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I really don't get her...

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First things first, I'm not saying I want her back, I'm not saying she wants me back. We both have moved on, I'm just confused as to why she acted like this.


So last Friday I was over by my high school trying to sell some ad space(long story). I met up with an old friend of mine from high school, he's in college now too, and we both decided to take the train we used to when we were in high school. So when we got to the train station we ran into some friends who were still in high school. We got on the train and as we were moving to find seats my ex(she is my friend's ex too) said," Oh crap, hi Mike" So she seemed almost excited to see him, but didn't say anything to me, I didn't really think anything of it.


Then when her stop came she ran down to where we were standing to say good-bye to him and she ignored me again. Now the only reason I thought about it was because my friend brought up the question why was she so happy to see him. So I started thinking and I had no idea.


Now I've given it some thought and it doesn't make sense. The reason they broke up was because he cheated on her. The reason we broke up was because things stopped being easy and we just didn't really see us going any further(we both sort of gave up). So why would she be happy to see the boy who cheated on her, but ignore me?


I'm not really looking for an expert opinion/answer, just like some ideas I guess. Also, I kind of wanted to just get this off my chest, as I do with a lot of things that have to do with my ex haha. Anyway, some feedback would be nice, but if this thread slowly starts to get buried I wouldn't mind that either. Okay, bye.

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I'm not an expert on the female brain, but I will say this--

  • She may be ignoring you because she still has feelings for you and she's denying them.
  • She does not like you, and wants nothing to do with you.
  • She felt like being a douche to her ex-boyfriend.
  • She wants to make it clear that she never liked you in the first place, and she probably won't ever will.

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I'm not an expert on the female brain, but I will say this--

  • She may be ignoring you because she still has feelings for you and she's denying them.
  • She does not like you, and wants nothing to do with you.
  • She felt like being a douche to her ex-boyfriend.
  • She wants to make it clear that she never liked you in the first place, and she probably won't ever will.

I agree. But don't get mad. Girls always go after the guys who treat them like shit.

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Way I've heard it, when a girl is the one who dumps a guy, she gets over it more quickly/easily. But when a guy dumps her...ohh how she misses him.


I've never dumped anyone, but my boyfriend broke up with me three months ago. I didn't start feeling a little bit better until the past week. Then I cried again last night. So yeah. ._.

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Well dont let it bother you, the best way to get back at a girl, is to show her you dont care, & what she did really confuses me to :huh: , maybe you got her mad or something, or maybe she still cares about you & is trying to make you jealous, idk Girls are confusing????

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Well first off, I'm assuming you dated her after your friend so my advice is to not do that period. Going off that assumption, your break up is more recent and just because you broke up doesn't mean it gets any easier when you're not dating, especially having not talked. I wouldn't put too much thought into it, she doesn't seem like she'd be worth the effort. And believe it or not women (I'll generalize this to girls for discussions sake) are offended more by emotional betrayal than a physical one, not saying your break up is worse but it probably hit her harder than the guy that cheated on her.

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us females are complicated, yes, but have you ever thought that she forgave her ex for cheating on her and now they're cool? She may still feel awkward about being near you though. just give her some space.

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Way I've heard it, when a girl is the one who dumps a guy, she gets over it more quickly/easily. But when a guy dumps her...ohh how she misses him.


I've never dumped anyone, but my boyfriend broke up with me three months ago. I didn't start feeling a little bit better until the past week. Then I cried again last night. So yeah. ._.


D: That's terrible Exlon. Me give you big virtual hug.

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us females are complicated, yes, but have you ever thought that she forgave her ex for cheating on her and now they're cool? She may still feel awkward about being near you though. just give her some space.


Eh, frankly, I'd be more upset about the guy who cheated on me, but whatever. Being cheated on is as much emotional betrayal as it is physical.


D: That's terrible Exlon. Me give you big virtual hug.


And thanks, Apprentice. It feels pretty sucky sometimes. I only got out of being suicidal starting last week (went on for a couple of months...). I had to shut up about it though, or else my friend would freak out again and report the way I acted to the grownups (and school principal). *sighs*

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I think she's upset over the fact that the two of you didn't last. Talking to your friend is probably a way to get back at you.

As Exlon said, us girls tend to be the most upset when we're the ones dumped.


But...I don't know. Isn't your boyfriend cheating on you equivalent to being ditched? :P I'd think so.


Amen to that


Amen actually means "Let it be so." :P *being obnoxious*

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