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Which of Sora's different appearances do you prefer?


154 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of Sora's different appearances do you prefer?

    • Merman - (Atlantica)
    • Vampire - (Halloween Town)
    • Data - (Space Paranoids)
    • Retro - (Timeless River)
    • Lion - (Pride Land)
    • Santa - (Christmas Town)
    • Any others? Let us know below.

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Lion Sora was probably my favorite. I don't get why he was a cub though, considering he was a teenager when he entered the Pride Lands... He should have been a young adult or something along those lines. Wouldn't be as cute, though.

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I like Sora's KH3D outfit the best. Sora getting new clothes in KH2 was cool, and it still looked better than his KH1 outfit, but it always bothered me that it wasn't red. Sora's Valor form should have been the default costume, so I'm glad they changed it. But in the trailer it showed Sora and Riku in their KH2 clothes against MX. It'd be shame if their KH3D outfit is only going to be in KH3D. Out of the world based costume changes, Retro is my favorite.

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I say Lion Sora, mostly because of how impressive a job they did making him a cub without him looking too out of place. Makes me wonder if they'll be able to pull off Sora being an animal in other world.

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Merman Sora.



I'm surprised that all of Sora's forms from KHII isn't included in the poll. My favorite of the forms are Wisdom and Anti.

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