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KHRecoded Is this the worst KH?

Is This the Worst KH?  

154 members have voted

  1. 1. Is KH Coded/Re:Coded the Worst KH?

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Would you mind to elaborate how this moves the topic forward? I can't help but feel like I'm missing something. "Too" and the additional full stop made me suspicious, so I figured it was some kind of meme I'm not getting, but my research yielded no results.


Sorry for the inconvenience.


Its okay,

What I meant to say is that I never played kh Re com. So i have no reason to say its my least favorite.

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I didn't like this game. It's my least favorite. It's play style was good but scenario YIKES! The only think I liked was the secret ending. It introduced the 3D and that was good. While my 2nd fav is Days {Xion <3} (1st it's BBS)

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Nope, that title belongs to CoM/Re:CoM, i have the ps2 version, and i pretty much sat there pushing myself to keep playing so i could see the cutscenes, i would have never made it through otherwise. At least i enjoyed myself while playing Re:Coded

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I don't think it's the worst game. I think Coded had a good story. The way you play out the boss fights and the whole data theme caught my attention. I thought I was never going to play it, until Re: Coded came out for the DS. Whew! As for what KH game is the worst, that place is reserved for KH: CoM in my opinion.

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personally the worst for me would be chain of memories, not because of story but because the card battle system is annoying as hell and gets in the way of the fun. and after that i would say 365 is second worst because of the gameplay, it was fun for a while but it got annoying pretty fast and i vow to this day never to fight thatheartless dragon in neverland again.


Re:coded while not a neccesary story part to those who have played BBS it is important for those who havnt and also showed us about xehanort coming back in several forms and that Roxas and Namine still need to be saved even though they are with Sora and Kairi

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The plot of Re:Coded is certainly not the better, thought, the gameplay is one of the best. I mean, it's so different from every oworld you travel in ! And the battle at Olympus Coliseum... <3


For me, the better KH is still KH CoM. Better plot, seconf better gameplay (just before BbS and Re:Coded's one which are the same in battle.) better soundtrack... The second one is the first KH. So damn cool... And the third is BbS. Un p'tain de gameplay de fou, une histoire qui déchire sa race et tout ! 8D Hu... I mean, a pretty good gameplay, and an intense narrative story.

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I found KH358/2 days much more interesting and fun than re:coded because 358 had a story with new things we didn't know before, but re:coded was a game with info we already knew about and i didn't find much interest in it. I did think the gameplay was pretty good and how it kinda changed between worlds, so that was pretty cool

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personally the worst for me would be chain of memories, not because of story but because the card battle system is annoying as hell and gets in the way of the fun. and after that i would say 365 is second worst because of the gameplay, it was fun for a while but it got annoying pretty fast and i vow to this day never to fight thatheartless dragon in neverland again.


Re:coded while not a neccesary story part to those who have played BBS it is important for those who havnt and also showed us about xehanort coming back in several forms and that Roxas and Namine still need to be saved even though they are with Sora and Kairi


you mean 358/2 Days? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

i honestly hate this whole thread. if you were an actual KH fan then you wouldnt be wasting your time trying to prove which game is the worst. no, just no.

be an optimist prime not a negatron! i enjoyed all the handheld games, especially CoM (but of course BBS is the best over everything). the card system was fun and added a little bit more strategy than just spamming the X button. Days was amazing because of the story, gameplay wasnt amazing i'll admit. Re: Coded was great because of the gameplay and the story couldve had some work. both have their pros and cons, but they are still KH games, and still awesome.

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Yes. Worst story, bad graphics, and all of the freakin' blocks. At least sora had an auto-jump. And the Keyblades that you obtain just gave you ability tree bonuses rather than stat bonuses, almost making you wonder what the point of having different keys was. And it was the same worlds in all of them, which made sense with the story, but there were only like 6 or 7.

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Nope, I loved that game.

Days takes the crown for worst KH game in my book.



it explains so much.. just because it has bad graphics does not mean its the worst.

That is one of the best games. Re:coded is the worst because it explains nothing till the very end.

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it explains so much.. just because it has bad graphics does not mean its the worst.

That is one of the best games. Re:coded is the worst because it explains nothing till the very end.


Graphics have nothing to do with it. Days just felt like a forced sob story, I could hardly connect with the ARX trio throughout the whole game. But that's just me. :3

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Yes. Worst story, bad graphics, and all of the freakin' blocks. At least sora had an auto-jump. And the Keyblades that you obtain just gave you ability tree bonuses rather than stat bonuses, almost making you wonder what the point of having different keys was. And it was the same worlds in all of them, which made sense with the story, but there were only like 6 or 7.


How is a tree of unique abilities inferior to stat boosts? Because of the stat tree, I switched keyblades to fir the situation all of the time. In every other KH it's all about the best stats.

And those 6/7 worlds were the most unique worlds we've seen in the series so far

Edited by hatok

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Am I the only one who thought RE:coded actually didn't have a crap story? I thought the story was great! Sure it's the worst story of all the games, but it wasn't so bad! And the gameplay was very fun! The graphics where also amazing for the DS.


Down-sides are mainly it was too easy. I beat critical mode without much trouble.


The worst is CoM/RE:CoM to me. yes, I ACTUALLY LIKED DAYS. *flame shields, on*

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Re:Coded was a good game, but it is the worst game in the series so far. Playing as Data-Sora didn't really cut it for me and the story did not contain much progress or 'plot-discoverage'. Re:Coded is good, Days is great.

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I didn't really like Re:Coded, because well, it didn't really feel like a new game. It felt like a simplified version of the first Kingdom Hearts game with a few small changes. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy playing it though, but I sure was a bit disappointed.

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