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Lu Xun

Do you take a portable game system with you when you travel?

Do you take a portable game system with you when you travel?  

140 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you take a portable game system with you when you travel?

    • Yes, more than one.
    • Yes, I always take a DS.
    • Yes, I always take a PSP.
    • Yes, I always take another system.
    • No, but I usually have a laptop with me.
    • No, I don't take games when I travel.

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Do you take a portable game system with you when you travel?




Yes, I usually bring my DS(which now will be the 3DS instead) and my PSP.



And you guys?


P.S- Sorry, internet problems. Only fixed now.

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I'm visiting family friends right now.


Yes, I have my PSP and my 3DS with me. x3


I have a good number of games for my 3DS, the only non-3DS game I have with me right now is Days. xD

For my PSP, BbS is pretty much the only thing I play. :P I have Crisis Core, just don't really play it. And I have LittleBigPlanet in a file on my PSP, as I got it from PSN when they were giving away 2 free games per user to apologize for the hacking. xD

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I have my psp that i hacked out of bordom that i take everyplace with me, includes a 16 gig micro card that holds 6 psp games, 600 songs, about 20 videos that total about a hour and a half, some playstation games, and when i get bored i fire up the DOS emulator and play some minesweeper on windows 95

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For a couple years now, I've lost the interest of taking games with me when I'm outside or traveling. I play all my games inside. My great great great grandson does the same.

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