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What reason have we had? He did fine enough in BbS, and Ansem wasn't even in Re:coded. So...what exactly are we complaining about...?


Corey Burton voiced Ansem in BbS.




Sorry, forgot he didn't play him in BbS. Ignore dumb post.


Saw this post right after I posted my mine. Ignore mine as well.

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Are you sure it was Square Enix who turned down Christopher Lee? I imagine he was the one who turned down the role in BBS (and Re:CoM) because he was probably busy with some other role at the time. Just like Alyson Stoner has to substitute when Hayden Panettiere isn't available. *cringe* But I just don't see why Square Enix would not want him to play Ansem anymore.


I'm really hoping he'll be available again for DDD, or KHIII at the very least. I have a little bit of hope that he's not gone for good, since he returned for Days even after Corey Burton had to take over for him in Re:CoM. Although Corey Burton isn't a bad actor, it's just heartbreaking hearing his voice where Christopher Lee's should be. T_T

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Christopher Lee was beyond great!

But you have to admit, Corey Burton wasn't bad.


No, Corey Burton isn't bad. It's just that I heard Lee first in the roll, so there is that consideration. Also, Burton also does Yen Sid in KH. It got a bit annoying for me in BBS when both Ansem the Wise and Yen Sid talked with the same voice.

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What the another thread about KH voice actor?About wich i have no idea who the hell he/she is?


You don't know who Christopher Lee is?! He...he played Count Dooku in Star Wars! He's in several Tim Burton movies!! HE'S ONLY THE MOST AMAZING OLD GUY IN THE ACTING INDUSTRY!!!!!! And you don't know who he is???? D': D': D':


Don't worry, I'm just a completely insane fan of his.

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Just like everyone else, Christopher Lee is waiting on KH3. lol


yea hopefully if he doesnt come back for kh3d he come back for kh3 :D if not then Corey Burton is fine but like other posters said was annoying to hear ansem and yen sid with the same voice DX

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What the another thread about KH voice actor?About wich i have no idea who the hell he/she is?


You don't know who Christopher Lee is?


Kids these days...


Just like everyone else, Christopher Lee is waiting on KH3. lol


He better have a life elixir, the man's over 90 years old!

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Perhaps I'm a very bad listener, but I really don't notice the difference.


He better have a life elixir, the man's over 90 years old!


He looks healthy. :P

What the another thread about KH voice actor?About wich i have no idea who the hell he/she is?


Perhaps you don't recognize the name, but he is Saruman (the evil wizard) in the Lord of the Rings movies.

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It probably has something to do with travelling and he's getting a little old for it. That, or it could be all the money spent getting Leonard Nimoy, Willa Holland and Jason Dohring. >>; Which reminds me....they really need to stop getting celeb VAs so they can afford Christopher Lee. xD

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And while you're at it, get Billy Zane too!


Hell no. Richard Epcar is much better. Billy Zane only sounded good (to me) giving his initial speeches and battle quotes when you first meet Ansem at the End of the World.

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