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_The Door To Light_

Who is your favorite/least favorite Disney villain?

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I don't remember much of the movies but out of the games I would say Claton. Never liked him in either the movie or the games. The villain I do like (movie and game wise) is Hades.

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My favorites are Yzma and Hades.

Anyone remember Yzma? She was awesome.



I kind of hate Cruella de Vil and the Stepmother from Cinderella (I don't remember her name lol).


Yzma is awesome as a villain. She might be kind of ridiculous but really evil.

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my favorite villan is hades, he makes me laugh, he also makes me want to punch him in the face, but hes got great wit and is verry ellequent and just a blast to listen too..

i also love the villan sidekicks flotsem and jetsum, pain and panic..idk why


another favorite is scar, hes a crazy creepy bastard i dont like him..but on the lion king musical with the song the madness of king scar, where you can hear just how insane he is, it goes from why does noone love me as much as mufasa, to yelling at zazu and the hyenas, to jelousy of his brother, to self pity argueing with himself back and forth back and fortth his voice getting higher and more insane to zazu haveing to yell at him to calm down then creepiness where he wants a queen and cubs and starts flirting with nala whos really creeped out and keeps yelling at him but he doesnt listen and eventually getting mad at them all claiming they all belong to him that song shows how crazy he actually is , i hate this guy..but i love hateing him i guess.,..poor simba haveing to have this guy as a uncle

my least favorite is malificant / ursala


malificent sencirly scares me she just has ever since i was little so bad that for the longest time i wasnt aloud to watch sleeping buety because of the nightmares, and she still creeps me out...not a fan...not...a fan...


ursala makes me mad...i used to have this little mermaid video game...every time you died she come on the game over screan MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...it was like adding insult to injury...shes annoyed me ever since..

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My favorite is Hades, mostly because he's played by James Woods. Also, everytime a cutscene or fight with Hades comes up in KH, I love it and feel happy.



My least favorite is Hook, cause I don't think he's much in the KH series. And, I don't think he's a good Disney villain overall. Plus, all of his boss fights have ended me at least once in every game he's in.

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favorite itd have to b......pete cus hes got a certain way of fighting wich makes him easy and i like rowdy rumble



least favorite wuld have to b malifecent i never likled how she was in kh1 but in kh2 it was cool how she stayed back to fight nobodies

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Favorite: Hades. The villian you love to hate. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


Least Favorite: The Queen of Hearts. Why? No plans, no goals, no awareness of the Heartless, and YET....she's the biggest bitch to deal with because she can't take her head out of her own giant, fat ass. :angry:

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Favorite: Malieficent. I just love!! <3



Least Favorite: Queen of Heart. I mean really? -.- She is just a fat old lady. She doesnt so anything. LOl and Captain hook... My god that coward!

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Least Favorite______________________________________________________________________________


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Edited by Alan Smithee

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