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Xbox 720 Will Be Six Times as Powerful as Current Gen

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oh, i get it now. Just the jokes weren't even funny in the first place.


And here I thought the super smart Dolan would figure it out. Don't worry, you still get a prize:



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Er... What traps are you speaking off? I only find you as a firetrucking moron if that's what you mean.


Are you translating your Finnish with Google Translate, or something?

and never had one of it's exclusives become a game of the year.


Because Game of the Year totally isn't a glorified opinion, right?

I mean, I could say inFAMOUS 2 was game of the year for the last eighty years, and that has as much validity as any other 'award'

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Honestly, considering the PS3 has been out for a year less than the X-Box and is less than 2 million units behind, the PS3 has sold more units per year than the 360 has. Yes, that doesn't change the fact that it's in last place, but it won't be surprising if the PS3 surpasses the 360 within the next year at this rate.


Doesn't seem likely especially with microsoft shitting out their upper tier of exclusives next year, Halo 4 being the best example, which is the most anticipated game of 2012.



True enough, but none of the online systems for the consoles are perfect. If you're referring to the hack earlier this year, then here's a fact: if it's connected to the internet, it can never truly be secure.

But it can be more secure than others, and a network containing millions of people's personal information should not be hacked by one fat guy in his moms basement.




Uncharted 2 would like to talk to you.


I stand corrected.

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This part made me rage. The Kinect nor Move is better then the Wii Remote. I'm not a fanboy (I'm a owner of all 3 consoles and devices) but Kinect isn't even apart of this because it really just sucks. The Move is lower-tech then the Wii Remote, most likely because it was a post-launch accessory. The inside might be better tech, but you don't need 4 different devices and spending $150 or more for some controller to work.




Your either awesome or a troll. Either way your turning this thread into a console flamewar clusterfiretruck so I'll just ignore everything you said and I advise everyone else to do the same.

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