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Kingdom Hearts was apparently "extremely difficult for people".

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GMR: With the first Kingdom Hearts, two of the biggest complaints were the camera and the extreme difficulty level (for people who suck at videogames or the youngins). Are you adjusting KH2 to be more user-friendly to gamers?


TN: Of course we are…no need to worry.


Kingdom Hearts is a easy video game. I find it easier than Sonic Heroes, Final Fantasy X, Shadow The Hedgehog, Star Wars Battlefront II, Pokemon HeartGold among others.

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So Nomura did make KH2 easier on purpose. As good as KH2 was, the lack of platforming and exploration was disappointing. KH1 had platforming and exploration, KH2 had the biggest number of worlds and epicness, and BBS had story, gameplay and newer worlds; why can't he make a KH game that executes them all perfectly?

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So Nomura did make KH2 easier on purpose. As good as KH2 was, the lack of platforming and exploration was disappointing. KH1 had platforming and exploration, KH2 had the biggest number of worlds and epicness, and BBS had story, gameplay and newer worlds; why can't he make a KH game that executes them all perfectly?


Fingers crossed for KH3 to nail it.

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KH1 is the hardest game in the series.


I'm tempted to say that honor goes to BBS, but the difficulty of BBS mostly comes from having to adjust your playstyle between characters. That can be a difficult task.


Also, this is KH related, why is it in random?

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I'm tempted to say that honor goes to BBS, but the difficulty of BBS mostly comes from having to adjust your playstyle between characters. That can be a difficult task.


Also, this is KH related, why is it in random?


BBS is easy like KH2 and not harder than KH1. I had no trouble with BBS, so I'm speaking on my behalf.

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BBS is easy like KH2 and not harder than KH1. I had no trouble with BBS, so I'm speaking on my behalf.


I got steamrolled in BBS, Terra's last boss had me throwing my PSP against the wall. This is coming from someone who plays Dark souls.....


I found KH1 to be easy, the only boss I had issues on was Riku/Ansem in Hollow Bastion.

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I think KH1 is a nice difficulty level for someone such as myself who doesn't play many games outside of the KH series--not too easy, just the right amount of challenge.


KH2 is waaaay too easy, but I never tried it on Proud Mode, which I'll definitely be doing the next time I play it.


After only having played BBS on Proud Mode, I'd say that its difficulty level is between those of KH1 and KH2.


I got steamrolled in BBS, Terra's last boss had me throwing my PSP against the wall.

Oh yeah, I had the same problem the first time I played it!! DX


And am I the only one who had to level up Aqua to about a level 6 or 7 before being able to navigate through Castle of Dreams without being totally pummeled by just the common Unversed? Seriously, she's so weak in the beginning! Stupid girl stereotypes.

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The only things that could beat my ass in BBS where the Mysterious Figure, No Heart, Masters Armor, and The Vanitas Sediment. They where so freaking difficult that I well I won't say what...................

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Actually all KH games are easy ,but if you will ask which was the longest and also most annoying it is 358 2 Days


Birth by Sleep is actually the longest. About 1/3 of the stuff in 358/2 Days is optional.

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I find Birth by Sleep the longest as well because it feels as if there are three games on it lol I really don't think any of the series are hard if you play it normally. I mean standard mode. Standard mode = how difficult the game should be and normally be. The other difficult such as Proud and Critical are just there for gamers who actually like doing challenge.

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KH1 was hard the first time around, the second time I learned to focus on killing lots of Heartless and leveling up before diving into a boss battle at too early a stage. KH2 is a lot easier for sure.


I don't think there's ever a time that I've not had some trouble with some boss, but I have less trouble over time, and also if I've been playing KH games a lot recently. :P If there's been a gap of no KH-playing, I'm going to do a bit badly and shock myself at how my skills have degraded. xD

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I played KH on proud KH II on proud and re:coded on critical and I have to say that all of them are easy IN GENERAL but sometimes there are parts that PISS ME OFF!

And strangely when I played KH I had no problems whatsoever and was just breezing through the game.

But KH II had some passages that were hard if you aren't lvling outside of the storyline. Like the cave trap in Land of the Dragons. I remember using 3 potions for that shit because 1 hit of the minotaur took like 60% of my health.

Also the escape from Hades in the first Olympus Coliseum story section made me RAGE!.... The last spawning enemies always got me...Large Body's from one side Lance soldiers from the other side Hades firing fireballs from the back.... gawd!

And also Port Royal where I had to protect the ship and the medallion..... the problem was that I was just underlvled and each hit cost me half of my HP.


So yeah for me all of them were easy but KH II had more frustrating parts.

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I would say to give them the benefit of the doubt, but my Mom has actually played through most of it. Drugged. And never playing a 3D game before. The only people I could imagine having a lot of trouble at this point are people too young to read or people too old to take the stress on their hands.

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Standard mode = how difficult the game should be and normally be. The other difficult such as Proud and Critical are just there for gamers who actually like doing challenge.


Or for the gamers who want to avoid the challenge of spending hours collecting 100% of the items, abilities, etc. in order to unlock the secret ending (such as myself). ;)

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Or for the gamers who want to avoid the challenge of spending hours collecting 100% of the items, abilities, etc. in order to unlock the secret ending (such as myself). ;)


That's true :D It is easier to unlock on more difficult modes but even at difficult modes I do 100% the game :P

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KH1 was difficult because I couldn't figure out how to get places (Wonderland and Monstro was the WORST!) Thankgoodness for maps in the later games!


but I felt that with each game, there was at least one boss or two that I wanted to shoot my controller.

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I played KH2 before KH1 and at first I wasn't use to the camera and it was a real pain..... but I adapted fast........ It was difficult at first (got stuck on maleficent dragon..!) but now every time I play now I never get stuck.... I don't agree that it is completely easy but its not hard...... even on hard difficulty I never got stuck........

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I think Birth by Sleep was the hardest overall because of the different playing styles. When I first played as Aqua, I think i died roughly every 5 minutes because I wasn't using her properly. Terra is more the traditional fighting style, Ventus relies on magic and strength together while Aqua is a pure magician. It was hard to get used to her without using many spells. The only hard parts in KH 1 that I found were Dark Riku and Ursula.

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KH has never really been "difficult" perse. There have been points where I'm about to explode with frustration (Playing as Aqua or an underlvld Ventus) but otherwise I breeze through them. KH2 was way too easy. Proud mode was easier for me than standard for some strange reason. KH1 I had issues with the secret bosses.

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