echo 69 Posted February 5, 2012 (lalalalala *look around*) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted February 5, 2012 Desmond fell on his face. The poison was working against him, and since it was in his wing it caused him terrible pain...he screamed out so loud that the entire camp heard it. They then began rushing to him, and found him and Medens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted February 5, 2012 Ash's head snapped in the direction of the blood curling screams. " What did you do?" She asked Xander. " You didn't use the posioned arrows did you?" She asked pushing off the tree and grabbing his arrows from his back. She licked the end of one of the arrows then spat. " Idiot, we have to save this stuff, it doesn't just grow on trees ya know." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted February 5, 2012 Mallik looked at Desmond's left wing and shook his head...he then pulled out his sword and chopped it off. He then had one of their Anguul medics bandage and steralize the wound. "He's lucky, that kind of poison could have ate his whole body away, and now...he'll never fly again. It's better to have lost his wing though," Mallik said sadly. He then patted Desmond on the head and said," Your father will have my head for this..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted February 6, 2012 "Never fly again?" asked Medens. Sure the medicine and supplies here at camp was rudimentary at best, but he wondered if perhaps magic might be able to help, at least in some small capacity. "Is there anything you think I could do to help?" he pleaded, looking to Mallik. It was all his fault. If Meden's had simply known, had simply dispatched the girl right then and there... then what? Did he not think they would retaliate due to their loss? An endless war of never ending violence, forever getting revenge in greater and greater ways, calling in turn for a greater revenge for that. What was the point? Maybe Medens could discover it later, but for now he had a wounded friend to attend to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted February 7, 2012 Desmond looked up at Mallik, his eye sight was blurred by tears, but then he said,"Tell my father all is well, and that I said not to harm you. I now see that the war cannot simply be stopped by negotiation, it cannot be won with my voice, and so I will give my sword to put this war to an end. By any means necessary. Flight was the greatest gift our people were blessed with, but I can manage with one wing. Eventually, I will learn to use it for something, but as for now I will fight like the Gorrik...which is how I have become. I am a one winged man, but I will not let any shame befall me. All who hear of me will despair." His tone was rather fierce and shocked Mallik, but deep down the Captain knew Desmond wouldn't be convinced that he was useless. So he simply smiled and flew off to tell the General what happened to his son. Desmond stood up and smiled at Medens. "Don't worry, there was nothing that could've been done to prevent that act. If we had killed her without hesitation, I would have been shot, and you would have continued in your actions. I don't blame you at all," he said kindly,"you are my friend, and I put too much pressure on you. In doing so, I caused this to happen, and I am ok with that." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted February 7, 2012 (wow intense much? lol) Ash didn't give Xander a chance to defend himself and started walking in the direction of the camp. After a half hour of walking Ash came up to an empty spot where the small camp used tobe. " What.... happened?" She wondered and looked around she started noticing small things like arrows stuck in trees and blood spilled onto the branches. " Oh no..." She murmmed. She spun around to face Xander. " Xander go back to the territory border and report that the archer mission has been wiped out. Now!" She yelled after seeing a moment of hesitation. Xander immediatly ran off andAsh sunk to the ground staring at one of the blood dappled trees. " Not my team... not now..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted February 10, 2012 After Mallik reported to the general he noticed the general's eyes...pure rage. Two hours later an order was mandated by the kings of the Resistance, total war on the elves. Mallik returned to camp with the mandate. Desmond looked over at Medens and said," So, someone causes an Anguul's wing to get cut off and now there is total war on a I wish I'd been smart and let the girl go instead of asking questions. Atleast then there wouldn't be a war." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted February 11, 2012 "Hey, don't worry. The war has been going on for ages. It's not going to end over night. This simply fueled the rage. It's too bad, though. It's hard to imagine a world without war anymore," responded Medens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted February 11, 2012 Ash stood up and looked around the camp once more. " No need to stay here any longer." She decided when a hawk swooped down and landed on her shoulder. " What do you want?" She asked it then seeing the roll of paper tied to it's leg she untied the paper and read it. Ash The army you have been scouting has officially declared war on the Elves. Evacuate the forest as quickly as possible your remaining scout will remain with us. Good luck. Read the note she crumpled it up and cursed. She looked at the hawk then an idea came into her mind. Ash smoothed out the paper and flipped it over writting her own message on the back. If you really want to stop this fighting meet me into the forest tonight. -Ash She quickly wrote down the message and told the hawk to go to the injured Anguul nowing he probably didn't survive that poisen completely unharmed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted February 14, 2012 That night as Desmond lay in bed he began thinking about all of the things he'd seen in his life. The beautiful trees, the nice people, his wing laying limp on the ground, and the look of confusion in everyone's eyes...just then a hawk landed on his bed and dropped a note. 'Ok...well I guess it won't hurt to just sneak out of med-bay for a while,' he thought. So immediatly he put on some clothes, strapped on his sword, left his shield, and headed out to the forest. As he passed the fifth row of trees he prayed that he wasn't walking into a trap... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted February 15, 2012 Medens, still feeling guilty over what had happened to Desmond, had been keeping guard over him for the past long while. Seeing that Desmond was leaving, Medens decided to follow after him, aware that informing others and having them put him back in the med wing wouldn't change Desmond's resolve. No, in the end Medens knew what needed to be done. Medens knew, in that odd way we have of sometimes just knowing things, that it would be Desmond who brought an end to this war, and that it was his duty to protect Desmond as he reached his destiny. Casting a veil over himself, Medens followed closely behind and into the trees. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted February 15, 2012 Ash sat on a branch watching for Desmond to appear. She hoped he didn't tell anyone of her location. She saw him walking through the trees and jumped down from her perch making a soft thud on the mossy ground. " I assume nobody has followed you?" She asked in a low quiet voice. She knew this was still close enough to the camp for a stationed guard to hear her voice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted February 23, 2012 OOC: I've decided that it's in the best interest of the Role players involved in this RP to just go ahead and end this RP. My reason being that it is far too expansive to keep going, and there isn't enough going on to push the story along. I am sorry if this is an inconvienance and I'd like to see you all in my next RP which will be very awesome. Thanks for RP'ing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted February 23, 2012 No probs. Also, just so Echo knows, he's not kidding about his next RP being great. I've talked with him about it and I'm impressed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites