Tails 6,692 Posted December 28, 2011 So do you think that Nomura should put out an HD collection of past KH titles? I think that he (and Square-Enix itself) should totally do it. it would introduce tons of other people to the franchise and become a fan of the KH series. I think that they should put KH1, KH2, and BBS. With BBS as part of the collection, i would like for it to have a function where you can transfer your data from the PSP version onto the PS3 HD version. Kinda like with what Hideo Kojima did for MGS Peace Walker HD port. it would really save me the trouble of getting the characters to lvl 99 again. I would also would like for it to include the stuff that was added to the Final Mix's as well. Like the boss battles, new keyblades, Limit Form, and those stickers as well. It would really make a lot of fans of the series, as well as a lot of newcomers of the series, a better reason to buy it. But yeah, what do you think? Do you think Nomura should make a HD version of past KH titles? And if so, what stuff do you think they should put into it as well? I know he said he's been thinking about it. but I want opinions on what you think of the idea? 6 Anthony17, TheApprenticeofKingMickey, xBerserkerSaix07x and 3 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icarus 161 Posted December 28, 2011 Of course, but I think they would only do KH, KH Re:COM, KH2. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spectrum of Life 188 Posted December 28, 2011 If there's money to be made, I have no doubts that they'll put one together, especially since the PS2 and its games seem to be phasing out of retailers more quickly than before. That and being a Milestone Year.and all. 1 Caity reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimmjow 839 Posted December 28, 2011 You are aware that you are posting this in a Kingdom Hearts forum right? OF COURSE WE WANT AN HD COLLECTION!!!! KH FM, Re:CoM, KH II FM, BBS FM HD Remix vor 150 bucks.... sold. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
khoathkeeper13 429 Posted December 28, 2011 I think at least they should remake KH1 in HD or my life will remain incomplete but the more the merrier~ and of course they would ALL have to have the FM content, I still wanna fight all those secret bosses... and Roxas Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishira 2,854 Posted December 28, 2011 Oh Squaaarree~~~~ *holds out cash* If you want it~ then you better make one~~~~~ 4 Kinode, Oishii, Zenithia and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnsemTheWise 1,114 Posted December 28, 2011 Only if it's the Final Mixes... I'd get it even if it was just 1, ReCoM, and 2. But still, I have the FMs and want more value for my HD buck! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Uncle Dolan 963 Posted December 28, 2011 Seriously? FIRETRUCKIN' YEA! KH1 is in need of some serious revamping. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J. Severe 1,137 Posted December 28, 2011 YES. YES. YES. Let me go into detail though: Kingdom Hearts III is still years off, right? I'm sure that new, potential fans of the series could be coming in - But if they got any of the recent titles, they'd be lost in the story. How do you fix this? Kingdom Hearts HD collection! While the DS and PSP titles can still be found in stores, the PS2 games aren't too prominent, as the PS2 is over a decade now. Therefore, it'd be wise to remake Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts II for current-gen system such as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 (and the WIi U, if possible, because that'd just be delicious!). That way, you get in more fans who will surely buy more games in the series, and the current fans are happy because: "ZOMG IT'S KH IN HD AND IT'S ON THE PS3 AND STUFZ YAAAAY!" But why stop there? If they choose to include KH Re:CoM, the Japanese folks know it as bundled with Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, so then, unless they want to cause confusion (and we all know they don't, 'cuz Nomura just LOVES them Japanese, don't he?), they'd be smart to make the remakes of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and KH2 FM+." But what about America and Europe? There be payin' customers there too. Hey, why take the time and remove all of that content you remade for Japan? Just keep it there, swap the audio and text for English, and ship it over there! That way, we get the content we missed out on years ago, but now it's better than that of which we missed, so all is forgiven! And if they'd be so nice... a secret ending that teases KH3? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png In my opinion, this would be great for the 12th anniversary of the series next year. Nomura already said he was looking into an HD technical demo for KH1... Could the idea have expanded since then? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png 2 Zenithia and xBerserkerSaix07x reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 5,571 Posted December 28, 2011 As I've said in all the threads related to this.......I want a Final Mix HD collection(which is what you all want). I know the HD collection won't be the 10th anniversary surprise(clearly KH3D). Companies are doing HD remasters and collections(at least having some other company do the remaster for them) and Square is late to the party. Look at BBS and Monster Hunter Portable 3rd(PSP), which came out a month before BBS, Monster Hunter was the first game chosen to be in the PSP remaster to be released on PS3 while nothing happened with BBS, but a Final Mix on PSP, which could have been used for the PSP remaster program or to be included in a HD collection if made. But as shown...... Only Square Enix. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exlon 165 Posted December 28, 2011 If they did, they shouldn't do it too soon, 'cause the PS3 and 360 gotta be replaced within the next few years or something. Maybe. I don't know what I'd do if they remade Re:CoM though...I don't really want to play it, especially after how Re:coded was kind of like playing a scrappy copy of the original game. Except CoM adds a lot of important story to it. I just don't want to revisit old worlds like that again. I have Re:CoM, but I haven't played it because I don't want to deal with the stupid card system. O_O#! 1 Zenithia reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exodaze 491 Posted December 28, 2011 I've been looking forward for the announcement since PSP MH3rd Remaster came about! I really wish they could do it just in time for the 10th year anniversary!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zenithia 305 Posted December 28, 2011 tutti frutti. They should, especially if we're willing to spend hard earned paper to get our hands on it, why not? If there are a number of gamers who are willing to buy what is needed to play the Final Mixes, that should be some type of obvious sign that there are people out there willing to pay money for them. I for one would be among the list to reserve the games, if not buy them day one, for all of the extra content. If Nomura seriously doubted that that the Final Mixes wouldn't really sell outside of Japan, then to me it sounds like he doesn't have that much faith in the series. At the very least he could do what Nintendo did with the re-release of Super Mario All Stars and only ship out those that are reserved. But Nonetheless I would buy the Final Mixes without question. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xBerserkerSaix07x 125 Posted December 28, 2011 YES. YES. YES. Let me go into detail though: Kingdom Hearts III is still years off, right? I'm sure that new, potential fans of the series could be coming in - But if they got any of the recent titles, they'd be lost in the story. How do you fix this? Kingdom Hearts HD collection! While the DS and PSP titles can still be found in stores, the PS2 games aren't too prominent, as the PS2 is over a decade now. Therefore, it'd be wise to remake Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts II for current-gen system such as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 (and the WIi U, if possible, because that'd just be delicious!). That way, you get in more fans who will surely buy more games in the series, and the current fans are happy because: "ZOMG IT'S KH IN HD AND IT'S ON THE PS3 AND STUFZ YAAAAY!" But why stop there? If they choose to include KH Re:CoM, the Japanese folks know it as bundled with Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, so then, unless they want to cause confusion (and we all know they don't, 'cuz Nomura just LOVES them Japanese, don't he?), they'd be smart to make the remakes of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and KH2 FM+." But what about America and Europe? There be payin' customers there too. Hey, why take the time and remove all of that content you remade for Japan? Just keep it there, swap the audio and text for English, and ship it over there! That way, we get the content we missed out on years ago, but now it's better than that of which we missed, so all is forgiven! And if they'd be so nice... a secret ending that teases KH3? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png In my opinion, this would be great for the 12th anniversary of the series next year. Nomura already said he was looking into an HD technical demo for KH1... Could the idea have expanded since then? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png couldnt have explained it better myself!totally agree! 1 J. Severe reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrownKeeper13 688 Posted December 28, 2011 I want an HD remake of KH, KH2, KHBbS, and Days for the PS3/360. It makes the most sense. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DragonMaster 1,166 Posted December 28, 2011 It would be cool, but it probably wouldn't come out on a system I own... I think it would make the most sense to put in KH, KH Re:CoM, and KHII. BbS could also go in, but it is fairly recent. Days and Re:coded can both be played on a current gen system (3DS), so no need to include them (though I wouldn't be against a "3D" collection for 3DS, with the graphics raised to KH3D's level). Final Mix versions are pretty much a must. While highly unlikely (like, I would be completely shocked if it even was considered), a KH "Ultimate Edition" would be amazing. Basically every KH game in an HD collection, Final Mix and Re versions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheKingdomkid 1,194 Posted December 28, 2011 i have said it before and i will say it again. of course i want on with final mix bonuses or course and with the 10th anniversary only three months away anything could happen, but lets not forget that Dream Drop Distance is also coming out in three months and i really hope that that is not the surprise nomura has been talking about for about a year or a little more come on that would just dissapoint fans i mean he said it would be a surprise and Dream Drop Distance is anything but a surpirse i mean we have known about it since E3 2010 so he better have something better like news on an HD collection or something other than that i can dream cant i Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 5,571 Posted December 28, 2011 I want an HD remake of KH, KH2, KHBbS, and Days for the PS3/360. It makes the most sense. Though Days won't be remade since it's already in 3D, unlike COM, which was why it was remade. Plus, you'd have to do the whole game over to make it look like Re:COM, which is longer than redoing KH1, KH2, BBS. Just saying. While highly unlikely (like, I would be completely shocked if it even was considered), a KH "Ultimate Edition" would be amazing. Basically every KH game in an HD collection, Final Mix and Re versions. I totally see a KH "Ultimate Edition" happening if the people working at Square were robots lol, but sadly they aren't. Besides, we want the games to come out sooner, not years later. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sammi 63 Posted December 28, 2011 Of course, but I think they would only do KH, KH Re:COM, KH2. I'd like that - and for the collection to be put on the PlayStation Network and available for both the PSP and PS3. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PrinceWatermelon 59 Posted December 28, 2011 I think there should be a KH HD Collection, yes. I would definitely buy it, and I know many others would too. As stated earlier above this post, it would be a great way for newcomers to get into the series. PS2 Games are rarely found in Gamestops now, and I went to Toys R Us with my dad for christmas shopping. While there, I overheard someone looking for a PS2 game of some sort. There is no PS2 section. How are the new fans supposed to figure out the story? There's only so much a present KH game will tell. Why not at least port KH I and II (Re: CoM if you want) to PSN? There are PS2 classics on there now, so why not? Even better, an HD collection with those games! Birth By Sleep for story purposes. Mr. Nomura, I know you are extremely busy, but at some point in the future I would love to see a Kingdom Hearts Collection on the PS3, or on multiple consoles. Perhaps you could make that a 2013 release if you have no other KH game planned for that year, assuming you are sticking with what you said about one Kingdom Hearts game per year. Sorry about me acting like I was talking to Mr. Nomura even though he won't read it. I don't know why I wrote it that way, but I'm too lazy to change it now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomKatherine 272 Posted December 28, 2011 Yeah!! But they should only use major games like bbs, kh1, & kh2 1 Nikolasvanitas reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomKatherine 272 Posted December 30, 2012 So do you think that Nomura should put out an HD collection of past KH titles? I think that he (and Square-Enix itself) should totally do it. it would introduce tons of other people to the franchise and become a fan of the KH series. I think that they should put KH1, KH2, and BBS. With BBS as part of the collection, i would like for it to have a function where you can transfer your data from the PSP version onto the PS3 HD version. Kinda like with what Hideo Kojima did for MGS Peace Walker HD port. it would really save me the trouble of getting the characters to lvl 99 again. I would also would like for it to include the stuff that was added to the Final Mix's as well. Like the boss battles, new keyblades, Limit Form, and those stickers as well. It would really make a lot of fans of the series, as well as a lot of newcomers of the series, a better reason to buy it. But yeah, what do you think? Do you think Nomura should make a HD version of past KH titles? And if so, what stuff do you think they should put into it as well? I know he said he's been thinking about it. but I want opinions on what you think of the idea? Psssst... Look where we are now Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tails 6,692 Posted December 30, 2012 Psssst...Look where we are now You DO realize this thread was made before Nomura even announced the KH 1.5 ReMix, right? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomKatherine 272 Posted December 30, 2012 You DO realize this thread was made before Nomura even announced the KH 1.5 ReMix, right? It was a joke Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites