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Yoko Shimomura contacted me! (with pics)

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Er... Maybe I'm just getting off-track, but my point is: study up before you begin planning to study and work abroad.

Have you learned customs like tea ceremonies or how to make boxed lunches yet? Do you know how to eat with chopsticks? Do you know how to properly wear a hakama or a gii?


If you aren't prepared, foreign countries, especially Asian ones, will tear you apart.


Well, those kinds of things are superficial and I don't think it's crucial to survive in Japan. Those things aren't too hard to learn. But, yes, language is one, and culture is the other. There is a manner in which they act that it is important to understand and adopt to. Like, Americans are very direct and sincere with others, but Japanese are more formal and indirect. When Americans say something they mean exactly what they say. In Japan they can say one thing but mean something else because they are acting with the custom. That's one thing I find difficult when translating because there is an unspoken culture that I don't know how to put in English, and is usually impossible >.< So, yeah. But learning how to make a bento is important too ^^ You gotta eat ^^



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Well, those kinds of things are superficial and I don't think it's crucial to survive in Japan. Those things aren't too hard to learn. But, yes, language is one, and culture is the other. There is a manner in which they act that it is important to understand and adopt to. Like, Americans are very direct and sincere with others, but Japanese are more formal and indirect. When Americans say something they mean exactly what they say. In Japan they can say one thing but mean something else because they are acting with the custom. That's one thing I find difficult when translating because there is an unspoken culture that I don't know how to put in English, and is usually impossible >.< So, yeah. But learning how to make a bento is important too ^^ You gotta eat ^^



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I'd like to eat that someday.

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OK! I just don't get how it would've been fake even though my twitter is right there and my username. If it were fake, wouldn't that be setting yourself up for twitter overflow and spam? Come on, in some cases you must use your mind!


EDIT: OMG, you're only 13-years old. SO YOU PEOPLE ARE STILL IN SCHOOL!


No wonder you think it's a fake. You teens are so used to people trolling you or faking even the stupidest things. Wow. No wonder.


Wow. You don't have to be so rude about it. You need to accept the fact that not everyone is going to believe you. Just like you have to accept the fact that not everyone is going to like what you do or who you are. At least give them credit for not believing everything they read on the internet. That's a stupid habit to make.

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EDIT: OMG, you're only 13-years old. SO YOU PEOPLE ARE STILL IN SCHOOL!


But you're only 14...?




One year makes a big difference, ladies and gentleman.

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