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HarLea Quinn

KH3D Whats were the moments throughout all KH that got to u emotionally?

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The moments that got to me were:




When sora dropped to his knees to beg to see Kairi

When Sora finally saw and realized Riku before the final battle (he also dropped to his kness and cried)

When Xion Died

When roxas said goodbye to Axel and Axel cried

Axels deathscene

When roxas left the organization saying no one would miss him as Axel says he would

What happens to Ven at the end of his story.


All of these made me cry ..Probably Bc im a sap but i cant stand to see anyone cry ..How about you ?


All of those made me feel the same way. I was really upset after all of those.

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Near the end of KH when they're closing the door with Riku on the other side.

Repliku's final moments with Sora and Riku.

Namine's reaction when Sora decides to regain his original memories.

When Sora finds Riku in KHII.

Sora and Riku having that little talk after defeating Xemnas.

Terra asking himself what he would put in the treasure chest.

Terra's final words at the end of his story.

Aqua tearing up when knowing about Sora saving the worlds.

Data!Sora and Data!Riku's interaction in Re:Coded.

Data!Sora and Data!Namine's interaction in Re:Coded.



None of these actually made me cry, but they're scenes that made me emotionally connect with the characters when playing. :3

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I think its quite understandable to get attached to characters when u invest so much time playing the game ..but i have to say its the first game series that has invoked that kind of emotion from me....


Same here. I never really got upset while playing video games until Kingdom Hearts.

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-Xion's death

-When Xion fading from Roxas's memories

-The end pf Ven's story

-The little "Hey, can you here me?" scene Sora had in BBS

-The scene after the credits of BSS

-several different parts of Blank Points (I went from ): to D: to D': to D'8... xD)

-when Sora woke up

There were a lot of other scenes that I might've been more emotional to if I wasn't 9 when I saw them and if I had an idea of what was going on and if my sister would've actually let me have a turn

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LOL well you can always try replaying them :). I do it all the time, its worth it plus it 'll prep u for KH 3d


Its not as sad replaying them D: (I should be doing homework right now anyways >_<)

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Its not as sad replaying them D: (I should be doing homework right now anyways >_<)


Haha KH13 instead of homework I'm doing the same exact thing :P

But I can't exactly remember all the moments that made me emotional in KH. Definitely when Xion died and Axel died. And probably when replica Riku died. BBS had me close to tears because it was so awesome when Aqua made CO.

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- Hearing Sora not sound like a girl at the beginning of KH2

- When Sora got his new clothes

- Seeing that Vanitas looked like Sora when I watched a walkthrough of the Japanese version

- hearing Vanitas being voiced by Haley Joel Osment in the trailer for the first time (and yes, I fangasmed)

- The Battle of 1000 Heartless

- Trying to beat the final boss if KH1 for the first time, I almost cried

- when Riku revealed himself as Ansem in KH2

- every scene w/ Larxene in Re: CoM because she is a (let's just say it starts with a "B" and rhymes with a "witch")

- looking at the back of the case of KH2 when i first got it and seeing that there was a PotC world

- looking at the back of the case of KH2 when i first got it and "seeing that there was a Chicken Little world" (imagine my disappointment when i found out he was just a summon)

- When Xemnas used his final attack and Sora and Riku had to deflect the lasers

- hearing Riku's theme for the first time

- finding out "Ansem" was Riku in KH2

- the scene after Xemnas' laser attack when Sora used 2 keyblades to kick Xemnas' butt

- Seeing Groundshaker for the first time

- Seeing Sora's and Riku's reaction command when they threw that building

- Seeing Sora cut up those buildings in KH2 after you go through the door

- the Awakening in KH1 (it's what got me into KH in the first place and proof that video games can be art too)

- Beating Maleficent and finding out she wasn't the final boss (I thought every single boss battle after Maleficent was the final boss until I beat the game. In this sense, the game was just being a dick.)

- All secret bosses

- Flying in Neverland

- Finding out Mark Hamill was voicing a character in KH BBS

- Seeing that KH BBS footage for the first time

- Finding out Riku was the final boss in Days (I was disappointed because I thought it would be Sora because of the fight in KH2FM)

- Seeing Mickey at the end of KH

- Beating Hollow Bastion and seeing that the next world was called "End of the World" (I was scared to go there when I first played)

- Finding out you actually had to FIGHT Cerberus in KH1

- Seeing a new world in a KH game

- When the island was being overrun by heartless


(I just picked moments that made me emotional in terms of awesome they were, how annoying they were, or how angry they made me.)

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-Roxas remembering who he really was at the beginning of KH2

-Basically all of BBS had me emotional (not just sad, but other emotions too.)

-Seeing Vanitas's face

-Seeing Terranort for the first time

-Xion's death. (one of my biggest emotional moments.)

-Axel's death.

-Beating Xemnas and Sora and Riku talking to eachother after it.

-Fighting against Sephiroth (before I knew the strategy to it).

-Fighting Xaldin.

-Seeing Lea in the KH3D trailer.

-Seeing YMX and Vanitas in the KH3D trailer.


Those are all I could think of at the moment.

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The moments that got to me were:




When sora dropped to his knees to beg to see Kairi

When Sora finally saw and realized Riku before the final battle (he also dropped to his kness and cried)

When Xion Died

When roxas said goodbye to Axel and Axel cried

Axels deathscene

When roxas left the organization saying no one would miss him as Axel says he would

What happens to Ven at the end of his story.


All of these made me cry ..Probably Bc im a sap but i cant stand to see anyone cry ..How about you ?


all of these got me but the one I actually cried at was at the end of BBS when Aqua sacrificed herself for Terra :(

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all of these got me but the one I actually cried at was at the end of BBS when Aqua sacrificed herself for Terra :(


What really got to me about that situation was the scene with ansem the wise telling her that there was a boy named sora who would save the world and she cried

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Awww, crying at a videogame. Isn't that not stupid?


Yes i know its just a game but since i tend to be a very empathetic person i tend to feel very strongly when i get into things. That being said , this series is the only one who has invoked that from me and i play a lot of others

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There was one other thing I forgot: when you beat Twilight Town in KH2 and you find out that the first world you go to is Hollow freakin' Bastion. Everyone who played KH1 before KH2 was thinking the same thing: this giant maze of a world with the climbing, the Defenders, the Wyverns, the library, and the lift stop is right at the beginning of the game. When you think about it, that was probably a practical joke from Nomura. What a dick.

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I forgot to add my emotion from seeing Lea in the 3D trailer was of pure joy bc i just love that character and im not ashamed of that at all :) " Got It Memorized ? ;)


You forgot to end your quote sir and some of you people take this game way too seriously. I used to be a die hard fan of this series and thought there weren't a lot of people like me but I can see some of you have Kingdom Hearts as their whole life. I hope no one sees you crying over a videogame.

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What really got to me about that situation was the scene with ansem the wise telling her that there was a boy named sora who would save the world and she cried


Oh yeah!

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You forgot to end your quote sir and some of you people take this game way too seriously. I used to be a die hard fan of this series and thought there weren't a lot of people like me but I can see some of you have Kingdom Hearts as their whole life. I hope no one sees you crying over a videogame.


I'm a huge fan but its hardly my whole life.. but the fact that you are picking grammar/ punctuation errors is quite funny.,Plus, I am a girl :)..If you must know, my health is seriously ill so playing this game is a good distracton and i enjoy it. I couldnt care less what you think :)

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There was one other thing I forgot: when you beat Twilight Town in KH2 and you find out that the first world you go to is Hollow freakin' Bastion. Everyone who played KH1 before KH2 was thinking the same thing: this giant maze of a world with the climbing, the Defenders, the Wyverns, the library, and the lift stop is right at the beginning of the game. When you think about it, that was probably a practical joke from Nomura. What a dick.


The end of this post made me laugh :)...I agree !

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Well, mostly Xion's Death and the details of the KH3D Jump Festa Trailer when info about it was slowwlllyyyy coming to the Internet.

I was like 8888888888DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD All the way I was smiling and "omfg"ing like i never did. Lol.

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When Xion Died

Axels deathscene

When roxas left the organization saying no one would miss him as Axel says he would

What happens to Ven at the end of his story.



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