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Unto The abyss

Pokemon Gijinka: Jewels of Destruction (Now Open)

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"Firstly, is she alright?" asked Orrick when a bulbasaur gijinka landed in front of him and Lucan. "Secondly, how in the name of the nations did she get here, bulbasaur can't fly."




Lucan knelt down to get a closer look. "She seems alright.....wait a minute, what would you know about flight, you're a bug type." said Lucan.




"Hey, low blow bolt brain, now let's get her out of here, but keep up, it's hard enough to keep track of you when we find trouble." said Orrick as he continued towards the castle.




Lucan picked up the girl and followed Orrick. "Hey, it's not my fault you always go galavanting about when there's a fight going on." said Lucan. "I just hope we run into someone to get this one some help."

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Lightning was dropped to the ground as he woke up and what he saw in front of him was a Fire type...................... He growled before using Thunder but from what he could tell a Infernape just used Detect before he was tossed on the ground with a foot on his back. "Will you quit fighting a ally Lightning. I believe you want to know where you friend is correct? By the way the names Blaze." He then took his foot off of Lightning before he motioned toward Abia who walked over. "You've been out for a while haven't you? Well let's go find the others so we can continue on." She said as Lightning looked toward Blaze with a glare. "Quit the glaring it's pointless and I believe you know them right?" He said as he pointed toward Lucan who was carrying the Bulbasuar gijinka not to far away. "Hey over there can you slow down?!" Abia yelled as she ran after them with Blaze and Lightning following behind.

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summer began to regain consiousness. "uhh..." then she looked around "Ouch!" she said as she felt her head hurt. "what happened?" she wondered still dazed.


Shira had walked to the complete other side of the castle when the fire attacks began to rain down. "Whats happening!" she yelled as she looked off a balcony to see the emperion Army moving towards the castle.

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Lucan heard someone calling them and looked towards the voice. "Orrick, this way." said Lucan as he ran toward Abia. he then saw summer regain conciousness. "You fell out of the sky and landed in front of us, we're gonna leave you with these guys up ahead."




Orrick started running in the same direction when he saw a flame hit the ground inches away from him. "Right in time to...INCOMING!" shouted Orrick as he jumpped behind cover.




"Hey, the attack's started, can you take care of this one." asked Lucan. Lucan knew nobody would know him or Orrick, them being recon and stealth and all. "Wait a minute, who's the fire guy?" asked Lucan as he stared daggers at Blaze.

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Blaze grunted before noticing something come his way as he turned around before using Flamethrower to send it in the other direction. The meteor that was going to hit him was sent back in the direction it came from as he let his flames die down. " The names Blaze. Someone who is helping you now if you don't want to be burned to death you will stop glaring and follow me." he stated letting his fir burn once more as he ran in the direction the fire was coming from. Lightning growled a bit but ran after Blaze knowing it was a good idea as Abia gave Summer a healing Herb before following as she floated toward the other two.

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The attacks were getting intense. and the amount of the shots were increasing. then a Gabite Gijinka came Rushing out of a builidng in the castle. she was holding a pyramid with a spiral of light brown energy in it. and seemed to been in a hurry.


the a hippowdon Gijinka walked up to her "Lord Haira where are you going?"


"I dont know probably to our sister nation but i must hurry where is the underground tunnel?" she asked him


"over there my lord!" he said as she ran to another building

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Blaze spotted Haira. "Lord Haira correct? The names Blaze. I would like to help get you out of here and somewhere safe if I may?" He asked before spotting a fire ball heading at him as turned and used Flamethrower once more sending a few incoming fires away before he turned back to Haira. "I know my type might have you concerned but i'm here to help you." He mused eyeing a fire type heading it's way before Lightning caught up and sent them flying. "That's for burning me!" He growled before running off in another direction after more of them with Abia trailing behind. "Wait up Lightning!" She shouted as she tried to catch up with her fast friend.

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Shira flew into the air and opened her mouth. she then let loose a powerful Hyperbeam destroying the front line. of the enemie army.

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Name: Furno

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Nation: Emperion

Species: Blaziken

Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/blaziken%20gijinka/xxunknownonexx/Blaziken__Gijinka__by_Shes_t.png?o=14

Weapon: spear

Skill: front-line combat, brutal and merciless

Bio: he was born to the Emperion Lord, and is the sworn enemy of Orrick, he was always the most brutal Emperion fighter and will kill an enemy without remource, he will do anything to ensure the Emperion victory.

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Haiara looked at the infernape "General Howman take this man to the dungeon!" she yelled as she took a few steps back from the fire type gijinka. Then the Hippowdon Gijinka walked towards the infernape and glared at him. Hairmara spoke again "i dont belive you!" she growled.

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"This is what I get for being so quiet................" He mumbled before ducking as a Charmander tried to hit him. "You're one of the traitors helping them. I wonder what i'd get bringing you to the lord?!" He grinned before being punched as Blaze used Flamethrower to send them back. "Now do you believe me or do you want to wait till they come with even more help. I can only fight so many Lord Haira." He said once again as he eyed the Hippowdon carefully.

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"I rather not want to do this but if I must................" He looked at the Hippowdon as he used Flamethrower setting the area on fire before he launched himself at the Hippowdon using Close Combat to knock them down before running after Haira with a trail of fire leaving ambers behind him as his head burned brightly while he ran quickly catching up with Haira. "Can't stop have to help get her over and maybe not get my but kicked by a ground type............." He grumbled as he ran.

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"C'mon Lucan, we have to get out of here." said Orrick. suddenly, Orrick was hit with a flamethrower attack and hit a nearby wall. "Who the....?" started Orrick until he saw his attacker. "FURNO!"




Furno was standing on a nearby ledge. "Well, well, well, how long has it been Orrick?" asked Furno as he called on his spear.




"I should've known you were leading the attack Furno, you were never one to neglect a fight...........Lucan, get out of here, find that Blaze guy and the others and i'll catch up." said Orrick as he charged at Furno.




Lucan nodded and ran of the find the others. "HEY GUYS, I THINK ORRICK'S GONNA NEED HELP, HE'S FIGHTING FURNO!" shouted Lucan, hoping someone would hear him.

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Haiara continued to run as she was skeptical of Blaze since her castle was being attacked by the fire nation. She continued to run with the escape tunnel in view.


(i hope im making this understandable: just in case if it hasnt)






Nearby atop a sharp pillar of the Entruna castle a metallic gijinka watched "the Emperion forces are too much and their general seems strong." he said "they have overwhelming numbers of camerupt firing attacks from a distance, torkoal attack close by with heavy attacks, heatmore with explosive arrows, charmander taking a small wave of attacks to begin the seige, and arcanine coming up fast." he then glared at the seige. "and all the Entruna have is an army of hippopataus, golem, and rhyperior." he added as he watched from the top of the castle.

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Erika had finally awoken Miru and the two continued to the castle.


(nevermind im not gonna use my 3rd character)

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Orrick was having a hard time defeating Furno, it was always that way, their fight caused them to go to an edge of the catle, and quite close to it at that. "You've gotten stronger Orrick, but not strong enough." said Furno as he grabbed Orrick by the chest plate and threw him through the wall.




"That's it, i'm outta here." said Orrick when he got back up. Orrick then started running through the castle to find the nations lord. "If i make it out of this, i'm gonna kill that guy." Orrick continued running. "Everyone run, the fire types are coming!" called Orrick.




Furno was standing by the hole he made in the wall, with a group of his soldiers behind him. "Find the lord of this nation, kill any who get in your way." said Furno. his soldiers ran into the castle and he just stood there, smirking.




Lucan was having a bit of trouble of his own. on his way to find help, he ran into some fire type troops. "Man, i hope someone finds me soon, i don't think i can handle this many." said Lucan as he was taking out some fire types.

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Suddenly many blades of air hit the fire type soliders infront of luCan. But the user was not in sight.


The metallic being soared above the castle making sure he will not be seen.

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Finally seeing the best way to catch up as he stopped for a seconded as a few fire types came around him. "Traitor. Why don't you come with us and maybe we won't have to hurt you." They said before he smiled. "Sorry but I have a Lord to protect reguardless if she doesn't trust me or not I will protect her. It is my honor and my pride that is at stake if I don't." He stated before going a blaze as he used Flame Wheel to blast them away landing ahead of Haira. "Now will you quit trying to ditch me and let me do my job and you can get me for being your escort later." He stated as he ran beside Haira.

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