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Chuck Norris Thread

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ok basicly i got this idea from a chuck norris poster in government class so her how it goes u put chuck norris jokes like " Chuck Norris does not wear a condom. Because there is no such thing as protection from Chuck Norris." or " Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas." u can use pic's or do what i did with a sentence

ok u understand?

i'll start


Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him

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Leading hand sanitizers say that they can kill 99% of germs.


Chuck Norris can kill 100% of whatever the firetruck he wants.







...Chuck Norris is 71. Wrap your mind around that.

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chuck norris doesn't read books, he stares at them till they give him the info he wants

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

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Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life there.

A blind man once stepped on Chuck Norris' shoe. Chuck replied, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Chuck Norris!" The mere mention of his name cured this man blindness. Sadly the first, last, and only thing this man ever saw, was a fatal roundhouse delivered by Chuck Norris.

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chuck norris dosn't need twiter he's already follwing you. there once was a street named chuck norris but nobody crosses chuck norris and live's. every night the boogie man check's his closet for chuck norris. oxogen need's chuck norris to live.chuck norris dosn't leave messages he leaves warning's

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chuck norris dosn't need twiter he's already follwing you. there once was a street named chuck norris but nobody crosses chuck norris and live's. every night the boogie man check's his closet for chuck norris. oxogen need's chuck norris to live.chuck norris dosn't leave messages he leaves warning's


dang somone beat me to the boogeyman one

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Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for 65 million years. Then Chuck Norris got hungry again.

If you misspell Chuck Norris on google, it doesn't say "Did you mean________" It says "You better haul ass outta here"

Magicians walk on water, Chuck Norris swims through land.

Chuck Norris doesn't consider it sex if the woman lives.

I clicked on a link that said "Chuck Norris Dies" As soon as I did, my computer crashed.

God said "Let there be light" Chuck Norris said "Say please"

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Chuck Norris can defeat Sephorith just by starring at him.

Osama Bin Laden didn't die from bullets, he had a heart attack when they hold up a picture of Chuck Norris *oh christ I'm gonna get so much hate for this one*

Chuck Norris once stomped his foot.That was when Pangaea broke up.

Chuck Norris knows where in the world Carmen San Diego is.

This post was chuck norris approved.



and I made all of these up on the spot ^w^

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How was the Universe created?


Chuck Norris played a Arm Wrestle game with God and won.


After that, he used God's lighter to increase his fart's power and thus the Universe was created.

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How was the Universe created?


Chuck Norris played a Arm Wrestle game with God and won.


After that, he used God's lighter to increase his fart's power and thus the Universe was created.



Chuck Norris fact: Chuck Norris i actually afraid of god's power, so he went and asked god for his strength. God gave Chuck a tiny crumb of his strength. And Chuck Norris became invincible.

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Chuck Norris...

- created the giraffe by upper cutting a horse

- CAN believe it's not butter

- can touch MC Hammer

- has a dollar, and you have a dollar, and he still has more money then you

- when Chuck Norris does push ups, June doesn't go up, he pushes the world down

- can run around the world so fast that he can punch himself in the back of the head

- win the 1970 world series of poker with the 4 of hearts, 7 of clubs, a get out of jail free card and a green number 3 UNO

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