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Unto The abyss

Pokemon Gijinka: Jewels of Destruction (Now Open)

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Summer saw the two gijinka in the hall as Shira dragged her out to the castle. "hey where are you two going?! The Empirion army is going to the Ground Nation!" she yelled to lightining and Abia

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Lucy stood up only to be pulled back down by Gale. "are you sure you want to go i mean if they get close to you and im not near you they could capture you and then they would technically have me in their grasps as well!" he told her


"im sure now lets go!" she said as she began to run off with gale beside her.

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"Wait what?! Sorry but I missed that little event getting told. Reminds me............" He growled before Abia dropped to the ground in a pike as she woke up. "Hey what was that for was having a really good dream there............." She mumbled before she was dragged by Lightning toward Summer as she started falling asleep again as she slid against the ground. Deciding to take the easy way out of it he got her on his back before going to Summer. "I missed that little meeting so what exactly is happening?" Lightning asked as he shifted Abia's weight on his back.

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Shira stopped draggi summer so the bulbasaur could speak. "go ahead but watch out she is a pickpocket." said Shira


"lets see here"said Summer. "well we are to go to a castle in the ground nation to protect and if we must save their lord. They told us that she couldbe tempermental." summer told them. Then Shira's tail wrapped around Summer.


"give it back!" Shira told her as Summer looked down and gave them the items she stole from Lightining. (if any please tell me had had some money on him")

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Lightning then glared at them before holding out his hand. "Give me back my charm, thunder stone, and the money you took." He growled letting off some sparks with a warning sign to not say no as he gave a even fiercer glare not to happy right now as began charging ready to shock her for taking them.

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Shira laughed as the tail remained wrapped around Summer. "go ahead it wont hurt me but i think she will need it." she said. As summer had a look of complete terror on her face as she gave the items back to lightining

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(Hope it's not to late to sign up)




Name: Orrick

Age: 18

Gender: male

Nation: Hidanox

Species: Scyther

Appearance: http://neokin.deviantart.com/art/Scyther-72663970?offset=10

Weapon: his blades come out of his wrists

Skill: close combat, and stealth

Bio: before he joined Haiado, he was a bit of a rebel, his parents died in the war and he is mostly on the run, even in Haiado, he completes his missions in his own way, he is a honourable fighter and will not harm an incapacitated opponent, a bit of a loner, but a loyal fighter.



Name: Lucan

Age: 16

Gender: male

Nation: Juniro

Species: Jolteon

Appearance: wears armor similar to the style of Jolteon, red hair with a gold streak on the right side, red eyes, a lightning-bolt tattoo run around and along his left arm

Weapon: twin swords that help with his lightning attacks

Skill: close combat, long-ranged attacks and recon.

Bio: a young fighter, but a valuble one, he was once a prised warrior of his nation, but had to go into hiding, he joined Haiado to fight the war as a true warrior, and to bring peace to the nations, and he's willing to lay his life on the line to do it.


Asterix Obolix

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Lightning still sparked a bit as he growled not actually noticing it as he gave Summer a warning glare before continuing on as he carried Abia on his back still asleep as she snored softly. "Little thief..............." He mumbled still very made as his red eyes narrowed further when he noticed that she had chipped the Thunder Stone. "Gonna kill that girl if she tries anything else............." He mumbled getting more mad by the second.

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Shira giggled a bit "if you wanna take your anger out on her be my guest. I do that all the time" she told him.


"dont encourage him!!!!" yelled summer.

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Finally having enough of it as he put Abia on the ground before heading to summer as he got ready to use a attack. He first nailed Summer with Ice Fang. In the next split second he had used Discharge that hit Summer directly as his eye appeared to be a solid blood red. Abia woke up after this had happened and sighed. "Why do people always have to tick him off like this? Every time it happens i'm stuck getting him out of it................" She mumbled before getting up as she held her hand out toward him. "Hypnosis." She mumbled as he hit the ground fast asleep. "Summer you better quit this if you don't want to die."

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summer had fainted from the attacks. Shira giggled "well now i wont have to drag her. If you want i could take you two as well." she said as she spread her wings out to their full size. "It wont bother me a bit."

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"Seeing as i'm ready to sleep again I guess alright and well we have to take Lightning over here.............." Abia said yawning as she fell asleep floating like usual as Lightning shifted making it so he was on a side with his arm somehow behind his head and the other under him.

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Shira then held on to summer in her mouth as she picked up lightining and put abia on her back then with a running start she took off. Then they flew to the castle ahead of everyone.

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Miru was from running and she was in a desert. It was like hell on earth because she was an ice type. "i cant go much rurther!" she said as she collapsed on to the ground but was lifted up byerika. We are almost their just a bit further

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Lucan and Orrick were heading towards the castle, mind you, they were in the back, being a stealth and recon. "Hey Orrick, why do we always get stuck with the boring jobs?" asked Lucan.




"Count yourself lucky, we're always the first to see action, mind you, i do hate the fact that we're always the ones who run into those fire types........HEY GUYS, WAIT UP!" called Orrick as he started running towards the castle, followed by Lucan.

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A bulbasaur gijinka girl landed infront of orrick and lucan. She was unconsious. Then shira landed inside the castle garden. "well shoot i dropped her" she said. As she went looking for summer on foot. After she let lightining and aria off and put them on the ground at the castle.

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(you can have 3 characters in total now since lunax has been bugging me to death!)





suddenly in the distance a fire ball was launched into the air and suddenly rained down on the stone castle. soon after many of the fireballs rained down. crashing into the walls and causing Chaos among the people. for the Emperion army had begun a siege upon the castle.



meanwhile an arrow had been shot into the cave where zack and Aria were. it had a fuse on it and it was burning with an explosive pouch on the tip. and the fuse was burning fast. then more arrows flew in. "Kill Them!" yelled a voice of a general. as the arrows continued

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Name: Blaze (Inferno Mekeisa)

Age: 43

Gender: Male


Species: (you cant be legendary) Infernape

Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon: (if you want one) None

Skill: (like stealth, Recon, the reason you were recruited) He has a fierce power and ability to control power being the reason why he was recruited.

Bio: He is a trainer and he had known the Fire nation Lord for a long time. He disapproves of what is happening but cannot change it. He has a very calm personality now liking to start fights but will if he has to. he has in the past protected the Fire Jewel and has been a Master giving up the old name and taking the name Blaze.

Zero Gravity

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