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Unto The abyss

Pokemon Gijinka: Jewels of Destruction (Now Open)

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Haiara just continued to run as she held onto the pyramid shaped crystal the glowed with a light brown energy. Just then a meteor hit the ground beside her and she tripped and landed on the ground dropping the crystal. The crystal slid about 5 feet infront of her. "no!" Haiara yelled.


(that crystal if anyone doesnt know yet is the ground jewel. One of the 17 jewels of destruction. Well if they destroyed anyway)

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Blaze being ahead of her grabbed it before ducking as more fire came. "Okay can't break it or more trouble........." He mumbled before using his other hand to help Haira up as he looked at her with a slight concern. "So do you trust me now or do you want to wait fro something to break this.?" He asked as he held he crystal toward his chest making sure it didn't get dropped again. "Now will you let me help you willingly?" He then asked before using Flamethrower once more to knock another meteor away before he cooled down slightly.

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Haira nodded because she didnt want the crystal destroyed



Then a voice rang out throughout the castle. "Haiado mission complete now quickly return to base!" it said. As the metallic being flew to the mountain.

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Shira heard the voice and flew down to where Summer was and grabbed her as well as Lightining and Abia. "sorry you two if you hat flying but we have to get out of here!" Shira told them.

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Lucy and Gale both stopped fighting and ran back. "that was close." Lucy said "they almost breached the castle!"


Gale looked at her and nodded "i know" he replied.

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Miru and Erika saw everyone leaving. "we didnt make it in time." Erika said. As they turned around and made their way back. "I guess we should wait for an infiltraition mission"

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"Ok, that was wierd......." said Lucan until he heard the message. "Finally, i can get out of here, i just hope Orrick didn't do anything stupid." said Lucan as he started running the other way.




Orrick was running down the halls of the castle when he heard the message. he eventually found Blaze, he was helping someone up. "Hey, whats-your-name, get moving, we've got to get out of here." called Orrick. "I hope Lucan got out of there."

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Blaze sighed noticing Furno not far away as he looked toward Haira. "By any chance do you know Earthquake?" He asked knowing he was about to make a very stupid move but it would help in the long run.

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Haira took a step back she was trembling. The out of instict she launched an attack. "Draco Meteor!" she yelled as meteors of energy flew down and went straight for Furno.


When the metal being looked back he saw most of the Haiado had gotten away but some still remained. "they better hurry"

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Miru had looked up and saw the metal figure "what the!? Who is that?" she said as she looked


Erika looked and saw him as well. "I don't know I've never seen that Gijinka before."

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Furno laughed evily as he blocked the attack. "Typical, using a fire type move on the son of the Emperion lord, the last one to try that never made it out of our duel." said Furno as he was readying a flamethrower attack.




Lucan had just got to the same area and saw Furno charging his attack. "Hey, lava head...............knock knock." said Lucan as he launched a thunderbolt attack at Furno.




Furno turned around a little to late and was hit square in the chest by the attack and hit a nearby wall, falling unconcious.




"Well, glad you could finally make it Lucan, better late than never." said Orrick. Orrick then turned to Haira. "C'mon, we have to get you and your remaining soldiers out of here."




"Alright, if we're done here, i say we get out of here, before Furno wakes up." said Lucan.

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"Lightning!" Abia screamed as he dragged her toward Haira and Blaze when he had gotten away from the other girl. "By any chance you need help?" He asked as Abia floated beside him tired. "Why that would be good. I have to check something why don't you help her out of here and Abia you know of the Jewels correct?" Abia nodded with a surprised expression. "Ya I once helped protect the one for my country and they have to handled with care..........." She said confused by the question before she was handed the Jewel. "Wow....... Well Lord Haira may me and Lightning help you get out of here with the Jewel still in one piece?" She asked as Blaze walked toward Furno's body and a look of disgust on his face. "All fire types now dishonor there own name.........." He said looking at him.

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( Draco meteor is a dragon type move not fire and the fire lord is a charizard not a blaziken so that doesn't seem right)



Haira looked at the Gijinka "who are you people?" she asked "what is going on here" she continued to ask.

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Shura flew down to the group "less talking. more saving. Sorry lord haira but we will explain later." said Shira as Summer held her hand out


"sleep powder!" Summer said as she released a cloud of powder from her hand at Haira.

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(Blaze had the Jewel and handed it to Abia that post doesn't make sense to me............)

"Where supposed to be helping protect the Jewels from the fire types. Blaze well I don't know much about him but it looks like he's helping us................" She said as she held the Jewel gently obviously knowing how to handle it. "I've seen the Jewel for my nation actually I used to help protect it. I believe we need to get out of here with in one piece correct?" Abia asked holding the Jewel very carefully. Blaze eyed Furno carefully before grunting as he walked back to the others. "I say he should be out............."

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The metallic being saw the majority of the Emperion Army entering the castle. " Metal Sound!" he yelled "Haiado escape now! The army has breached the castle and are now entering!!" his voice echoed.

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Shira heard the voice and looked at everyone "let's not waste our last chance" she said as Summer got on Shiras back


"vine whip!" summer yelled as her vines wrapped around Haira. "c'mon we've gotta get out of here!" she yelled

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(Furno could've been taken in by the fire lord, seeing as he's as bloodthirsty)


"I agree, let's get out of here, besides, i think lava brain is waking up." said Orrick as he started running.




"Yeah, i don't think i have enough energy to fight an entire army." said Lucan as he followed Orrick.

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