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KH3D Sora, Riku and other 2 chars in KH3D official website?

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If you enter on the characters page in KH3D official website, in the first line (I don`t know japanese, so if anyone helps me would be great ^^) there will be Sora, Riku and two empty spaces... I was just wondering if it could be Neku and the others or Kairi or even Ventus... So please I want you guys to say what you think.

I love discussing about these things, because we can find out something special ^^

I don`t think that they are playable, but may be a possibility...


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It does sort of suggest that there might be new protagonists, unfortunately I can't read Kanji so I have no idea what it's saying but if there were going to be new playable characters, I would guess Lea and maybe Mickey or Neku or something like that.

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It does sort of suggest that there might be new protagonists, unfortunately I can't read Kanji so I have no idea what it's saying but if there were going to be new playable characters, I would guess Lea and maybe Mickey or Neku or something like that.


this is the problem, for me a lot os chars could fit these two blanks, but there are only two! (thanks for replying ^^)




I thinking its KH2 Sora and Riku who you also play as well since the Mark of Mastery exam is only a part of the game.


How do you know that`s just a part of the game? Could be, but they already describe the Sora and Riku chars on the site, so I think it woudn`t make much sense putting the older Riku and Sora. (I`m just saying. Thanks for replying ^^) Edited by KairiSora06
NBD, but try not to double post ;)

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I thinking its KH2 Sora and Riku who you also get to play as well later in the game since the Mark of Mastery exam is only a part of the game.


At first, I thought that this might be it. It cannot be a dream eater and we probably can agree on that. This two might be important to the game but Mickey + someone else might be them.

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It'll probably just be main story characters. I wouldn't go as far as to say playable characters or to even speculate their identities, but I'm betting it'll be someone like Mickey; someone who has an established presence throughout the game.


I agree with you! (thanks for replying ^^)

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well i remember somewhere that nomura said that there were two new enatmic characters so that could be the spot for them or it might be ansem and xemans who knows


Yeah, I think you`re right, but I think it would be the Young Xehanort and Vanitas! (The thing that Nomura said, that I remember, was about Traverse Town / Thanks for replying ^^)

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I think those spaces are for main characters so I mostly think that it will go like this:

Sora, Riku, Mickey, Young Xehanort, Maleficent, Pete.


Well, the problem is that it just has just two blank spaces, but maybe they add more... (thanks for replying ^^)

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Well, the problem is that it just has just two blank spaces, but maybe they add more... (thanks for replying ^^)


Actually when the page appeared online there were only 2 Spirits DE and 2 blank spaces, just like with Sora and Riku. And there were 2 Nightmare DE and another 2 blank spaces, then the site was updated with 3 more Spirit DE and 8 Nightmare DE. The page design suggests that there are 4 characters per line so if one line has only 3 characters they fill the line with a blank space so it could make a balance. Trust me I'm a Graphic Designer and I know about these things. ñ_ñ

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Actually when the page appeared online there were only 2 Spirits DE and 2 blank spaces, just like with Sora and Riku. And there were 2 Nightmare DE and another 2 blank spaces, then the site was updated with 3 more Spirit DE and 8 Nightmare DE. The page design suggests that there are 4 characters per line so if one line has only 3 characters they fill the line with a blank space so it could make a balance. Trust me I'm a Graphic Designer and I know about these things. ñ_ñ


I trust you xD

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this is the problem, for me a lot os chars could fit these two blanks, but there are only two! (thanks for replying ^^)


It could very well be that they'll ad more slots later as they're doing with the Dream Eaters. Though, why is it all ready been set aside to empty spots? Why not add them later?


Anyways, I believe the same as Mirr0rVS13, that the spots belongs to KH2 Sora and Riku.



How do you know that`s just a part of the game?

Nomura said so in an interview.

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I really hope this game has some new original characters. I mean, every KH game other than Re:coded has introduced new original characters, so I hope this one does too. I think they could add new characters that are part of the story, but not too major so that they don't complicate the story line.

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I guess Vanitas and Ventus, since they mirror Riku and Sora really well :D Or if it is new characters, I hope there will be a girl for Riku among them. Poor guy has had no luck finding a girl.


tutti frutti. I honestly thought that Namine was the one for Riku up until KH2. But nonetheless I hope that Riku finds the girl for him in the series soon. Much like what Lizzie stated I hope that the slots introduce some new original characters for the series. I don't really want SE to introduce too many of the DE before the game is released. Definitely hoping for new characters.

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O.o it is just me or the KH3D site reminds you Barbie site?


Now seriously i have no idea what those char slots could be...But i know that it wont be Neku or other TWEWY chars because they are alredy confirmed....

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