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KHBbS Why No Big Tournaments?

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My plan is to make these tournaments bigger, and later, set up a ladder and stuff... hopefully KH13 will become well-known as having the largest community of online BBS players (and later, hopefully, online KH3D players).

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My plan is to make these tournaments bigger, and later, set up a ladder and stuff... hopefully KH13 will become well-known as having the largest community of online BBS players (and later, hopefully, online KH3D players).


Yes! KH3D needs online battles and online co-op and online championships :3

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I mean one thats advertised everywhere and u dont need a PS3 to do.... just BBS


How will that happen? Sorry but thats not possible...

The closest you could go is going on AD-HOC which is on the ps3 and psp... and this tornument is the closest you can also go....



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