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KH3D Fantasia world confirmed, and Tron Legacy world featured in V Jump February 2012 article for Kingdom Hearts 3D

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Wtf! Omgmg omg!! Aaaaaaaaaa fantasia!!! Wtf this is soooo AWESOME!! FANTASIA!!!! FANTASIA!!!! I LOVE YOU SQUARE!! I LOVE SQUARE!!! AAAAAAAAA FANTASIA!!!!!!!!!!!



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fantasia was the one world i really wanted to see in this game so i'm exited to see how they put the story together ;}


the world im most looking foward to is the hunchback of northe dame onehat one really deserives to be in this game im also looking foward to the three muskatires world but the city of bells most deffiently

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the first time i played through kh1 i thought chernaborg was impossible, but now every time i play i'm just like wow, was i awesome?

but then again back then i had no idea what aeroga did


same. although I never used aeroga at all. I had a different method of beating him

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the first time i played through kh1 i thought chernaborg was impossible, but now every time i play i'm just like wow, was i awesome?

but then again back then i had no idea what aeroga did


i never used aeroga either but donald alwasy cast it on me i just kept attacking his neck like what you have to do in the final ursual fight in kh1

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Em I the only one who thought maybe this isn't going to be a completely new world but a musical world such as Atlantica in KH2?


You just crushed my dreams.

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Wasn't it re-released on Blu-ray?


Yes it was, both parts.


Em I the only one who thought maybe this isn't going to be a completely new world but a musical world such as Atlantica in KH2?


Nope, I was thinking the same thing but didn't wanna say it out loud.

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Awesome, the world from the movie that made me sleep while watching it when I was a kid lol. xD I am off to find my Fantasia 2000 DVD, need to rewatch it xD


I thought there was like 13 worlds in each game?


In the latest trailer, Maleficient said that there was 7 keyholes in the Realm of Sleep, so I'd assume there would be seven worlds in the game. Though, the game is said to expand beyond the Mask of Mastery, so there may very well be more we don't know about.


I never watched Fantasia, is it worth my while or will it be better to wait and play the game and be surprised?


Fantasia isn't like a regular movie - it's just a bunch of long segments stringed together with a combination of animation and music. But it's still awesome; you should check it out. There isn't really a way you can be "spoiled."


Wasn't it re-released on Blu-ray?


Yep. Got it for Christmas back in 2010. Darn fine picture, too.

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Wait...I thought that the Mysterious Tower was just the Fantasia-based world. I mean, we already saw Mickey riding a book in the water in BbS, and the famous "Sorcerer's Apprentice" scene takes place in the tower, so.......I mean yeah, this probably means Chernabog as a boss again, which don't get me wrong is awesome, but....I'm just wondering how they'll pull this off as "new world."

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lol apology. I haven't watch the movie and it seems musical to me too. But of course I could be wrong :D


Yeah, I'm pretty sure this will be the "mini-game" world of KH3D. And there wasn't any singing in Fantasia, so I'm sure it won't end up like Atlantica.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure this will be the "mini-game" world of KH3D. And there wasn't any singing in Fantasia, so I'm sure it won't end up like Atlantica.


Maybe it'll be directing the brooms to the Sorcerer's Apprentice music, just like in Atlantica you had to push the right buttons in order for the characters to swim without bumping into stuff (Donald) or land properly (prince Eric) and things of that nature.

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How old is Mickey anyway in KH? Seems like he has a bunch of free time for a guy who is the king of a world. It sounds like he spends over ten years away from home - at least I guess, that he traveld to all this worlds after becoming a master or since VTA went missing.

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I never heard about this movie.Because im not very big fan of Disney....


Is this movie good?


It´s basically a sequence of animations with classical musics as "BGM". But one of the animations shows Mickey using Yen Sid`s "magic hat", so I think this would be important in KH3D

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