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How lazy Turkish people are.

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There's a fine line between being lazy and smart.


What this man did was smart. If he dropped it out the window some how then he fixed his problem in a creative way, if he is a janitor and his job is to clean it up then he is also smart. The more time you save the more money you make.

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That's a pretty sweet idea right there. Somehow it reminds me of a picture one of my friends had taken when she was on a trip in Europe. There was a lawn-mower dude and he was mowing the lawn for some public area. In some places the hills were extremely steep, and so in the picture the guy was standing at the edge of one of these slopes and was holding a rope which was tied to his mower, and he just swung the rope back and forth in order to mow the grass on the slope. xD

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Oh, like us americans wouldn't do the same xD


Exactly. In fact, I'll have to create a senario in which to do it. I spend all day on stairs, I'm not going down to get a tablecloth when I can just vaccuum it from a window.

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