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Hunter Hawk

Final Fantasy XIII Names in different languages?

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Hey there :D . I've been just wondering if you can play one game with me.


Ok, the deal is that I'm totally crazy about Final Fantasy XIII, duo to the game itself and also characters with their awsome names. With brings us to the main thing - I kinda wanna know names in Final Fantasy XIII in different languages, so help me if you know any other language beside english.


For starter I'll translate them in my native language ( I kinda don't wanna tell which one is it )


Lightning - Strela

Snow - Sneg

Hope - Upanje or just Up for short

Vanille - Vanilija

Fang - Čekan


and some random things:


Orphan - Sirota

Shiva Sisters - Šiva Sestre

Chocobo Chick - PiŠčanček Čokobo


And some Kingdom Hearts Stuff:


Heartless - Brezsrčni

Nobody - Nihče

Unversed - Nepoučeni

Keyblade - Ključmeč

Light - Svetloba

Darkness - Tema

Mickey Mouse - Miki MiŠka

Donald Duck - Jaka Racman

Goofy - Pepe

Sora - Zarja

Ventus - Ven actually means Out! in my native language



and so on... maybe I'll find something else interesting to translate.


Now's your turn, try to translate names and things into different languages.

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In my language:


Lightning - Lightning

Snow - Snow

Hope - Hope

Vanille - Vanille... or would it be Vanilla???

Fang - Fang


I know a little French, but all I can figure out off the top of my head is:


Snow - Neige

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Snow - Neve


Hope - Esperança


Fang - Presa


Lightning - Relâmpago



Random things:


Sadness - Tristeza


Happiness - Alegria / Felicidade


Nobody - Ninguém


Somebody - Alguém


Heartless - Sem coração


King of Hearts - Rei dos corações


Crown - Coroa


- Portuguese.

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There isn't Finish version of FF XIII but i can translate some of names to Finish:


Lightning: Salama

Snow: Lumi

Hope: Toivo

Fang: Hammas


Can't really translate others. Those still would sound hilarious, and stupid. lol

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This feels a little redundant, but I can do it in Japanese since it's the only other language I know well :P


Lightning - Katakana (ライトニング / raitoningu) Japanese (電光 / denkou)

Snow - Katakana (スノウ / sunou) Japanese (雪 / yuki)

Hope - Katakana (ホープ / hoopu) Japanese (希望 / kibou or 望み / nozomi)

Vanille - Katakana (ヴァニラ / vanira) Japanese (ヴァニラ / vanira or バニラ / banira) *technically there is no 'v' sound in Japanese

Fang - Katakana (ファング / fangu) Japanese (牙 / kiba)


Heartless - Katakana (ハートレス / haatoresu) Japanese (心が無い者 / kokoro ga nai mono)

Nobody - Katakana (ノーバディ / noobadi) Japanese (名も無い人 / na mo nai hito)

Unversed - Katakana (アンヴァース / anvaasu) Japanese (... I don't even know what it means in English -.-)

Keyblade - Katakana (キーブレード / kiibureedo) Japanese (either 鍵のような剣 / kagi no you na ken or 鍵みたいな剣 / kagi mitai na ken) *same meaning really, just two ways to say it

Light - Japanese (光 / hikari)

Darkness - Japanese (闇 / yami or sometimes you see it as 闇黒 / ankoku) *闇黒 is extreme darkness xD

Sora - Obviously... (空 / ソラ / Sora)

Ventus - Katakana (ヴェントゥス / ventusu) but when they say "ヴェン / Ven" they are really pronouncing it "Ben" xD


I'm done -.-

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my language


Heartless - hartloos

Nobody - niemand

Keyblade - sleutelzwaard

Light - licht

Darkness - donkerheid

Mickey Mouse - mickey muis

Donald Duck - donald eend

Goofy - goofy

Sora - sora

Ventus - ventus

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In Dutch


Lightning - Bliksem

Snow - Sneeuw

Hope - Hoop

Vanille - Vanille

Fang - Slagtand


Heartless - Harteloos

Nobody - Niemand

Unversed - Onervaren

Keybalde - Sleutelzwaard

Light - Licht

Darkness - Duisterniss

Mickey Mouse - Mickey Mouse (Mouse - Muis)

Donald Duck - Donald Duck (Duck - Eend)

Goofy - Goofy (Goofy - Stom)

Sora - Hemel

Ventus - Wind

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And Vanille isn't stupid? She's named after a flavour!


Still, it's a lot better than naming her "Vanilla" straight out.

Lightning (technically her name is Claire, which I like), Fang, Hope, and Snow (while all cool characters) have the most unimaginiative names in the FF series. In my opinion of course.

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In spanish


Lightning - Relámpago

Snow - Nieve

Hope - Esperanza

Vanille - Vainilla

Fang - Colmillo

Orphan - Huerfano

Heartless - Sin corazón

Nobody - Nadie/ Don Nadie like Mr. Nobody

Unversed - Versado

Keyblade - Llave espada

Light - Luz

Darkness - Oscuridad

Mickey Mouse - Ratón Mickey/Miguelito

Donald Duck - Pato Donald

Goofy - Tonto/ Tribilín

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I know a little French, but all I can figure out off the top of my head is:


Snow - Neige


Haha nice try, Snow = Neige. But in the game Snow is called in french... Snow ! Haha.

Nice i'm french and I know the french name ^^


Lightning - Lightning

Snow - Snow

Hope - Hope

Vanille - Vanille

Fang - Fang

The Shiva Sisters - Les Soeurs Shiva


Heartless - Sans-coeur

Nobody - Simili

Unversed - Nescients

Keyblade - Keyblade

Light - Lumière

Darkness - Ténèbre

Mickey Mouse - Mickey Mouse

Donald Duck - Donald Duck

Goofy - Dingo

Sora - Sora

Ventus - Ventus

I think it's all, if you want any other french name, just say me ^^

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