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Men vs. Women

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There is a reason why this happens. Women are bitches and usually strike first. It's hard to keep it inside, your anger and rage. One day, it all flys out and everyone thinks you did it for no reason. This has happened once before to me, it wasn't pretty. :s

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Exactly. I treat everyone the same, regardless of who they are.


I was taught growing up to hold doors for people and all that. It's just who I am.


It's like racism. A majority of the people keeping it alive are the ones who are complaining about it. If you let the problems go, they will go.

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I really created an apathy against many women because of these reasons.

They yell "EMANCIPATION OF THE WOMAN" but still expect men to open the doors for them and pay for them in a restaurant.


They demand equal rights when it is to their advantage and and decline them if it is to their disadvantage.

And honestly I hate phrases like "I am a woman I am right" stuff. It pisses me off so much.


They complain, that they get less money for physical jobs despite the fact that the average woman has a weaker body than the average man and carry about half as much weight when being employed as let's say.... a building labourer.


If you think about it women have more rights than men.. at least in first world countries. They enjoy every right men have but also benefit from their chivalry and basically make them their bitches in the social life.


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I don't respect this.

It doesn't matter if it's a woman or man, both will get equal respects from me.


If a man punches me, I destroy him.

If a woman punches me, I destroy her

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Ugh, ikr! Women call me stupid or rude if I do the same things they do to ME! It's just, ugh. Like my sister.

She's aways going around saying stuff she probably knows hurts me. I just stay quiet and if i complain, I'm the bad guy.

If I say something bad about her or "hurt her feelings" she starts making a fuzz or crying and parents get all defensive on their part. And there's no way for me to explain.

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Okay, hi, I'm a feminist and if you think those women that are all 'GUYS ARE HORRIBLE, WOMEN ARE SO MUCH BETTER, HOW DARE THAT MAN OPEN A DOOR FOR ME' or like 'I DESERVE THE SAME RESPECT AS MEN BUT THEY SHOULD STILL CATER TO ME AND TREAT ME LIKE A PRINCESS' are feminists, you are sadly mistaken.

The 'feminists' you discribed are MISANDRISTS. Please learn the terms.

Feminists want equality too.

I, myself, open doors for men and women because it's the polite thing to do. If someone doesn't open the door for me, it's not the end of the world.

And you see, there is still internalized sexism in this world.

Your example of the car crash and argument is one of them.

If a woman was behind one wheel and a man behind the other, then people would think that man is horrible for fighting with a woman. Why? Because she's a girl and you shouldn't fight with girls WHICH IS BULLSHIT.

Sure, you can discriminate against males, but there are several instances where females are turned down jobs because there is an equally capable male and just the fact that he is a straight, white man was what got him the job.

I would say more, but I'm on my way to school and don't have enough time to disagree with some of the things you said and and I as a feminists am personally offended for being classified as a misandrist.

I believe in equality for all, firetruck chivalry, people should be polite and decent to each other.


Woah, sorry for offending you. I have never heard the term 'misandrists' before, I only said feminist because that's what one of my friends calls herself and she acts in the way I described. I have consulted dictionary.com and now realise the error in my language. I shall edit the words to avoid any further misunderstanding. Once again I am sorry for offending you, I was just trying to get a point across and stating some things I have picked up on. Anybody that knows me knows I am a very respectful person towards everybody.

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So, I don't entirely disagree with what you said, and I'm not mad, I'm just hoping I was able to broaden your perspective a little. :D


Thanks :) You did broaden my perspective. I wasn't trying to appear offensive or against women, but being a guy I guess my side is going to be biased.

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I believe women and men are equals as a whole and deserve an equal amount of respect, however I also believe there are still a lot women who think they deserve more respect than they are worth and complain for problems that are not related to discrimination. I am well aware that discrimination still exists for womens' rights in this world and I am 100% against it, however compared to back when women died for their pursuit of equal rights, I think there are a lot of women that try to take advantage of past discriminations.

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Another thing is that society view women being housewives and only good for cooking and cleaning and taking care of children while men are supposed to be the ones providing for the family. This has changed over time but I'd bet that when people think of a perfect American family they think of a stay at home mother and a working father. Not to say that situation doesn't happen and it's wrong but it just kind of shows that people don't expect women to be the money maker because the money maker is the boss and god forbid women have more power.

There still isn't equality between men and women and that's because not only do men treat women as inferior (not all men but many) but fellow women don't respect each other. Everyday you see girls calling other girls sluts for the way they dress or act while if a man sleeps around he is praised by his fellow men.

If a girl does something wrong, a lot of times someone will be 'wow girls are stupid' while if it's a male the reaction would be 'wow you're stupid'

If a man is compared to a girl, its offensive. If a woman is compared to a male, its a compliment

With all this said, I have to admit discrimination towards men. Which I will give examples of later, I'm in class and I must run

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Another thing is that society view women being housewives and only good for cooking and cleaning and taking care of children while men are supposed to be the ones providing for the family. This has changed over time but I'd bet that when people think of a perfect American family they think of a stay at home mother and a working father. Not to say that situation doesn't happen and it's wrong but it just kind of shows that people don't expect women to be the money maker because the money maker is the boss and god forbid women have more power.


I agree that many people still think it's really weird when the woman is the primary money-maker of the family. However, in my experience (I say "in my experience" because my mom faced this kind of discrimination, from both women and men), it's frowned upon if a woman is just a housewife--she's also expected to have a part-time job on top of that, but not be the primary supporter. Because if she's staying home all day while her kids are at school, she must have a lot of time on her hands, and she's probably being lazy. If she's homeschooling her kids, she must not actually be teaching them anything, they must be stupid, and, once again, she's being lazy.


But I see what you're saying--there are still a lot of people who think women are useless in the workplace, and only belong in the home.


And it affects men poorly, too, because there are some men who genuinely want to stay home and raise their kids while their wives work in the office or whatever. But of course, if he has this desire, he's looked at as really weird--maybe even more so than the woman who wants to provide for the family financially.


Haha anyway, I'll try to stop ranting about how women have it so terrible in some areas, because men have it pretty bad, too, just in different areas than women. This is just a sad world of gender stereotypes. :/




Thanks :) You did broaden my perspective. I wasn't trying to appear offensive or against women, but being a guy I guess my side is going to be biased.


Yeah, it's no problem, I knew you didn't mean to seem offensive. And like I said, I had never even thought of most of the things I said in my post until they were pointed out to me in a gender class. A few months ago, I probably wouldn't have had half the perspective on gender stereotypes and issues as I do now. Gender classes are very helpful in that way, especially because I got more perspective on difficult things men have to deal with, not just women. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png

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I agree that many people still think it's really weird when the woman is the primary money-maker of the family. However, in my experience (I say "in my experience" because my mom faced this kind of discrimination, from both women and men), it's frowned upon if a woman is just a housewife--she's also expected to have a part-time job on top of that, but not be the primary supporter. Because if she's staying home all day while her kids are at school, she must have a lot of time on her hands, and she's probably being lazy. If she's homeschooling her kids, she must not actually be teaching them anything, they must be stupid, and, once again, she's being lazy.


But I see what you're saying--there are still a lot of people who think women are useless in the workplace, and only belong in the home.


And it affects men poorly, too, because there are some men who genuinely want to stay home and raise their kids while their wives work in the office or whatever. But of course, if he has this desire, he's looked at as really weird--maybe even more so than the woman who wants to provide for the family financially.


Haha anyway, I'll try to stop ranting about how women have it so terrible in some areas, because men have it pretty bad, too, just in different areas than women. This is just a sad world of gender stereotypes. :/





Yeah, it's no problem, I knew you didn't mean to seem offensive. And like I said, I had never even thought of most of the things I said in my post until they were pointed out to me in a gender class. A few months ago, I probably wouldn't have had half the perspective on gender stereotypes and issues as I do now. Gender classes are very helpful in that way, especially because I got more perspective on difficult things men have to deal with, not just women. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


I will admit, there are still discriminatory acts against women. Same as people of different race, sexuality, religion.. It's awful. If we lived in a place where non of this existed, it would be perfect.


On the subject of "women staying home"… I feel like if the man makes the most money, the mama should stay home and take care of the baby. If the woman makes the most money, the man should stay home and take care of the baby. It's obvious how much work it is to raise a child, that's why there should be BOTH the parents doing it. However, both sides discriminate against each other. You have the women who will say things like, "Im at home all day cooking, cleaning, running errands, taking care of the baby and you do nothing at work", then you have the male side you think "That's your job. Im tired after work, I want to relax since it's your job to cater to me and the baby"… Both sides are wrong and a disgrace. As parents, and seeing as it takes TWO to make a child, it takes TWO to take care of it. It's actually a known fact that if a stay-at-home mother made money for what she did, she would make well over $100,000 a year for all the work she does in a day. But as a mother, that IS your job. Same as a father. That IS his job. Whoever is staying home with the baby, yeah it's a lot of hard work, however the man/woman who is working is doing a lot of stuff too. There's a LOT of pressure on the "bread winner" on that side. They have to work harder, keep their job, provide financially for an entire family and then come home to do parent duties.. It's hard on BOTH sides, yet you only hear about one side and how unfair it is so someone blah blah blah.


Its a mess, and it's a shame people still think that way. There should be a good balance but it's very rare to find even though it's 2012. You'd think people would evolve and grow more, but people act like cavemen/women more than ever it seems.

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But some guys are actual sweethearts. They're just the quiet ones that are afraid to talk to others.


Seriously though, a guy hitting a girl is wrong, but a girl hitting a guy is what?

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But some guys are actual sweethearts. They're just the quiet ones that are afraid to talk to others.


Seriously though, a guy hitting a girl is wrong, but a girl hitting a guy is what?


No one is saying that there aren't guys who are nice and aren't sexist and etc! I think waytothedawnx's boyfriend is a good example of that

There's good an bad people everywhere, and anyone can be a sexist, racist, asshole.

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I came into this thread expecting a sexist opening post, and was preparing to sit back and watch the flame war, maybe post something like "*grabs popcorn* This should be good." I was pleasantly surprised to see people actually making sense and *gasp* agreeing (for the most part). You all earn your hypothetical golden stars for the day.


Anyways, I believe men and women are equal. Blah-blah-blah, sterotypes, blah, everyone said everything that needs to be said about that already, no use in repeating it all and "beating the dead horse" so to speak. What I want to touch on one of the more annoying things, and by no means to offend anyone.


Any "law" type thing, favoring man or women, I find unacceptable. "It is illegal to hit a woman (if your a man)" is one I find ridiculous. No one should hit anyone unless it is self-defense; and when it is self-defense, every has the right to defend themselves. "The man is the provider, the women takes care of the children and cooks" is another one, but I think someone already picked this one apart. "Girls are stupid", well, some of the smartest people I have met have been female, and I have seen some really stupid guys, and vice-versa, it just depends on the person. "Men only want one thing in a woman", "Men only want one thing", "Men are pigs" are all just, uggh.


I had more, but I got side-tracked and lost my train of thought... >_<


One more thing, I want to thank Koko for showing me what a misandrist was. I thought there were only feminist and really extreme feminist, glad to see feminism isn't a giant hypocritical, sexist belief system that I was convinced most of it was.

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That's the other thing. Women almost always get custody of children when the parents divorce because women are often viewed as better for the child. So, guess what? The man has to pay child support if he's away from the family. I think if men want custody of the child, they should go for it, firetruck if the women think they would be better parents. (if they're good parents of course, if you were a horrible father, this deosn't count.)The only problem I have is when men run off because they assume the woman can take care of it after the divorce.

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I am typical 1950s man. I think Women should stay at home tending to the household (taking the kids to school, chatting it up with Mrs. Johnson, dusting the nuclear bomb shelter etc.) while the Men go off to the city and work in offices while keeping an eye out for communist and liberals.

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I agree on most of the points. It frustrates me when I hear other girls saying, "Oh, well, I'm not strong enough to do it, I'm not a boy." I mean, it's not like a woman can't weight lift or do something and get stronger. ._. Or just using "I'm a girl" as an excuse in general annoys me. Even how teachers will sometimes say, "Okay can I have a few boys over here to help me carry this?" Like, I can do just as many pull-ups as they can, why aren't you asking me? Why aren't you asking any of the other girls who can be just as strong to lift a darn table? It also annoys me if a man says "girls are dumber", or even if a girl says "girls are smarter". The latter is being sexist again boys, too. I mean, does no one get that someone's gender says nothing about the intelligence within?


I was amazingly angry though when I heard a bunch of women were complaining about the evacuation of the Costa Cruises ship that sank. They were saying how horrible it was that the men would push them aside and not let them go first. Shouldn't it be put all of the children in first regardless of sex, and then those children's parents, and if there's room, then fit in everyone else? I mean it annoys me when everyone says "oh, women and children first". I understand and agree that the children should definitely go first, but why women? What gives anyone the idea that if me and my brothers were adults on that cruise that I would abandon them and my dad just because I'm a girl? We've been fighting so hard for our rights--which we should have inherently had to start with--so why are some women abandoning them so quickly?


When I was at Parris Island, the only real difference between men and women's training that I saw were the fitness scores. They were slightly lower for women, but still difficult enough even a lot of men struggled to reach it. The differences were also very minute. I think that should demonstrate to the whole world that we're equal. Boot camp is hard enough, but Marine Corps boot camp is the biggest test of strength and endurance. There are admittedly more men, considering they have three battalions and the women only have one, but it really isn't that different. The girls have to run for who knows how long, finish the harder than you would expect obstacle course, and do everything the men are expected to do. There are lots and lots of men who decide it's too hard and quit, or don't make the cut. And if there are plenty of female Marines graduating Parris Island, doesn't that prove how entirely equal we are both in body and mind for those women to have made it through?


But there goes my little rant. The only thing that comforts me is a few of my friends' families are rampantly sexist, but my family treats me like they treat my brothers. My Dad jokes that I was his second little boy and when we do our PT sessions, he holds me to the same level he holds all of my brothers. Or if we fight, he gets just as angry at the boys for punching me if I punch them, there's no, "Oh, Lexi's a girl, it's okay that she punched you but you can't punch her." Things are pretty equal at least where I live, so that's always a plus. Thankfully not everyone is a close-minded idiot, but there are enough of them out there that it is a problem. ://

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OK I guess I'll put my 2 cents point this thread.


I'm a woman so I am fragile or too weak card


The whole "Oh I'm female and since I'm weak and all so very fragile so I need help and can't handle things myself." Come on now it's 21 century women have become to have power and stand strong. Women have also become independents in many ways but still there are so many that play "I'm a girl so I'm weak card" way too much in all honesty.


I mean for example, I go to college and our college is a two floor building, You would be amazed on how many females I see waiting for the elevator. I'm like "OK so you're telling me that you can't walk up two flights of stairs to get to class so you wait 30 seconds to a minute for the elevator which you could have been up the stairs in less then 30 seconds?" That's just being lazy. Now granted I do see some guys do that numbers of times. But it's almost most of the time females.


Men and women intelligence


The whole "Men are stupid and women are smart or vis versa bullcrap" I can say pisses me off. Let me tell something both and women are just as equally smart or stupid, trust me. Sometimes I'm amazed on how stupid of question or w/e I have heard from either party.


I swear one thing that some women which I find extremely stupid is this. Say you're in a place near a heater, could be in class or the bus w/e and you're hot. You put down the window some, not too much just enough to get a cool breeze. And then some girl has to say this ever.single.time. "Put the window back up it isn't summer." Oh really!? I didn't f****** know that!? O_o I thought the stuff falling form the skies and landing on the ground was just cotton. And the ice cold breeze was coming from a super giant fan from the sky. Thank you for enlighten me Miss captain obvious. :D


Thing a guy says that I find stupid is like anything wonder why women would be made you. You said something out of place moron. You can't think of some girls as one of the guys some are very sensitive. Thinking oh were really cool so I can say this. No, no I have done that before when I was younger and I learn that no some things shouldn't be said.


Men only want one thing


OK now this stereotype has been said so many times. But the sad thing is there are guys like that. But to bunch ever single guy like that because of maybe a past relationship or what you hear from your friends or what have is bull. There are plenty of men that no alternative motive to wanting to get to know a girl. Wanting to get to know cause he likes her, Enjoying her company. Sometimes sex is far from my mind. Granted that like ever human in the world that has gone through puberty, urges do come up. But we learn to hold them back and fine a "ways" to get rid of the sexual tension. Also there are women who want just sex as well. It's not only men trust on that. Women can be just a sexual as men, or more.


Putting hands on each other


Alright now these topic I want to say is that no it's not right hit women. But if it's self-defense it's ok. Just hitting her because you're mad or some crap like that is not acceptable. And the same can be said for women.


Now me I'm gentleman, I hold the doors, let ladies go first, treat them with respect, never put my hands on them, and if I do anything wrong I will fully apologize.


edit: I like to touch on more things but I think some things have been said. But still I think I said for what I can say at the moment.

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