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Text Writing contest

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Hello everybody.Today I will be hosting a Writing contest.If you will like to be judge PM or Email at."soragirl4ver@yahoo.com"

Thank you and here are the rules

1,The story,song,Poem can be new or old.

2,Must have good spelling and grammar.

3,Every story,Song,Poem has to be pg to Pg-13.

4,No yaoi and yuri.

5,You can NOT be like."Awww Lu xun gonna be in it now we're gonna lose!!!'

Yes I know Lu xun is gonna join the Contest.Knowing him./shot

It can be a story,Song or a Poem.

Here are the catalogs.


Kh fanfiction.

Original fiction.

Anime fanfiction.



Okay so if I did not do this right.Tell me and I'll fix it.Thanks and good luck





Deadline is March 23.

If you would like to join just leave a comment here or just PM.

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Sorry if I'm breaking your nerves, but where do I need to post the story? And when do I need to finish it? Oh, one more thing, can I make more separated chapters or just one long story?


Anyway, I'll do my best and I wish all the writers bloody good luck!

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Sorry if I'm breaking your nerves, but where do I need to post the story? And when do I need to finish it? Oh, one more thing, can I make more separated chapters or just one long story?


Anyway, I'll do my best and I wish all the writers bloody good luck!


Yea sorry I didn't put this in already.I fighting with my friend on FB sorry.

Um it due on March 23 2012 (Dur) You can post the story here or make a topic for it.It can be long story or a chapter to another story.


So sad :(

I write for my job (I am a Dutch PlayStation news writer on this site http://www.psx-sense.nl/), but I have no time this week to bring my skills to the table.

I really wanted to do this.


You have till the 23 of march.So you might have time to make a story.And awesome job bro.


Oh, thanks for mentioning me ^^ How do I get in?

Does it need to have a unique chapter? Or can it be like, a big story?


It can be a chapter or a long story up to you.

And you can PM me or just tell me in the topic.

Hopefully I'm doing this right.Lol

Good luck everybody

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Yea sorry I didn't put this in already.I fighting with my friend on FB sorry.

Um it due on March 23 2012 (Dur) You can post the story here or make a topic for it.It can be long story or a chapter to another story.



You have till the 23 of march.So you might have time to make a story.And awesome job bro.



It can be a chapter or a long story up to you.

And you can PM me or just tell me in the topic.

Hopefully I'm doing this right.Lol

Good luck everybody



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I'll join, what the heck. Can I do one submission for each of the categories or can I only participate in one?


You can do all 3 if you want.

Oh and everybody who is joining piz give me the link to the story when you're done so I can read it thanks

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I think I'll join too ^^ There's a short story I've been trying to get out and this could be the motivation I need to write it (and it looks like my workload this semester won't be as heavy as last semester... hopefully).

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finally but i have already 2 chapters..... first= 3 pages and second= 4 pages!


for reals even though it does not look like it as a post...... im either putting up a new one or the one i have on....

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