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KH3D Regarding Ansem and Xemnas

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Something I've been wondering about: in the most recent trailer: you can see Ansem (I know that he should be called Xehanort's Heartless, but I can't help but remember him as Ansem) and Xemnas, each facing Riku and Sora. This raises a couple questions. First, as both of them have been killed in the real world, that means the original Xehanort can come back, and that's all fine and well. But then, why are they here? My initial reaction is that they're illusions, or created out of memories, given that they are presumably encountered within the Dream realm. But if they're not, could it be that their existence is now on the same level of the worlds that have been put to sleep, and if this is the case, would it be possible for them to come back in some fashion? Second, and this still relies on the idea of their not being illusions, if they are appearing in this Dream realm after being beaten by Sora, what does that say about other characters, including Vanitas, who have been defeated, and whether or not they can come back to life ("wake up" as it were)?

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I think ity has something to do with young master xehanort being there i think nomura said everywhere he goes young master xehanort brings a dark being from the past back



If he did say that, then maybe Young Master Xehanort could be the MF, Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Norma say that the MF is a time traveler? Also if you recall the secret end of re coded yen sid tells Mickey: "would a Single one of you suffice if what you faced was NOT a SINGLE one of him" so I'm thinking maybe YMX could be the MF and he bought back Ansem SOD, Xemnas, and venitas. who knows IF YMX is the MF, he might even bring back the original Xehanort.


P.S.just wanted to point out Im well aware that Numora said the MF is a character that hasn't be introduced yet in the KH series, but we all know he's known for messing with our heads

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If he did say that, then maybe Young Master Xehanort could be the MF, Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Norma say that the MF is a time traveler? Also if you recall the secret end of re coded yen sid tells Mickey: "would a Single one of you suffice if what you faced was NOT a SINGLE one of him" so I'm thinking maybe YMX could be the MF and he bought back Ansem SOD, Xemnas, and venitas. who knows IF YMX is the MF, he might even bring back the original Xehanort.


P.S.just wanted to point out Im well aware that Numora said the MF is a character that hasn't be introduced yet in the KH series, but we all know he's known for messing with our heads


Nomura has confirm that MF and the guy we saw in the trailer are th same person his identity remains to be seen another thing to bear in mind is that yen sid said everything in the dream world is in a statee of sleep if it is awoken in the dream realm it wll awaken in the real world

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But here is what bothers nomura has made a point to show us what young master xehanort looks like in bbs then in the trailer he shows that the MF is young master xehanort but why would he reveal his identity so early when in the past he has lead us in one direction then gone the opposite way. which leads to wonder if that is really YMX or someone else.

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