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KH1 What world should not have been in this game?

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I think each world added their own spice to the original, and that they were all great in their own way. Each world made Kingdom Hearts for me, including Atlantica(which I still find no fault in) and Hundred Acre Wood(which I found kind of refreshing). But with that being said, I wish the End of the World was longer and had more heartless battles.

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mmmmm. atlantica was dumb, i agree. but the ONE world that should have been ommited is Timeless River.


i dont care, i hated it


Timeless River= KHII, unless I'm a noob. Its been ages since KHI.

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Why are there Pooh's world haters? D:

I loved 100 acre woods, it was so peaceful and felt like a nice break from fighting heartless. Sure, it didn't really have any relevance to the overall plot, but it still felt like a nice little place to enjoy playing mini-games in.


Anyway, I loved them all and would get rid of a single one, they all fitted in perfectly and made the original game the amazing game it was, and still is.

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What ever the Little Mermaid's world was. I hated that. I got lost, got killed, and I got dizzy and scarred my eyes. I would rather beat Sephiroth and the entire game on Expert with just the Kingdom Key than beat that world once on Normal with the Ultima Weapon.

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Atlantica. I hated that word so much, as soon as I saw it, I went the other way around. I didn't even bother to play it before knowing it would be bad.

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It's kind of interesting; the only worlds that are not required and mostly everyone hates are Atlantica and the Hundred Acre Wood. You do not have to go to those worlds unless you are going for 100%.

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Stupidest world ever. confusing, and I hated it. and gross. when I was little I wouldn't go to that world cause it was so awful and so i never truly finished the game until a few months ago.

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I HATED, HATED, POOH'S WORLD. Oh gosh the thought of having to go back and finish it just to get the secret ending was nearly unbearable.


Atlantica was kind of annoying too. It was hard to swim and the heartless got on my nerves.

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I say Alantica all the way. They just repeated the same story in KH2 anyway. And the 100 acre wood was more of a side quest thing, not really a world in my opinion. You didn't have to beat it. Nor was it relevant to the story.

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I don't think there was any level that shouldn't have been in it, I actually thought the first kingdom hearts game was pretty perfect aside from some technical issues (ie camera and no skipping cutscenes...). Atlantica (why does everyone call it atlantis? That's another movie that will probably turn up soon) was different and challenging, which made it fun in my opinion. And so was wonderland! Although I thought it was stupid to have Alice as a princess of heart over Ariel, I can see maybe why they'd do that storywise. And Winnie the Pooh was just a short little side world, not really anything serious. Plus it kicked ass.

I agree on all your points. Especially on Ariel instead of Alice as a princess of heart. While I thought some worlds where more challenging and frustrated me than others I belive they all meshed to make the great story and game of Kingdom Hearts. In that sense to me all the worlds matter!

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Atlantica. That was the ABSOLUTE WORST WORLD IN THE GAME. In KH1 AND KH2. I hated it so much. I still hate it even now.


Im only gonna do it once in KHFM so i can get the trophy for locking the keyhole and thats it. The other 2 times i play through the game to get the PLatinum, im skipping the world and ill go to Halloween town instead. Its 100 times better than Atlantica will ever be.

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One word: Atlantica.  I *hated* that world with a passion.  You would not believe how many hours I wasted away swimming in circles during my first play-through *shakes head*.

EXACTLY!!!!!!!! When i first played Kingdom Hearts 1 at a friends house, i would get lost. If i hadn't looked up a walkthrough, i never wouldve gotten past that place. Im gonna have to use a walkthrough this time when i get 1.5.

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EXACTLY!!!!!!!! When i first played Kingdom Hearts 1 at a friends house, i would get lost. If i hadn't looked up a walkthrough, i never wouldve gotten past that place. Im gonna have to use a walkthrough this time when i get 1.5.

Glad I'm not the only one who felt that way.  Eventually I had to throw the controller, growl at it, and let my kid sister figure it out for me (which she managed in only about an hour--I've no clue how she did it).

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