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Mario Kart 7

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Okay, I have decided to get Mario Kart 7 on the 3DS. My only question now before I buy it is, is there a way to play the game against people here on this site? And how do you use the new items?

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Well, if you want to play against other people on this site. Then you have to go to where it says "Online Multiplayer". Then once you clicked that head to where it says "Communities". I believe that's where you can either join another person's community or make your own community and have others join it. That's the best way to race against other people on this site. If you want, you can join my community so we can race. My Mario kart 7 Community name is Kart Krushers and the number to enter for my community is 02-3106-9349-2224. Hope we get to race sometime. (:


Oh, and about the new items. they appear randomly when you hit an item box. So don't expect to just go on and choose which item you want to use. The item box will just pick an item at random.

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