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Pokemon Gijinka: Jewels of Destruction (Now Open)

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Pokemon Gijinka: Jewels of Destruction




500 years ago in the world of the Gijinka there were 17 nations living together in peace. each had a jewel of a different element. but soon a war was fought between two opposing nations. One of Fire and One of Water, and both had been thrown into a war against eachother. and those two nations were called The Emperions and the Reinshust. The two groups had been allies for ages until one day a dark figure came and told lies to each of the Lords. those lies enraged the two lords into attacking eachother, but out of the fighting a third group was formed and was inbetween the fighting of the two armies. but that 3rd group is what slowed the 2 nations to give eachother enough time to see through the lies once told. but by the time they realized they had been fooled it was too late. the lords had gone mad. so their eldest of kin took the place as lord. but the son of the Emperion nation was a greed, power hungry, evil little child who went by the name Tai, wanted for years to destroy the other nations to increse his own. so he sent his army to attack Reinshust, the nation of Water and in a matter of days had it trembling to the ground. Not many survived but the body of the water lord, Runa, was found missing. many beleived her body was burnt to ashes, but what really happened was the doing of the third group that helped end the previous war, The Haiado. a secret group of specialized Gijinka who help people but are hidden to the world. they are the protectors of the 17 jewels. but with the young lord trying to take over the other nations it has proven difficult. they saved the lord and her family and took them to the saftey of a hidden castle inside a mountain. that castle was the Haiado Fortess and only they knew of its existance. but with the young lord of the Emperion Nation trying to take hold of the other nations, the world they once knew may be threatened. But the Gijinka used their abilities to continue to search for a way to save the World and defeat the Crazed lord once and for all!









*A Gijinka is a pokemon and a human combined. they are just like us except for slight differences in the appearances, the ability to use pokemon attacks, and the fact that they still keep some instinct of the pokemon they are.



*To sum this Rp up it takes place in a world of gijinka and 17 nations for each attribute. one of them goes nuts and decides to take control of all of the others by use of power. the lords of each nation know about the jewels and each jewel keeps power in balance. the fire nation had tried to take the water jewel and just so you know it was a surprise attack that is how fire beat water. but the secret group saved the royal water family and the water jewel. but the fire nation now wants to conquer the other 15 that remain standing. and so the secret group must protect the jewels, remaiining nations, and the royal families.










*If you are confused by anything PM me and Please join I Worked so hard on it my making this RP!





*All Nations





Chandiro----- Ice

Sonicara----- Flying



Sauran------- Dark

















No killing off other people without permission

No god modding

No 20 guards have ambushed you and somehow you kill them all in one fowl swoop.

No controling others without permission

No teleporting long distances

Find 2 out of place words to put them at the end of your post to prove you read the Rules

You may have up to 2 Characters.










Sign ups










Species: (you cant be legendary)


Weapon: (if you want one)

Skill: (like stealth, Recon, the reason you were recruited)









I hope you will enjoy the RP

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Name: Kyle Curiano

Age: 36


Nation: Reinshust




Posted Image


Weapon: Knife

Skill: Recon

Bio: Kyle was once the Lord of Reinshust but gave the throne to his son as soon as he had enough knoweldge to become a Lord. he then Created the Haiado to protect the other nations from further threat. he is confident and smart. but he still runs the group but may soon need to retire. he just Explains the missions but if he must he will fight to protect the royal bloodlines and the Jewels

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Name: Miru

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Nation: Chandiro

Species: Glaceon



Posted Image

Weapon: none

Skill: Decoy.

Bio: Miru was just a happy go lucky girl until. the war broke out. she had been seperated from her mother and father and found herself on her own. then she met a Haiado member after she had fought off some Emperion Soliders with many other gijinkas. she was given the opertunity to become a Haiado and took it. now she defeats the enemies by becoming a diversion so that her allies can do whatever.





Name: Erika

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Nation: Hidanox

Species: Beautifly



Posted Image

Weapon: Small Knife

Skill: Diversion

Bio: Erika became a member of the Haiado do to her ability variety of attacks she causes flashes of Light, raging winds, explosions, and uses her stun spore and sleep powder to Exacute the Distraction. she us unable to fly because she never learned how to but is capable of gliding. by using her wings to allow her to jump higher and slowly fall or glind back down.


zero gravity

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Name: Summer

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Nation: Floria

Species: Bulbasaur


Posted Image


Weapon: None

Skill: stealth

Bio: Summer is a prankster, Theif, and Eavedropper. her skill had been noticed by the Haiado and she became a member. mainly using vinewhip and sleep powder on her missions, she is one of the best spys the Haiado have.





Name: Shira

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Nation: Flurspar

Species: Flygon



Posted Image

Weapon: none

skill: Combat

Bio: Shira is a calm Gijinka with much to learn about people. she has a low attention span to anything other than a fight and loves it when reality becomes dramatic, actiony, or Romantic. she is nice but can become angry with people for a small insult. he combat skill got her into the Haiado and she is proud of it.


zero gravity

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Name: Cherri

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Nation: Floria

Species: Cherrim

Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon: Petal Scythe

Skill: Confusion

Bio: Cherri is a girl who is quite innocent and a little clumsy. She is best when it comes to confusing people, like creating a fake version of herself and running away. She loves petals and carries a Petal Scythe which she uses as a defensive term.


Name: Kusano

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Nation: Floria

Species: Serperior

Appearance: http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/bd39c38d4f48f58525b9f4c11300f942/http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc111/wolfy-san190/Zoe%20-%20Rayquaza%20gijinka/gijinka_pixiv11-1.jpg

Weapon: Vine whip and marital arts.

Skill: Martial arts

Bio: Kusano is a girl who has a fighting ability. She has great amount of spirit and is quite perverted as well. Due to her ability, she fights many guys and always been there to help all others. Kusano basically joined when there was a robbery atempt in Floria. Someone tried to rob her, and thought she was an innocent girl until she kicked his butt and threw him in jail. Many people mistaken her for an innocent girl because of how she acts.


zero gravity

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Name: Zack Koss

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Nation: Flurnidia----Fighting

Species: Lucario

Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon: himself

Skill: Stealth

Bio: Grew up training himself. He is a good loner, who is very good at being sneaky. Zack goes through life protecting what is needed to protect.


Name: Aria Noel

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Nation: Lunima-------Psychic

Species: Gardevoir

Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon: none

Skill: Knowledge

Bio: Grew up alone in a forest somewhere on the planet. She finally found a place for her and then left to be with Zack.


Zero Gravity

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(accepted both we can now begin and Signups are always open)






Kyle sat in his swivle Chair as he stared out the camoflaged window. "Strange...all is quiet... there is nothing out of the ordinary...." continued to watch. then he heard an explosion near by and a few minutes later saw the Emperion Army march by towards the Entruna Castle. "now there we go" he said with a smile as he watched the Fire Gijinka go by "then he turned to the wall of his office and looked at one of the 17 pictures each of a lord. he was looking at a charzard Gijinka. "oh how the Emperion have changed" he said to himself as he opened hit a button and a chatot Gijinka came into the room. "Go tell the team there is work to be done. tell them that the Emperion Army is headed for Entruna and they must go protect and save the Lord at all costs and remember that she is a little temperemental" he told the Gijinka before it ran down the stairs to the Haiado member room where off duty Gijinka go

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Name: Koju.

Age: 18.

Gender: Male.

Nation: Flurnidia.

Species: (Half Lucario.)

Appearance: Blue Hair, Red Eyes, Blue Skin, Red Fangs, Blue Claws, Red Fingernails, Blue Toenails, Black Trench Coat, Green T-Shirt, Black Slacks, Green Socks and Black Sneakers.

Weapon: (White and Yellow Steel Katana.)

Skill: (Samurai and Ninja Like Abilities)

Bio: Koju is a Member of a Group Called the "L Corps" That is Skilled in the Ways of Both the Samurai and the Ninja and he Will Take On Any and Every Job he Can Find or is Given as a Honourable Member of the L Corps.


Zero Gravity.

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Miru noticed the chatot and looked at it knowing that something happened. She stood up prepared to rush to the location.


Erika looked at chatot as well. And her wings fluttered as she stood up. She is one of few beautifly gijinka whos wings are on their back. She keeps her hair up with a clip though.

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ShIra looked at chatot but stayed seated. "whats going on?" she asked as she was listened.


Summer smiled devilishly as she had a feeling she may be able to steal something nice. Recently she only had stolen a total of $1000 from the Empiron Soliders. "yeah lets hear it!"

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Zack and Aria were in a cave in a forest nearby. Zack had set up a date with Aria and they were now having a picnic inside the cave. They were also making out at the moment so they had no clue of what was going on.

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Name: Lightning

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Species: (you cant be legendary) Luxray

Appearance:Posted Image

Weapon: (if you want one) None

Skill: (like stealth, Recon, the reason you were recruited) Outstanding fighting skills with a amazing skill in power. Set mainly for fighting missions

Bio: A amazing fighter Lightning serves himself as a Guardian protecting others with a great skill of using his Electricity in his fighting moves making him a difficult foe to defeat.

Zero Gravity

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Name: Lucy

Age: 18

Gender: female

Nation: lunima

Species: Espeon

Weapon: none

Skill: long range attack.

Bio: she is unable to use an attack at a close range enemy and can be easily captured. But at a distance she is an amazing fighter and can use a varietiy of attacks. She is Gale's girlfriend.



Name: Gale 

Age: 18

Gender: male 

Nation: sauran

Species: umbreon

Weapon: non

Skill: close range combat

Bio: he is a great close range fighter but is weak at a distance. He is smart, calm, and protective of Lucy. 




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Lucy and Gale were cuddling eachother when chatot came in. "we oughta listen." said gale whos ears were down almost competly laid flat on his head.


"right" replied Lucy as her tail waved around.

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Chatot looked at all the gijinka and then noticed 2 of them were not in the room. But he just shrugged it off. "the Emperion army is moving to the castle of Entruna. Nation of the ground. You are to go to the castle and protect and ,if you must, save lord Haita. She is a Gabit Gijinka and can be quite tempermental. The castle is close by now move!" Chatot said as he sat down in the room himself.



Kyle footsteps and suddenly lord Runa opened the door. "what happened!" she yelled.


"calm down your majesty the Emperial army is headed for Entruna. Seems that they want to take the biggest threats of the fire nation down so tgings would be easier for them." he said as he sat down in his swivle chair. "everything is under control we just sent our members on the one day hike . They will be there by morning as long as nothing stops them".(hint hint)

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Name: Abia

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Species: (you cant be legendary) Abra

Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon: (if you want one) None

Skill: (like stealth, Recon, the reason you were recruited) She is smart despite it being hard for her to stay awake. She is often sent on stealth missions or with Lightning.

Bio: She is a great controller of dreams allowing herself to change dreams after someone had fell asleep. She is also a Lightnings partner and is never seen without him.

Zero Gravity

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Miru nodded and ran out of the room to begin the trek to the ground type nation and erika followed close behind. "time to kick some butt!" yelled Miru.


"Thats right!" Erika added as her wings fluttered with excitement

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Summer followed them. "wait up!" she yelled but was caught by Shira. "hey let go!"


"sorry miss pickpocket but your staying with me this time and not wandering off! We are a team remember!" shira told summer


"yeah yeah yeah!"

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Abia and Lightning walked through a hall as they talked to each other about a few things. "So you want to come and see what my nation looks like?" Lightning finally asked as Abia nodded. "It would be nice to see so when are we going?" Lightning smiled before pulling Abia's hand with him as he headed out. "Right now of course so let's get to walking hey that's cheating.............." He growled letting off a spark as Abia start floating along beside him. "No it's not I just feel like sleeping right now..........." She said before she fell asleep letting Lightning pull her floating body for a little while. "Cheater.............." He mumbled before he continued pulling her with him.

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