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Yeah... uh, I am not good with introducing myself, sorry xD

Have read here some things over a few weeks and today I thought "Create an acc and go with it"


I started playing KH with KH 2 then BBS FM and finally KH itself.

However, KH: CoM (GBA) was the first time in which I ever heard of this game.

First I thought: Well, I hate card games and ignored it pretty much xD

Years later another friend of mine played 2 and liked it a lot more - that´s pretty much it.


Aside from KH I like to play games from the Tales Series and some other (J)RPGs and beat´em ups and doing other strange stuffy stuff like speaking to humans beings and trying to be a nice normal person. No, I do not want to rule over the world. Never.

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Hey there! Welcome to hell! KH13.com! I'm Hero :) Hope you like it here!


Any problems, concerns, questions, or anything else, please feel free to speak to any of the Moderators or Admins.

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Hey there and welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy this places as much as we do and make many friends in the process. If ya ever want anyone to talk to im usually open ^^

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Thanks a bunch, guys ^^

You will hear alot from me - at the latest when DDD is here and ready to be playd by me *_* *needs to buy a 3DS* xD

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