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Text Darkness in Wonderland

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Darkness In Wonderland




Sora woke up with no idea where he was. well...

ok it looked like a maze of mirrors. But not just any mirrors. they were covered in...

what was that? blood?rust?...how did he get here? where was Riku,Kairi,Donald or Goofy?

ANYONE?..well just sitting here wouldn’t get him anywhere. Sora stood up looking around.

walking forward. he could hear gears,yowls, insane laughter, written on one of the mirrors

written in blood was the words welcome to wonderland."wonderland!?" he thought shocked

"how was this wonderland?"...he knew he had been to wonderland before. this looked nothing

like what he remembered."what happened..to this place?" he wondered there was no one in sight.

ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!! a blood curdling scream filled the air right behind him Sora looked

up startled. a card solider with a huge bloody axe high above his head swinging it straight down

at the keyblader. Sora dodge rolled off. WTF he tried to summon his keyblade when a girl ran up.

she had a dark blue dress a white bloody apron with these strange symbols black and white striped socks

tall boots. "Alice?" Sora said shocked. how much had this world changed and why? Alice blocked

the cards axe with her knife slashing again slicing him in two, she'd grab the heart that floated up.

running off. Sora was shocked but regained himself chasing after her."hey! wait!" he called out he was

gaining on her but she was always ahead of him. soon she slammed into one of the bloody glass panels.

she went threw it!this whole place was always nuts...Sora hesitated. but did he dare? he had no idea what was beyond that

panel and he had no idea how twisted this world had gotten. he jumped threw bracing himself....


what choice did he really have? wait for another card solider to come? no thank you!but unknown

to Sora he left something behind. At first this boy looked like his reflection but had raven black hair.

but as he solidified and opened his yellow eyes. you could easily see he was completely different from the first boy.

Vanitas was finally free again. he'd been trapped in his other sleeping half; Ventus. for FAR too long. too bad for little Venny

just like there was always a light..theirs always a darkness too. this evil boy would smirk evily. "someday Ven ill get my revenge on all you did!"

he would think to himself filled with malice and out of this hate as always, a unversed would form from his hatred squirming

and twitching around on the ground. Such pathetic little creatures. he thought to himself."but can you feel it in the air?..this world..has so much pain, insanity,

fear, corruption,guilt and other negative emotions" he told the unversed his smirk growing wider and more insane. "that id say... we can have even more fun here on this

pathetic world!" he'd start laughing insanely. this WOULD be so fun..

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ok confused is vanitus in control of sora's body and did you get this from that alice in wonderland game that is completely different from the movie and stuff last i remebered she never had a knife except in that game

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ok confused is vanitus in control of sora's body and did you get this from that alice in wonderland game that is completely different from the movie and stuff last i remebered she never had a knife except in that game


vens heart was in sora for a bit whoever said he was gone...ill explain this later in other chapters why solve everything up front


and yes this story is a mix of american mcgees alice and kingdom hearts

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