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Which world has ur fav story?

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Okay, skipping out worlds that are painfully obvious like all the home world of the main characters, I would have to say Neverland and Monstro of KH1. Basically the two points in the game where you realise that Riku has betrayed you, or at least where Sora realises it. And I have to say those two worlds, particularly Monstro because of Gepetto and Pinochhio have great story lines to them.

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ok obviously all of the kh worlds (as i call them) are my favorites. these are worlds that are key to the story (castle oblivion, twtnw, twilight town, etc). out of these those, i have always felt attached to twilight town.


anyway out of the other worlds, i would have to say underworld/Olympus. one word : AURON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'd have to say radiant garden but just because of the awesome part in kingdom hearts 2 where you get to fight off 1000 heartless and fight demyx which is my favourite boss fight ever(dance water, dance)

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