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Video Dark Sora singing to ami!<3 (old)

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It's good and a nice thing to do but he should've add the instrumentals to the video so that it isn't just his voice and silence. Captain hindsight!

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It's good and a nice thing to do but he should've add the instrumentals to the video so that it isn't just his voice and silence. Captain hindsight!




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False, you sometimes may be left.


Even though this is a joke I still have to answer to this to confirm my former post. ami is referring to the correctness of my statement and not to my position. Also my position is relative. I can always be right relative to another object and the perspective from where my position is viewed from. Damn new smart-ass high score.

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Even though this is a joke I still have to answer to this to confirm my former post. ami is referring to the correctness of my statement and not to my position. Also my position is relative. I can always be right relative to another object and the perspective from where my position is viewed from. Damn new smart-ass high score.


Fool. You can also be left or up or down or somewhere else from a perspective. #BOSS'ed

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Fool. You can also be left or up or down or somewhere else from a perspective. #BOSS'ed


That is correct but I never denied that. I only stated that I am right at all times. Referring to the correctness of my statements and to my position. Because even if I am positioned left to something I will always be right to it also from another perspective. Well after this it is quite official that all my statements are correct. With my new-given powers I state that BondlessHero is gay. #pwned #SWPisalwaysright #Bondlessheroisgay

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With my new-given powers I state that BondlessHero is gay. #pwned #SWPisalwaysright #Bondlessheroisgay


False because Gay means liking someone of the same gender. I enjoy people of the opposite gender, I am male. And also False, Snow is. /shot

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False, Snow is. /shot


Again: I never denied he isn't. Stating one thing doesn't include another thing. Saying my position is always right doesn't include that I am never left. If I say you are gay, it doesn't include that Snow is not. Also: Snow is gay too. Peace bitches.

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Again: I never denied he isn't. Stating one thing doesn't include another thing. Saying my position is always right doesn't include that I am never left. If I say you are gay, it doesn't include that Snow is not. Also: Snow is gay too. Peace bitches.



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