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These people need to be a little more creative...

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Honestly, can't you come up with a better username than "roxas836" or something? We have dozens of users like this. I mean, I'm getting them all mixed up. All these "demyx"s and "roxas"s and "sora"s and "axel"s... All I'm saying is, be a little more creative, so that people might actually remember you if you talk to them after a long absence. Because this one guy I used to talk to -he was a demyx- comes back to me quite a while later and they're like "Hey! Remember me? :D" and I'm like "No. No I don't. I'm sorry, it must be because of your overly used username". ><


ummm... So yeah.. I just had a slight urge to do a little rant on that... I'm done now.


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I made mine back in June, 2009. So there wasn't that many Soras around. Plus of course I'm the most known Sora. But yeah I agree with you too many people use the same type of name.



Also my name was made creatively.

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I think they are creatively as long as there isn't numbers(123456789) in a row :D

Example: Sora96 is cool and Aqua7KH too. These names have special meaning.

But some Roxas836, like you said, isn't. But if these numbers comes from something special, like... '836 weeks after my birth I made this. So lets put 836.' xD

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I agree. I hate it when there's new post in the 'Introduce Yourself' section and it has like Sora-something or other. I mean, personally, my name might not be seen as creative. And I'll be perfectly honest, it isn't. When I thought Kingdom Hearts, I thought Keyblade. When I thought how I should describe myself I thought King. And then 12 came from my age at the time. But KK12 has stuck with for years, people who just decide to make a username and put "Name of main character" then another name or numbers really aren't being overly creative but then again, I supose it's okay if they're some of the younger members and they can't really think of anything else.

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My name is Rob. Why? Because I'm original, unlike the rest of you. lol Also, I'm the best known Rob on this site, which is why more people are having usernames with Rob in it.

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I chose mine because my other accounts on other sites at the time were Count DiZ and Darknessin0. Keepin' with the theme.


But yeah, I can barely tell half of these people apart. Numbers and I don't mix well.


Reflecting... I'm the only Ansem!

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I think I should change my name to Kairi321 to piss people of /no wait-

Haha I named mine after the Touhou meme thing HELP ME EIRINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN but that time my favourite Touhou character was Yakumo Ran so I just put HelpMeRan-sama I r creative.

And also I'm probably the only one who has a Touhou related name.


Hey Ventus.

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I lack a creative gene when it comes to creating a snazzy username.


Also I don't really care what others think... :U


When I first joined when there was barely anyone here there were sooooo many more "Kairi" usernames than any of the ones listed and I couldn't find a single firetruck to care if my username wasn't creative or not.

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I wouldn't exactly remember your username either. Just sounds like some typical japanese-anime character name thingy xD.

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  On 12/31/2011 at 3:59 PM, 'KairiSora06' said:

I lack a creative gene when it comes to creating a snazzy username.


Also I don't really care what others think... :U


When I first joined when there was barely anyone here there were sooooo many more "Kairi" usernames than any of the ones listed and I couldn't find a single firetruck to care if my username wasn't creative or not.


haha I lack it too. xD
  On 12/31/2011 at 6:15 PM, 'Kelvy' said:

I wouldn't exactly remember your username either. Just sounds like some typical japanese-anime character name thingy xD.


I know. My point is that if you make a username slightly different than a ton of other users than it's super easy to get it all mixed up.

At least when you see yuzuki you don't say "Which yuzuki is her....?"


And why do so many people associate anything Japanese with anime? xD I'm not even that fond of anime. I only watch a few. My username is a name that means spring and I was born in the spring and it's my second favourite season so... I thought it'd fit. (besides, I believe a lot of people still call me GIM anyway. maybe I should change it back considering there are only three GIMs and the other two don't really get on anymore...)


Also, I don't have a problem with people like Sora96. I mean, it's understandable if you joined back when there weren't that many members. But when it gets to the point of there being 12 "roxas" and counting... ><

It's just so confusing. haha

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