri kindly sat down in fear.

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(Oh shit sorrry sorry i ment Furno)



Kyle's eyes burned with rage "HOW IN THE F***ING HELL IS THAT GOING TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER!!! IF WE LOSE THAT LORD OR THE JEWEL ITS ON YOU! GOT IT THIS WAS AN IMPORTANT MISSION!!!!" Kyle yelled as he stood up and slammed his hands on his desk. a slight cracking sound eminated from it. "OUT NOW!!" he yelled to the two "I WILL DEAL WITH THE TWO OF YOU LATER!" he added as a vein was visible.

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(I'm kindda making my characters unknown to everyone except the leader, until later)


Orrick and Lucan had arrived at HQ a few minutes after the others. "Look, i'm just saying, and i hope you agree with this Orrick, but just because we don't know those guys cause we're always stuck in the back of the group, or scouting out places, you'd figure they would've at least given us a lift."




"I hear that, i'm getting sick of walking and running everywhere, ugh.....by the way, i hope next time you stick around to fight Furno as well." said Orrick.




"Hey, that battle wasn't a picnic for me either." said Lucan. soon, Orrick and Lucan had entered the main room, where Kyle was. "Sir, Lucan and Orrick, reporting in." said Lucan as he got on one knee and bowed to his leader.




Orrick did the same, but didn't notice blood running down his left arm from his fight with Furno.

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(but i had already edited it and i was supposed to have it on Furno so it would make sense since that is the old Steel lord who already knew Blaze was in the Haiado. that just makes him look like a total duche!)



Kyle still enraged glared at Orrick and Lucan. but Chatot quickly came in and dragged the two out. "you may want to wait till he is done speaking with the ones who missed the mission" said the bird pokemon

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Abia, Lightning, and Blaze came in next with Blaze now holding the Jewel as Abia leaned on Lightning ready to fall asleep when she got the chance. "Who knew Earthquake could that to someone.........." Blaze thought as he handled the Jewel with care. "Reminds me of the Fire Jewel I used to get to protect. Kicking me out for something that wasn't even proven. When all of this is over i'm getting the old job of protecting it back again." He mumbled before looking at Kyle. "I believe you will be wanting this correct Kyle. I remember seeing you the old lord. I don't think there is one I have yet not to see now." he mused as he still carefully held the Jewel.

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Chatot came in and pulled them out too. "Please nobody should enter when Kyle is mad!" he said to the 3 as he blocked the door




(so nobody comes in until Kyle is calm again)

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Blaze rolled his eyes. "I think I can deal with a ticked off water type. Anyways I believe he would be interested in this little piece of importance to not blast my head off." He stated holding the Jewel. "I won't give it to anyone else at this point except for Kyle so you going to let me go in or want to risk losing this or having it break." He growled with his tail twitching as he held the Jewel toward his chest so no one could take it.

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"Whatever you say, sir. But remember, we didnt want this life. We just wanted to be together." Aria said. They both left the room and went to Zack's room. "I still cant believe the nerve of Kyle. He cant be happy for one second in his life." Zack said. Aria put her hand on his back. "Its okay, as long as we are alive and together, what more is there." Aria told Zack.

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Miru and Erika arrived and immediatly sat down in the members room. "never again will i go into the desert!" miru said.


"i wont go either" said Erika. Then the two went to their rooms and fell asleep.

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Kyle wanted to get through the last group as quick as he could "CHATOT BRING IN THE OTHER TWO!" he yelled. then Chatot ran off to get Kusano and Cherri. when he arrived at the room where the two were waiting he faced them "Kyle is ready to talk to you to but be warned he is extremly angry" Chatot said as he ran back up to the door to Kyle's office then Chatot turned to Blaze "just wait he has one group left and then he will take his pills and calm down." said the Gijinka

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"Thanks for the heads up." said Orrick. Orrick then noticed the blood on his arm. "Blast, i should probably get this looked at."




"Yeah, it seems that cut was made by a fire spear, and it's going to sting........hey you." said Lucan, gesturing to Abia. "Not to sound rude or anything, do you think you could help out my friend here?"

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Shira had arrived and was still carrying Haira. When they reached the door to Kyle's room she saw many people waiting. "what the!"

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Kusano began to get up and yelled "FINALLY!" she stormed into the room and sat down in anger.

Cherri got in even more scared and got in by fear. She sat down like a polite girl and looked at Kusano.

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"Don't bother I can fight him if he's that angry. I'm in the mood anyways." he smiled with his body going slightly a flame with the idea of the fight again a water type. "I'd actually enjoy a bit of a warm up on a old lord something that doesn't happen everyday you know and anyways it's not a problem." His smiling growing oh yes he wanted to fight this one with the promise of a good fight he wouldn't miss it. "Anyways i'd say I know what i'm doign if I was once the protector of the Fire Jewel. It takes a lot to get chosen to protect that little fire." he stated knowing how he had to fight to get the job.

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Chatot was shocked "You think your going to win against Kyle! he was the Lord of Reinshust 4 generations ago!" he told Blaze




Kyle glared at Cherri and Kusano "Im unhappy about this Situation" said Kyle as she pointed to the picture of Haira "that was the mission. to protect and save that lord! THE LORD OF ENTRUNA! NATION OF GROUND!!! WHAT WERE YOU TWO DOING THAT MADE YOU MISS THAT MISSION!!! WHAT WAS SO F***ING IMPORTANT THAT YOU WOULD RISK THE LIFE OF ONE OF THE LORDS!!! WELL WHATS YOUR EXCUSE!" He yelled so loud his voice could be heard clearly all the down to the members rooms.

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"Yes and I am the protector of the Fire Jewel for the last thirty years and I have beaten a lord before when things got out of hand. I had to face the Lord to become the protector of the Jewel and I managed to get him to his knees even thought I lost I proved my power." he stated smiling more. Oh yes he was strong and if he had the chance to fight a lord he would take it. "Why do you think my type gives me a disadvantage well let me sake this Infernape knows much." He smiled even more. "I believe this fight will be something to see as well and a show to the younger ones."

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