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Other than KH3D, what else do you think 2012 will hold for the Kingdom Hearts series?


133 members have voted

  1. 1. Other than KH3D, what else do you think 2012 will hold for the Kingdom Hearts series?

    • Birth by Sleep -Volume 2- to be announced.
    • Kingdom Hearts III's first official trailer to be released.
    • Work on Kingdom Hearts III to be delayed.
    • HD 720p remakes of Kingdom Hearts games to be announced.
    • HD 1080p remakes of Kingdom Hearts games to be announced.
    • Chain of Memories to be released on the Nintendo eShop.
    • Another remake.
    • Something else? Let us know below.

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Other than KH3D, what else do you think 2012 will hold for the Kingdom Hearts series?


Personally I reckon BBS V2 will be announced, Kingdom Hearts III will be delayed, Chain of Memories will hopefully be released on the Nintendo eShop and another remake possibly.

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But didn't Nomura say that 3D will lead directly to KH III which means there is nothing after 3D and before KH III?


And in that case maybe they should do some stuff like they did with LoZ's 25th anniversary, like free games and stuff, maybe?

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But didn't Nomura say that 3D will lead directly to KH III which means there is nothing after 3D and before KH III?


And in that case maybe they should do some stuff like they did with LoZ's 25th anniversary, like free games and stuff, maybe?


Lol. Yeah, that's correct. But clearly you've misunderstood. He's talking about KH3D being based in terms of the storyline just before KH3. That's got nothing to do with the poll.

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I answerd everything, expect KH3 to be delayed. my answer for something else is:

Kingdom Hearts Arena

think about it, every boss and most of heartless/nobodies from KH games and you could choose what you want to fight. maybe a new 1000 heartless fight or 3 different bosses at same time! any fight you can imagine! choose your character from any of the characters that know how to fight, any weapon from the KH games! or maybe you want some PvP! choose your arena, choose your character and choose your opponent!

I'd like that. I would buy it the first day it comes out.

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I answerd everything, expect KH3 to be delayed. my answer for something else is:

Kingdom Hearts Arena

think about it, every boss and most of heartless/nobodies from KH games and you could choose what you want to fight. maybe a new 1000 heartless fight or 3 different bosses at same time! any fight you can imagine! choose your character from any of the characters that know how to fight, any weapon from the KH games! or maybe you want some PvP! choose your arena, choose your character and choose your opponent!

I'd like that. I would buy it the first day it comes out.


Makes more sense to release something like that after KH3. So try the end of this decade. :)

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But didn't Nomura say that 3D will lead directly to KH III which means there is nothing after 3D and before KH III?


And in that case maybe they should do some stuff like they did with LoZ's 25th anniversary, like free games and stuff, maybe?


Nothing chronologically between 3D and 3. It's portrayed that BBSv2 takes place during past games, behind the scenes.

I think you guys are chancing your arm about a KH3 trailer. Maybe something about it, like a secret movie foreshadowing it in 3D but I can't see an announcement. I'm sure HD releases and BBSv2 will come first. It will probably be announced in 2013.

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i cant really see a trailer for KH3 when they havent even started production of it yet considering they are still working on Versus and i hope we get an hd release of Kingdom Hearts having CoM on the eShop maybe it would be nice and BbSV2 i could see it could get announced this year but will have to see same with the hd release

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I knew this thread was made by Sora96 when I saw the options "HD 720p" and "HD 1080p", when the normal person would just say HD remake because HD is HD.



Anyway, I expect BBS V2 or HD remakes.


I am sure it is BBSv2 and btw Nomura mentioned that there wont be any other remakes


Yet Square is trying out the HD technicalities of the previous KH games, but why? :P

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I wouldn't mind a Days remake. However, I already know it won't happen. Neither will Final Mixes coming here (like everyone thinks they will for some reason). But we'll probably see something of the Mystery Game; if it is BbSV2, there you go. And maybe an anniversary thing, but I'm starting to think that's 3D, so...


And we'll definitely be seeing something KH3 related. Didn't Nomura say 3D's secret ending will pretty much be the start of KH3? That's not a trailer, but still. Depending, it might even be better than a first trailer.

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I wouldn't mind a Days remake. However, I already know it won't happen. Neither will Final Mixes coming here (like everyone thinks they will for some reason). But we'll probably see something of the Mystery Game; if it is BbSV2, there you go. And maybe an anniversary thing, but I'm starting to think that's 3D, so...


And we'll definitely be seeing something KH3 related. Didn't Nomura say 3D's secret ending will pretty much be the start of KH3? That's not a trailer, but still. Depending, it might even be better than a first trailer.


I concur. This seems highly likely. I always thought BbSV2 WAS the secret game.

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KH3D Final Mix, because KH3D is a main game like KH1, KH2, and BBS, and all those games got Final Mixes, so I'm 99% sure we'll get a 3D Final Mix.


Yes. And unfortunately, it'll only be in Japan just like the other Final Mixes.

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