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How and when did you get into kingdom hearts?

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Well me and my friend was talking about video games and then he said "A really awesome game is Kingdom Hearts". So I bought KH2. It was 2009 at the time so they didn't sell KH1 at shops any more.......

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I saw the commercial for 3582 days and asked for it at Christmas.I recieved it as a gift from my grandparents,which was cool.I played it,loved it,and wanted to learn more.I then decided to watch all the cutscenes on youtube so I could figure out what was going on.I still do not have a playstaion,but I intend to buy one when I have enough money.

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  On 1/26/2012 at 8:37 AM, 'beadprincess' said:

I saw the commercial for 3582 days and asked for it at Christmas.I recieved it as a gift from my grandparents,which was cool.I played it,loved it,and wanted to learn more.I then decided to watch all the cutscenes on youtube so I could figure out what was going on.I still do not have a playstaion,but I intend to buy one when I have enough money.


I'm pretty sure PS2s are dirt cheap now, you might as well buy one. Or a used 1st-gen PS3 that plays PS2 games (I'm not sure how expensive those are though).

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Way back when in 2003, I was at a Wal-mart an looked through a $20 video games bin an spotted out Kingdom Hearts for the first time... I watched all the disney movies so i thought this game would be really cool and it was for the PS2 (which I got on my 7th birthday) so I decided to give it a try, turned out to be the best videogame i've ever played!! :) Stuck with the series up until now and cant wait for Dream Drop Distance! :D

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Oh let's see if I can pull these memories from my brain. I heard about Kingdom Hearts (I still don't remember where), and thought it was cool. But I did not own a PS2, so I couldn't get it. My brother had a ps2 and his wife played Kingdom Hearts. So I played it a bit at their house. (for like 20 minutes) Then before one christmas my aunt called me and asked what game I thought my brother would want. I said Kingdom Heart 2. So that christmas, I opened a box to find a PS2 from my brother with a few games (Kingdom Hearts 1) and my aunt got me KH2. I was so excited, I played it there. I poped in KH2, and the opening movie kinda spoiled the first game for me. But never the less I played KH1 first and got close to beating it and gave up. Then I started KH2 and beat it. Finally I beat KH1 i was so happy. Then I got KH:COM for the GBA and I didn't get far; I hated the card system. Then later I picked up KH :RECOM and enjoyed it. Then Eventually I got days and got close to beating it but gave up, Still haven't played BBS or Re:Coded (though I did spoil the story for myself), but I hope to get BBS when I get a PSP. But like everyone else, I'm waiting for DDD. Long story, but that's how I got into Kingdom Hearts. I remember also watching these flash animation videos based on the first game. I forgot what they were called, but they were so funny. (One of my favorite quotes is; Kairi why is there Broccoli on your shirt?)

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I remember it like it was yesterday, but it wasn't lol, I was six and I went to my best friends house because my mom needed to get something from there, I went into my friends room be he wasn't there. Anyway I turned on his tv and there it was, Kingdom hearts. The world was deep jungle and tarzan was in the party, I had no idea what was going on but when I saw donald and goofy I grabbed the controller and started playing. I had absolultley no idea what I was doing and I was instantly killed by the heartless. I new that I died so I turned off the tv put the controller back and ran out the room, I managed to see the game case so I knew what it was called. The next day my friend was pissed at me and knew I was playing and died and he worked hard to get there. After a few days I saw the commercial of kingdom hearts and begged my mom to get it for me, three days later at 8:00pm she asked me to help her get something from the trunk, she didn't tell me what it was so I just reached inside there and it was kingdom hearts! I was sooo physicked and I put it in my ps2 immedatly. But I could only play it for 20 min cause I had to go to bed(even though it was summer). I don't remember what happened the next day but I loved it and my cousin fell in love with it and we both pre-ordered kh2 and got it on the same day. Me and my best friend would stay up all night and play kh nonstop. Thanks to kingdom hearts I got into final fantasy, ah memories :D

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The first time I heard of Kingdom Hearts was from a game magazine. It told me about 'a FF x Disney Crossover'. Being a fan of Disney I am, I am interested, but I don't really play it until my brother bought it for his PS2. I stopped playing early at first because I don't understand anything at first, being a game newbie I am, but then after KHII comes up and I played it until the end with my brother, I decides to re-play KH1.


Years passed after I finished KH2 (I never finished KH1, got stuck on Wonderland, but I really want to finish it soon now), and I forgot how much do I love KH series. But one day, a roleplayer on a roleplay forum with OCs used a visualization/PB of Aqua, and I got interested in that character. Then one day when I was picking up games for my PSP, I decided to pick on Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and I got hooked.


...and the result is, now I'm back into the Kingdom Hearts fandom. :)

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well it was 2007 when i got it. my grandparents and i went to america for my birthday and i visited my family when i got there they had some games for me to pick out. i picked lego starwars simpsons road rage and kh 1. i was confused because i dindnt have a ps2 so when i got home to my country for christmas i thought i was gettng more roller sktes but when i opened the box it wa a ps2. after that kh became my favourite game series

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I was trying to get CoM for my gameboy after I saw a special commercial thing on disney channel for disney games, but when I went to the store they didn't have it so my mom showed me the original KH and I got that. I remember I use to be scared of the Darkside heartless for some reason when I was little, but besides that I remember being stuck at Malificent dragon and Riku/Ansem and I almost gave up xD well I did for a long time lol.

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I don't remeber when I got into KH exactly, but I remember how I got into it. My best friend had been a fan of the series for a while and he kept pestering me to play the first game for about a year or two until I finally said "Alright I'll play it!" Then when I sat down and began playing the first game I literally turned to him and said"Why didn't you make me play this sooner!"

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