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Misfits Studio Auditions

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ok I'm starting a new studio group on facebook and youtube. Auditions begin now! post your best AMV (Anime/Animated Music Video) to compete. I'll only be choosing 4 (including myself) members for now. Best of luck



-the video should be only about a minute and a half long.


-Whatever song your comfortable with (for the sake of KH13 young members censored music please if your choosen then it can be explict)


-Yes please post the example video on this thread


-You may use whatever anime/video games you want for audition and if choosen


-You can use premade videos you have but still shorten in to a minute and a half (1:30)



-I understand school is still going on, so if your interested but have school you can post it over the weekend.


-Deadline: Feb. 1, 2012 (if I dont have 4 members I'll extend the deadline)


-If choosen send me a message of your facebook (if your have one if not i'll keep you posted) and I'll send you a group invite and your youtube account (if you dont have that I will mention you in the studio's youtube page).


-We'll make an AMV from one choice of a song of each member, each member will be assigned a small clip of the song (for example I'll do 00:00- 00:45 second and some does 00:46-1:30, etc)


FInal thing:

This is all for fun and to share something we have in common so enjoy yourself.




1. Ventus_XIII

2. Azure Flame

3. DemxyLovesCookies

4. 4everbee

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Hmmm sounds awesome. Unfortunately, I don't know whether I'd have the time to participate, since I've got school and all. But in case I decide to go for it, what are the rules? Deadline, how long should the video be, do we post our videos in this thread, et cetera?

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Alright, even though I'm already a member I was told to audition still. So here is my vid. If existing videos aren't ok, then I'll submit another one when I get told so.




shorten it down to 1:30 or make another.

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http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmm1HESntKI Im Azure Flames lil sis btw =) i made this a while ago but i think its one of my best and its the only one i had that fit the time requirment. It does have the words S**t, D**n and screw u but I hope u like it http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png if u would like u can look at my " Kadaj will make a man out of you " amv in the videos section of the forum.

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Well, here's my vid. Unfortunatly YouTube, being the PoS that it is, removed the audio. I will provide a link to the song, though it does also ruin my end too, where it has Young Xehanort and Vanitas talking. The song itself is Blue Bird tv version from the Naruto Shippuden 3rd opening.


My Vid



Song Vid


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And now it don't even let you watch the video due to copyrights. :/

But at least you got the audio back! XDXD


I also had to watch a vid and take a quiz, something they call "Copywright School"

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