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If I've learned anything from the kingdom hearts series its that...

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pff, parents. who needs them when you can just leave your home and go to different worlds without ever even caring about what they think. oh and your 15, dont forget about that.



he never ate his dinner :'(

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I learned that I can use my wonderful key(s) in order to kick ass, plus fighting poor evil black cloaked people just because MY buisness is more important to me than helping them to become whole again! - outta mah way, mah boi, I hafta rescue a gal and bow down to another smexy guy. ´cause I took an arrow in the knee!

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I learned that instead of being buried your body disappears into many segments of light and flies up into the sky. I also learned that it is possible for your heart to be flung and stored into another person's body. And that one person can obtain up to many different hearts in their system at the same time.

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