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KH3D Who is young xeanort?

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Hey guys, im confused about the young xeanort. how is he related to xeanort and how does he exist in bbs[i know he travels through time] Is he terranort in a way? please respond i am clueless.

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........Young Xehanort...is exactly that, Xehanort when he was younger a.k.a before he was that old geezer.....? And since he posessed Terra, he is also technically Terranort. So uh....I don't get where the confusion is coming from. e.o

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The one we saw in the KH3D trailer is most likely Young Master Xehanort. Remember in the interview that, some organization members have come back to being human again (Lea, for example). This means that Master Xehanort will most likely come back too. The reason behind why Master Xehanort looks young in the Realm of Sleep is "probably" the same reason why Sora and Riku are younger as well. In the present time, Master Xehanort would look like the one we saw in the secret ending of Birth by Sleep.


Terra-xehanort = Apprentice Xehanort or "AX"


AX, in a sense, is both Terra and Master Xehanort although neither is in control of the body. During the time in BBS (Final Episode), when Terranort stabs himself so that Terra would "hush up" inside his heart, Terra-xehanort lost his memories. As time pass by, Terra-xehanort became Ansem the wise's apprentice (this is why he is now called Apprentice Xehanort). In the prior KH3D trailer, we saw AX regain his memories back and stab Braig in the heart. It seems Xehanort did this to others as well. The reason why he does that is unknown.


Here is when his memories regain back, it looks like that these events are of the past:


Posted Image



So in the "real world", the real Master Xehanort would look like this:



Posted Image


And yes, no one can tell exactly what he looks like. But from KH3D perspective, he appears to be a bit younger in there than this scene.




In Realm of Sleep, he looks like this:



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His name is Young Xehanort because he looks like a young version of Xehanort. Really, we have no clue who he is. You cant go by looks alone in this series. Nomura would make him look like Xehanort just to screw with our heads on another level. What we know: hes the mysterious boss in BBS, he can manipulate time, and he will be in the dream realm. Anything oustide of that is speculation.

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His name is Young Xehanort because he looks like a young version of Xehanort. Really, we have no clue who he is. You cant go by looks alone in this series. Nomura would make him look like Xehanort just to screw with our heads on another level. What we know: he's the mysterious boss in BBS, he can manipulate time, and he will be in the dream realm. Anything oustide of that is speculation.


True. That is what I believe in. :) There are a bunch of mysteries in my mind right now. If I have to tell them, it will just add up to the confusion. But the idea was Master Xehanort is coming back as well as the other organization member. Their role in the story? No one knows. I am sure more of it will be on KH3.

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Living on an island....how else? xD thats what happened to sora


That's also how Naminé's power works.

Repliku's mind got blown because she haxed it, and put yaoi horrible things there, which created a mindblow.


Fact ;)

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That's also how Naminé's power works.

Repliku's mind got blown because she haxed it, and put yaoi horrible things there, which created a mindblow.


Fact ;)



Lol i think Larxene did that...if youve played/seen re-chain of memories xD

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The only thing I don't get is that if the Mysterious Figure from BBS is Young Xehanort from the dream world, how does he have a smaller body mass than the one in BBS?

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The only thing I don't get is that if the Mysterious Figure from BBS is Young Xehanort from the dream world, how does he have a smaller body mass than the one in BBS?


The same reason Riku and Sora also look smaller Duh

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His name is Young Xehanort because he looks like a young version of Xehanort. Really, we have no clue who he is. You cant go by looks alone in this series. Nomura would make him look like Xehanort just to screw with our heads on another level. What we know: hes the mysterious boss in BBS, he can manipulate time, and he will be in the dream realm. Anything oustide of that is speculation.


Indeed. We have no idea why he looks the way he is, let alone exactly who he is. Then again, Xehanort is Xehanort is Xehanort, and even if he wasn't, he'd still somehow be Xehanort. Possibly. Maybe Master Xehanort isn't even really Master Xehanort. *gasp* Just like Riku wasn't Riku for the end of KH1, really, it's hard to tell with this series. It's hard to believe that a human alone could be so rotten as Master Xehanort, so if, in the end, the real enemy is something much older than MX, and doesn't even go by the name Xehanort, I wouldn't be surprised. Ansem wasn't Ansem, afterall. Names and looks are arbitrary, it's true, but until we know otherwise:


He's Xehanort. Where, how, or if Terra is at all connected to the younger dream Xehanort is a total mystery. For now, it's safe to assume what you see at face value. If we get blown away with what's really going on, that's half the fun of it. If there's something deeper going on, we just don't know about it yet.

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Yea, the only thing that confuses me is the whole time-travel weapons thing......I just don't understand why he wouldn't have a keyblade. And how he could even be there with all of the other stuff that's happened to Xehanort. I'm really excited to how Nomura makes this work. He's obviously a very complicated character, so seeing how he connects to eraqus and vanitas will be interesting. Also how that manefestation of Xehanort came to be, if he's from the past, or he's just some kind of form of his.

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It's hard to believe that a human alone could be so rotten as Master Xehanort, so if, in the end, the real enemy is something much older than MX, and doesn't even go by the name Xehanort, I wouldn't be surprised. Ansem wasn't Ansem, afterall. Names and looks are arbitrary, it's true, but until we know otherwise:

What about his "Guardian"? This thing was with him as Terranort and probably before. It´s evern freaking there when he was a heartless O_o

I find it kind of strange that his heartless persona has another heartless by his side - the better question would be:

Is this even a real heartless? Where does it come from (just from his heart?) yaddayadda...

This would even make sense because I don´t have the feeling that YX in the RoS is "evil".

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What about his "Guardian"? This thing was with him as Terranort and probably before. It´s evern freaking there when he was a heartless O_o

I find it kind of strange that his heartless persona has another heartless by his side - the better question would be:

Is this even a real heartless? Where does it come from (just from his heart?) yaddayadda...

This would even make sense because I don´t have the feeling that YX in the RoS is "evil".


His looks are deceptive, aren't they? I've tried to ask people if they though he might pretend to be a good guy and befriend Sora, but they just can't see it happening. If I were him, I'd take advantage of my youth and beguile someone as naive as Sora with friendship, definitely.


As far as the Guardian goes, I do believe that is Master Xehanort's Heartless. It appeared inside of Terra when Master Xehanort removed his own heart, and had full control over Terra's body, much like "Ansem" had control of Riku in KH1.


There are, of course, two types of Heartless: Purebloods, which kind of 'are' the essence of the heart's darkness, and Emblems, which are nothing but synthetic, living, containers that hold captured hearts, which are released as they defeated by a Keyblade. Purebloods do not release hearts. "Ansem", or, as he was finally called, Xehanort's Heartless, is what I actually believe to be a blend of Xehanort's Pureblood Heartless, which would be the Guardian from earlier, and Terra, who has been more or less transformed into nothing but a container. Similarly, Emblem Heartless are containers that hold hearts. This makes, in my mind, what's left of Terra to be an 'Emblem' Heartless. There's no exact science to any of it, and it's all speculation. "Ansem" may be both Emblem and Pureblood because he is both Terra and Xehanort, basically.

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