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(STRICTLY FOR GIRLS ONLY!!!) I just hate to...

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...Why did The People's Champ feel the need to open this thread...-.-


I guess I'll be on topic...


Know what I really hate? I have to buy pads for my mom...no lie. x.x

I always get confused what the hell to get, too. THERE ARE TOO MANY DAMN SIZES/KINDS IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! Dx


Off topic: I'm surprised that Cella hasn't graced this thread yet. :/


@ Aaron: you are my god now xDD

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I knowww. She'd probably say an awesome thing that would probably be an innuendo or an inappropriate thing to put on a public website. Or both. 8D

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Dude. D;

I hate it when you don't know when it is coming. Like for me, I can't tell when it comes, never have. So I like suffer the agony of being unprepared. xD


I just felt like sharing my whole view of this sort of topic. 8D



I COULD talk about my rage for the sticks, but I'd rather not. ;D



@Gun: LMFAOOO xD You should come home one day with the old lady diapers, and see what she does. xD

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Dude. Dude. Me too. Then you have the fear that some 'accident' may happen. ._.



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Dude. D;

I hate it when you don't know when it is coming. Like for me, I can't tell when it comes, never have. So I like suffer the agony of being unprepared. xD



I hate it when that happens

Totally disgusting when its random

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Yess i know how you feel.

i feel the pain.


Larxene12 Yes doing it at school is

worst thing eva!!!!!!


lol mine ended YAY!


it feels so good when you see you ended

gurrll i now how you feel !:D

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every girl does. lol.


I'll bet u anything that guys r gonna click on this thread and they're gonna be like,

O.o *scarred for life*




The immature ones anyway.

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lol Uh, Zach...if you posted here..then uh didn't see have to read everythin when it was for Girls only?? xD


*shifts eyes* ...no...

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One time on my math exam, i had to get a new paper to write on, and when i stood up, well.. let's just say my pants got all red.. xDD White pants + periods = PROBLEM

and it was 50 minutes till next break D:

Lol, i have never been so embarrased in my whole life! xD

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There's always that anxiety we get in fear of that happening. D;


I always am. xD I can't help it; I get really self-conscious and nervous. D:


Then we can't really wear whatever we want; unless we want something bad to happen. xD The way we sit or lay down counts, too xD...

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