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KHBbS KH13's Birth by Sleep Tournament

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I'm unfamiliar with Adhoc so I'll figure out how to use it before signing up. Btw, it says it can use bluetooth headset so can/should we use a headset?


Edit: Oh yeah, I have an American version. Will that interfere with playing internationally?

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I'm unfamiliar with Adhoc so I'll figure out how to use it before signing up. Btw, it says it can use bluetooth headset so can/should we use a headset?


Edit: Oh yeah, I have an American version. Will that interfere with playing internationally?


You can use a headset if you want, up to you and your opponent.


As for American/European versions playing together, honestly, I'm not sure. We'll have to just see how it goes and hope for the best. :)

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You can use a headset if you want, up to you and your opponent.


As for American/European versions playing together, honestly, I'm not sure. We'll have to just see how it goes and hope for the best. :)


i did some research and it seems it doesnt matter which version of the game you have ,but if anyone wants to participate it would help to state if he has the american or european version

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You can use a headset if you want, up to you and your opponent.


As for American/European versions playing together, honestly, I'm not sure. We'll have to just see how it goes and hope for the best. :)


dchiuch i found this info


In order to play with different regions (US, PAL, JPN, etc.) you can play with people outside of your country, but it is as follows: You have a US and PAL ad-hoc To play together you will need the same ad-hoc version. You can get both versions, all you have to do is have 2 PSN accounts (different regions) to download both ad-hoc party's and then you can just start the one you need on your standard account, because downloads are available on both accounts


i already have a usa psn account,if you are from europe or japan and you want to play with people from other regions all you have to do is make a new user and a psn account depending on the region that you want to play

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Yeah I watched the video and my playstation store doesn't have it.......... I even searched it up on PS store no result though.....


coolwing can you tell us your region?i will help you set it up if you want

also if anyone is interested i am currently in adhock party on world A ,if anyone wants to try kh bbs mirage arena my id is nikolavanitas14,

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Well I live in New Zealand...... I think it is probably that because New Zealand has nothing xD........ and if you don't know where New Zealand is Ill give you a hint...... It's near Australia...

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Well I live in New Zealand...... I think it is probably that because New Zealand has nothing xD........ and if you don't know where New Zealand is Ill give you a hint...... It's near Australia...


haha thanks for the hint:)i think you must have adhock in your psn maybe you didnt find it ,try searching again if you want to

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