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_The Door To Light_

Who is your favorite/least favorite Disney villain?

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Frollo, the video truly says it all. Out of all the villains I belive that Frollo displays the most emotion

and wickedness.




Least Favorite:


Captian Hook. I wouldn't consider him a villain at all honestly. He's the biggest coward out of any other character. Not to mention he's been spending his time going after a young boy for most of his life. Plus, battling him was a pain in KH Re:COM (not difficult, just a pain).

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Hades. I just love how is personality isn't all like "Mwahahaha" all the time if you know what I mean, and he's great with words. xD



Least Favorite:


The Queen of Hearts. Like Captain Hook, I'm not sure you can even call her a villain. Even in Kingdom Hearts, she's not working with Maleficent or anything, like the others are. Anyway, I don't like her because she's completely insane, and not necessarily evil (because, let's face it: we like Disney villains for their evilness).

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My favorites are Yzma and Hades.

Anyone remember Yzma? She was awesome.



I kind of hate Cruella de Vil and the Stepmother from Cinderella (I don't remember her name lol).


YES!! Yzma is great!!! xD


The Stepmother is named Lady Tremaine. It's okay that you don't remember since they only say it once in the movie. I only remember it from playing BBS. :P But yeah, she's a huge b****.

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My favorites are Yzma and Hades.

Anyone remember Yzma? She was awesome.



I kind of hate Cruella de Vil and the Stepmother from Cinderella (I don't remember her name lol).


Yeah, I remember when "The Emperor's new Grove" came out it was my favorite movie for a while.

I just loved Yzma's personality. x)

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Scar. I like his style. Kill his brother, emotional scarred his nephew, and told everyone they both died tragically so he can take the thrown; awesome. Its just a shame he couldnt think of a way to handle Simba later.


Govenor Ratcliffe (Pocahontas). Hes too close minded to be a good villian. He just hated the indians without thinking of how he could use them to his own benefit.

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favourite: id have to say Hades. sure its a huge cliche in this thread but i still love him. Hercules is the best Disney movie EVAR!

close behind would have to be Malificient


least favourite: Captain Hook. what a panzy, got a pirate ship and crew and the sound of a clock scares him. not cool.

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Favourite: Probably Hades, I like his style


Least: Ursula, my god, the fight where you needed to cast spells in the couldron nearly made me quit playing KH1 because of how firetrucking random it was. Though the actual Ursula boss of that world wasn't very hard at all, that one fight has scarred me D:

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Favorite: Gaston. He's just brilliant. Especially if you take into account that the original Beauty & the Beast fairytale didn't have a bad guy so they had to make him up from scratch. In KH, probably Hades. I love his sarcasm.


Least favorite: can't really think of one.

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It's so hard to choose D:

Frollo, Hades,Scar and Professor Ratigan were great because Tony Jay, James Woods, Jeremy Irons and Vincent Price were absolutely fantastic in their voice work for the characters. (and the characters themselves were so cool xD) I completely forgot Maleficient D: I think I've listed too many any ways but she was so bad ass. Disney sure do know how to make their villains xD


My least favourite? Uh, Captain Hook I'd have to say, I just found him rather..... annoying.

Edited by KHSoraKeyBlade

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