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Kingdom Sora

Rebellion against Lord Death

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Years a silent figure has been taking the lives of the people who have committed crime or it's supposedly their "time". One man, who broke into a bank and murdered 2 people, met face to face with the supposed "Grim Reaper" yet was never killed. All other creatures, like espers or mages, are also in constant fer of this death deity. Finally they are putting a stop to the threat of the god once and for all. Many people, from mortals to angels, has joined the resistance to overthrow the Lord Death no matter what the cost. Yet lesser know deities of death has stepped in to stop all rebellions. With this supernatural war, the world may fall from this unheard of battle. Who will win in the rebellion against a god?


No god modding

Swearing is aloud but please keep to minimal

Must make posts 3 sentences long, no exceptions!!

No taking control of other characters without their permission

No killing other characters without their permission

Keep to the KH13 rules

Oh have fun as well :D

-Sign up sheet-


(mortal, angel, mage, deity of death)



Power: (only for deities of death and angels)

Bio: (optional)

Side: (you don't have to be a deity of death to be with Lord Death)

To make things a little clear, just because you are a god of death you can still die. You're just harder to kill, and that goes for the same for angels. I'll post my character sheet once a couple people post theirs.

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-Sign up sheet-

Name: Paul Jackson


Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon: Golden Rod and Sheild

Power: Light

Bio: An angel sent to Earth to protect the people from the war ahead. In life Paul was an actor who helped anyone who needed it and was unselfish.

Side: Good Side

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Ohh okay I'll post my character now

Name: Itami Shugo

Deity of Death

Appearance: http://ts1.mm.bing.net/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=1521807787028&id=687b9a631095b8b436acdd7fc013d287&url=http%3a%2f%2f2.bp.blogspot.com%2f_Hmvqx2TQ0ik%2fSwwCbTgKE2I%2fAAAAAAAAA9Y%2f3GP0o__IR4A%2fs1600%2fAnime-Boys-anime-guys-3786209-799-1023.jpg

Weapon: Two large daggers with a skeleton hilt

Power: Can conjure black flames

Bio: Itami isn't a very social person. He'll talk but only with people he knows and barely with people he doesn't. He'll fight when he has to and intends on ending the rebellion fast and easy so no one will get killed in the process. He doesn't like it when people die for no reason, if that happens he'll go balistic and kill whoever killed the person.

Side: Lord Death's side

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name: len





post-30078-0-13078200-1313886774_thumb.gifwithout chain scythe and has wings


weapon: sword


power: can make illushins


bio: no me not doing it


side: rebellion

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-Sign up sheet-

Name: Taji Machiko


Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon: Staff she uses to conjure her magic

Bio: (optional) Taji is set on ending the rebellion she is quiet but loyal to her beliefs. Taji works along side her friend Eiji for the lord of death. Although only when nessessary, she will kill people that are in her way to stop the rebellion.

Side: lord death

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FINALLY! Okay both accepted and we can start the Role-play now since we have enough people. The sign ups are still open for two more people but must be one for Rebellion and one fore Lord Death

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-Sign up sheet-

Name: Eiji (Eternity)

Deity of Death

Appearance: http://i942.photobuc...a1122/wwrqw.png

Weapon: Sythe

Power: Darkness

Bio: Eiji has always been alone until he met Taji. They have been together for as long as he can remember. He woke up in the middle of know where not knowing who anyone was or anywhere he was all he could remember was his name. He is very quiet around people but when he gets to know them he is outgoing.

Side: Lord Death

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the world hates me today


len was runing down a hall when he saw his chance to escape.why do i get stuck in this mess everyday len yelled runing to the exit he had.when he got there he slamed close the door.he turned around and saw he ran into the girls dress room.crap he thought runing for the window and jumping out of it.holy crap that sucked alot he screamed.

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Eiji was laying in the grass looking up into the stary sky thinking about things.

"its quiet.....its nice....."

He thought to himself as he closed his eyes relaxing in the calming night breeze.

"i wonder where Taji is......"

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Paul was ordered to return to the Earth and protect everyone from Lord Death. Paul just wanted to get it over with, he grabbed his Rod and Sheild and took off to Earth. Paul landed across from Eiji. "I wonder how much has changed since I died. I wonder if it is to late for me to see what happened to my family after I died?" Paul asked himself outloud, not seeing Eiji.

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Eiji heard soneone and opend one eye and glansed over at him.

"who is that guy........and why is he here.....?"

Eiji thought to himself. He decides to ignore him and closed his eyes again.

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Taji used her staff like a walking stick as she walked up to Eiji seeing his eyes closed she smiled a little to herself. She walked up silenlty to him and looked down at him.

" Hello!!" She said bending down smiling at him.

" You shouldn't fall asleep out here its not too smart."

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len was still falling.why did i jump out of the window anyways len thought trying to turn so he won't hit his head on the ground.he let out a scream as he came closer to the ground.holy crap he said hiting a car.owwww that hurt like crap len said quickly jumping off the car and runing off.he reached the place he was staying at for the time being.he ran inside and locked the door.he picked up his phone and checked to see if he had new messeges.

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Eiji opens his eyes and looked up at her a tad annoyed.

"hi Taji...."

He said smiling back at her slightly.

"its perfectly fine out here........"

He sat up and looked at her.

"im older then you....i should know whats safe and whats not..."

He said under his breath and then glanced over at Paul.

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Itami looked around and felt something like a radiating light. 'This light is definitely not from Lord Death's brigade. He must be part of the Rebellion!' Itami said as he started to jog toward the radiation. His knives appeared in his hands and started to sprint as darkness started to form over his body. 'Lord Death guide me on the fight that might be. Let your judgment be for the right!' Itami shouted as he ran as fast as he could. Then the light vanished out of nowhere. Itami stopped and dark flames shout out of his body. "Wait did the light just vanish?" He asked himself as he started to walk around. "I don't have time to walk, I need to find Eiji!" He said as he jogged away to where he thinks Eiji is.

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Taji sat cross-legged with her staff laying across her lap. She frowned a little at Eiji's remark.

" Uh...." She leaned a little to the side to look around Eiji at the strange man looking around the area.

" Who is that guy?" She whispered gesturing toward Paul. Taji couldn't remember ever seeing him before, is he part of the rebellion? She wondered her face suddenly turning serious.

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Eiji glansed over at her.

"im not sure who he is.....but he might be...."

Eiji said looked back over at the man.

"if he is.....theres no way im leting him keep his life......"

He thought.

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Taji stood up using her staff for support.

" hey." She said using magic to appear directly infront of the man.

" You shouldn't be here angel." She said a dark tone in her voice. She leaned against her staff looking at the angel.

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Eiji slaped himself in the face.

"you dont just walk up to an angel and tell him this....he could kill you....."

Eiji sighed and stood up and walked over slowly.

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len walked out of the house.he was trying to call paul and see if he had a phone too.he typed the number in and pressed the call botton.he real quick put it in his pocket and started runing to where he senced light and dark.this is so dumb he thought why does my phone go off when i'm about to do something better.he looked at his phone again.

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Itami finally made it close enough to see Eiji and a mysterious mage. "What the heck?" He said below his breathe and slid down the hill he was on. He started to sense a small radiance coming from a nebulous figure a couple feet away from them. 'That must be the resistant I sensed earlier!' Itami shouted inside his mind and got out his daggers once more. "Resistant! Step back from my comrades or I shall burn you!" Itami shouted loud enough so the creature could hear him. "Don't try to hide I can see you! And I can sense your radiance and I don't know that energy anywhere. I hereby claim you property of Lord Death! Drop all your weapons and slowly back away!" Itami added quickly. Black fire was burning at the end of his daggers and it seem to be aim surgically at the creature. "DROP ALL WEAPONS NOW!" Itami shouted louder.

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