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PS Vita - General discussion

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The Vita is a system that has potential, but Sony has relied on 3rd Party titles for too long. After the big point was made that it was more powerful then anything this gen, the Xbox 360 can support Crossgame Chatting (ie. Xbox Live Parties) while the PS3 can't which is most likely why it 360 beat PS3.


The only game that I'm REALLY interested in is Army Corps of Hell.


I really hope Sony steps up their game.

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The Vita is a system that has potential, but Sony has relied on 3rd Party titles for too long. After the big point was made that it was more powerful then anything this gen, the Xbox 360 can support Crossgame Chatting (ie. Xbox Live Parties) while the PS3 can't which is most likely why it 360 beat PS3.


The only game that I'm REALLY interested in is Army Corps of Hell.


I really hope Sony steps up their game.


Herm, odd i though had alot of first pary support.Ps vita will cross game chat.360 has only sold 2 million more systems than ps3 and it's been out year longer.



North America Europe Asia North America Europe Maybe i imagine alot of those games.

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It's crazy, the Vita costs 150 dollars to make apparently, so Sony is actually selling at a prodit for once.

If they'd used their business model of selling at a loss, they could have offered the Vita for less than the 3DS' lowered price, and I'd bet you anything sales would have improved immensely.

Considering stores in Japan are already giving 20% off, I have no problem waiting for the price drop.

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It's crazy, the Vita costs 150 dollars to make apparently, so Sony is actually selling at a prodit for once.

If they'd used their business model of selling at a loss, they could have offered the Vita for less than the 3DS' lowered price, and I'd bet you anything sales would have improved immensely.

Considering stores in Japan are already giving 20% off, I have no problem waiting for the price drop.


They should sell it for 175$ and it will sell gang-busters.

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They could, but imagine if they sold it for 100 dollars? That's nearly unheard of.


I might buy it at that price. But the 3DS costs only around $100 to make, so they could match Sony at that price, and could go even lower if they decided to sell it for a loss. I am doubtful that would ever happen, for either company, ever, like I doubt anyone would even have the guts to suggest it.

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I might buy it at that price. But the 3DS costs only around $100 to make, so they could match Sony at that price, and could go even lower if they decided to sell it for a loss. I am doubtful that would ever happen, for either company, ever, like I doubt anyone would even have the guts to suggest it.


It costs 100 dollars to make, yes, but you should know that Nintendo doesn't make 100% profit on the retail price. The current price of the 3DS is actually sold at a lost for Nintendo.

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Herm, odd i though had alot of first pary support.Ps vita will cross game chat.360 has only sold 2 million more systems than ps3 and it's been out year longer.



North America Europe Asia North America Europe Maybe i imagine alot of those games.


That is one awful-ass post. Copy-Pasting from Wikipedia makes it look worse. I was talking about the Vita in general and most of those games were/are '1-shots' anyway. Vita is a useless system to have Cross-Game Chat on, your not always connected to the internet, and 1 year doesn't make a different, Wii outsold the 360 and that came out within the week the PS3 came out. I'm finished, and don't try to make some wimp excuse on how your points fail. THERE IS NO ESCAPE! :O

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It costs 100 dollars to make, yes, but you should know that Nintendo doesn't make 100% profit on the retail price. The current price of the 3DS is actually sold at a lost for Nintendo.


Yes, I do know (except the part about Nintendo taking a loss). But wouldn't the same hold true for Sony then? If the 3DS is sold at a loss at $170, when it costs $100 to make, that means there is at least $70 in other costs per 3DS sold. Assuming that the Vita had a similar amount "other costs", it would only be selling at a small profit. I doubt Sony wants to give up profit, and I doubt they would sell at a very big loss (of course, I don't follow Sony, so I have no clue how much was lost with each PSP and PS3).

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Yes, I do know (except the part about Nintendo taking a loss). But wouldn't the same hold true for Sony then? If the 3DS is sold at a loss at $170, when it costs $100 to make, that means there is at least $70 in other costs per 3DS sold. Assuming that the Vita had a similar amount "other costs", it would only be selling at a small profit. I doubt Sony wants to give up profit, and I doubt they would sell at a very big loss (of course, I don't follow Sony, so I have no clue how much was lost with each PSP and PS3).


Erm... I don't think you understand. The store you BUY the 3DS gets money as well.

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Erm... I don't think you understand. The store you BUY the 3DS gets money as well.


Nope, I am lost now. Okay, you said that the Vita costs only $150 to make, and Sony was actually making a profit. Then you talked about them selling the Vita for $100, to which I responded that Nintendo could match the price as the 3DS costs less to make than the Vita. You responded that Nintendo was already selling them at a loss, and they don't make 100% profit. To which I responded that extra costs (like advertising, packaging, etc.) would apply to both. Now you say that the store you buy a 3DS from gets money as well (which makes sense, because stores have to make money somehow), but would they not also get money from selling a Vita?


So yeah, I am not even sure where this conservation is going anymore...

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Vita looks like a great console but, *cough*steals3dsideas*cough*andsucksatittoo*cough* there really aren't any good games out at launch or near launch. The store is really useless unless I want to download Escape Plan and Plants VS Zombies. (No KH on PSN Store)


I'm only interested in MotorStorm RC, Street Fighter X Tekken (Want the exclusives), Ninja Gaiden ∑ Plus, and Dynasty Warriors Next. I'm not willing to shell out $350 just for 4 games. I really don't trust Sony. I don't think it's worth it, and I've played the demo unit at GS. It feels really uncomfortable. Hell, the CCP for the 3DS feels better, much better if I might add. Try convincing me if you wish. I'm also predicting a price-drop this year. :)

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I am the opposite :P I can't wait to get it, with the graphics and power of the console, I can't wait to see what happens. I am really looking forward to the Final Fantasy HD remakes, Lord of the Apocalypse, Ragnarok Odyssey, Persona 4 the Golden, future Monster Hunter, remote play with the PS3, sports game (Madden, Fifa), any Squeenix games...

Also I'm sure a Kingdom Hearts game will end up on it :P AND finally it's only 250$ :P I already had a memory stick from a gamestop deal so it's only 250$ for the console and with the games I'm getting at first will only cost me around 300$ to get everything going.

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Well since after the third week after it's release the original PSP had sold more in that week than the Vita had, then I'd say no, you can't use UMDs on them, they expect you to pay $250 plus however much it is for the games. I haven't even seen them being sold in any stores either, weren't they supposed to be released in september? Of last year?

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