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KH3D Fantasia world confirmed, and Tron Legacy world featured in V Jump February 2012 article for Kingdom Hearts 3D

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Hello, I have just signed up on this site. I have been a great fan of Kingdom Hearts since it began! Quite a few disney films have now been converted into worlds. I can't wait to explore La Cite' Des Cloches and in Prankster's Paradise and also in the Tron Legacy world!


I do feel that the next worlds chosen should be entirely new! Pocahontas, Jungle Book, PIXAR WORLDS like Toy story or the Incredibles would be really cool as worlds!


Also how are people making these cool video clips on here?

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tutti frutti. I just hope that it's not another Atlanica (KH2) with music. Outside of that I'm looking forward to the Fantasia world. Though I think that Mickey is starting to leave Sora and Riku in the dust in terms of skill with a sword/keyblade along with magic. 3 Mickeys for the price of one, an interesting way to continue the KH franchised in one game.

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Hmm... I think I may die without this game. So... Bye, bye any game consoles I own thus far, hello 3DS. I want to play this game so bad! I am going to keep my PSP though, cause I still love BBS.


And, 3 Mickey's o.O this may get kind of confusing. "Hey Mickey, I just saw you in Musketeer uniform. Oh CRAP! You weren't supposed to know that." lol

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In the latest trailer, Maleficient said that there was 7 keyholes in the Realm of Sleep, so I'd assume there would be seven worlds in the game. Though, the game is said to expand beyond the Mask of Mastery, so there may very well be more we don't know about.


Maleficent was talking about the Princesses of Heart not the Keyholes of Sleep.

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x3 ive been seeing that people are wondering when will it will come out in america and while i was on amazon i saw a thing where you can pre order the game! and it says when it comes out! im sooooooooo happy! x3


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x3 ive been seeing that people are wondering when will it will come out in america and while i was on amazon i saw a thing where you can pre order the game! and it says when it comes out! im sooooooooo happy! x3


thats not the actual date they just put that on there untill they know the actual release date its going to come out way sooner than that

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x3 ive been seeing that people are wondering when will it will come out in america and while i was on amazon i saw a thing where you can pre order the game! and it says when it comes out! im sooooooooo happy! x3


It's a placeholder. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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