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Text Writing contest

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Do you know when the results will be up? (:


I don't know. One of my judges are busy so she can't judge. and KHSora is never online so I don't know when the resuits will be up.

And I'm most likely making another writing contest later on in the fall so who ever wanted to enter can enter then.

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King Demise






Lu Xun



Think Pink






Think Pink and Oishii are tied. So they will both make another story and I'll see what one is better.

Unless they don't have time. If they don't then I'll just leave it as an tie.

Thank you all for entering. And thank Kingdom Sora for helping me Judge the stories.

Btw it can only be one chapter

Edited by 4Everbee

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-facepalm- Can a mod just close this topic or del what NV and I said?


Done. Also, if this fight is to continue, or if any future arguments should escalate to this level, take care of them in a private message. We'd rather not see two people fighting and have it grow into something much larger. Plus it's a personal matter, not something for the whole forum to see.

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Wow... I don't know what to say >.<Thank you -///-

Making another story depends on how much time we have to do it. School's getting closer to finishing up so my workload is going to be more than it has been this next month. If the deadline isn't too soon I can get something out. But if it's a problem for Think Pink too, then I really have no problem settling for a tie. I'm flattered as it is.

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